Date: Sep 13, 2019 9:00 pm Title: CHAPTER 3
Wow. I'm glad Jen finally saw sense and how Daphne stood up for Brian. David is turning into a pretty good guy. I know Michael is in pain but he's not acting in a way that isn't suspicious.
Author's Response:
Hey, Phyllis! Yeah, David wised up... thank heavens. But, I do have to wonder if Michael is just in too much pain to care... besides, you know how he always feels everybody should cater to him.
It should be a fun flight home!
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Sep 13, 2019 5:02 pm Title: CHAPTER 3
Great chapter. I'm glad that David is wising up and sending Michael home. Although, part of me wishes he was going to take him there personally, I understand his need to be away from the whiny idiot as soon as possible. If it were me, I would have been plotting a hundred and one ways to push Michael into oncoming traffic while making it look like an accident. However, I think Michael being summarily dismissed as a nonentity, and being shown in a way that he's not David's endgame is a really good move. Somehow, I hope those particular medical records/ x-rays find their way to the Pitts P.D. when- not if, but when- Michael gets arrested. Could he possibly be detained by the FAA for causing such a horrific scene on the return flight to Pittsburgh? Hmm... just saying, LOL
Looking forward to more!
Author's Response:
It's always fun reading a review from you... Not sure about the FAA-hmm... anyway... however will Mikey manage on the ride home?
Thanks for reading.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Sep 13, 2019 9:09 am Title: CHAPTER 3
Obviously David knows Michael is the villain so why isn’t he offering up that information ?
Author's Response:
I had to think for a little bit before trying to figure the best way to answer you. I guess I could say, David is offering up Michael to the wolves... he has to go back to Pittsburgh with a very bad RIGHT knee and a split lip... and let's not forget Justin woke up wondering why Michael was at the Prom. It shouldn't take much for the pieces to fall into place. But let's see what type of lie Michael might try to spin first.
Thanks so much for continuing to read. I hope you enjoy what else I have planned.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Sep 13, 2019 6:39 am Title: CHAPTER 3
That's not fucking fair!!!! You can't leave us hanging like that!!! Please update soon!!!!
Author's Response:
Hey, Lori... It's half-written. The bumbling idiot has to take that plane ride by himself! hehe!
Thanks for reading, hon,
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Aug 20, 2019 1:32 am Title: CHAPTER 2
Is it wrong of me to hope that David keeps intentionally bumping the bastard's knee? I really do wonder what David will do with this new information. Considering that he's a doctor, he could lose his medical license due to withholding key information such as this. However, I understand how and why he is so desperate to make things work with Michael. The real question he needs to ask himself is: What could and would Michael do to him if he could have the heart to attempt to kill Justin based on some perceived slight?
Another question that should really be to the forefront of David's mind is: What would Michael possibly do to Hank if David didn't give the idiot enough attention the way Brian stopped doing when Justin entered the picture? If David takes the time to think rationally with a modicum of emotion about the consequences to himself and his son, then perhaps David will be so inclined to do the right thing NOW as opposed to waiting until he can't get rid of the murderous bastard in Portland.
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Author's Response:
I have to wonder if you are somewhat of a mind reader, or do you have a long lens, powerful magnifying glass? Since the next chapter has been written for a while, I almost thought about adding that 'bumping knee' suggestion. But alas, reality settled in, and Michael is sitting in the aisle seat. Hmm, maybe there can be a late-comer onto the plane... *wink*
Thanks for reading.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Aug 19, 2019 5:03 pm Title: CHAPTER 2
Michael sure knows how to play innocent and lie through his teeth, both at the same time.
Thank goodness David answered Vic's phone call. Michael is not going to get away with the shit he pulled. Glad David cut the jeans Michael was going to try and impress Brian by wearing something too tight. I hope he over medicated himself too.
David knows now that he did it. How is he going to be able to be remain seemingly unknowing for the remainder of the flight is beyond me.
Author's Response:
It's interesting you mentioning Michael playing innocent... I think he has spent his whole life perfecting that trait.
Yes, David's got his suspicions, but that is what they are... but what will he do? Just how bad does he want Michael?
Thank you so much for reading,
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Aug 19, 2019 3:11 am Title: CHAPTER 2
Now we find out if David will do the right thing
Author's Response:
Hmm, what will David do? That's a big question. Just how bad does he want Michael?
Thanks so much for reading,
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Aug 18, 2019 10:47 pm Title: CHAPTER 2
Great chapter. Dislike Michael so much. Fantastic writing.
Author's Response:
Thank you so much! I kind of dislike the guy, too.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Aug 18, 2019 9:44 pm Title: CHAPTER 2
I'm sure that David doesn't want to believe that Mikey was capible of doing such a thing.
Author's Response:
No, you are right, but the evidence is kind of inconceivable, don't you think? Hmm, what will David do?
Thank you for reading!
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Aug 18, 2019 8:08 pm Title: CHAPTER 2
Oh this is good! David may be an asshole, but he's good at his job and he is clever too. He already thinks that Michael didn't fall. Then, the police found the blood and the bat. How long will Michael hold on to his lie?
Author's Response:
And your back! I hope you are enjoying it. Poor Mikey is all drugged up with not a care in the world. I do see a rude awakening for him, though. Advil just may not cut it!
Thanks for reading.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Aug 18, 2019 7:43 pm Title: CHAPTER 1
I have a strong feeling of "déjà vu" and I realize that there currently is another story from the same bunny. It should be interesting to see how both stories evolve.
Michael, with his small brain, thinks that the attack will fall on some straight student (why not Chris) so he will be able to go with the motion like he did nothing. What about the blood he spat and the fingerprints on the bat? I hope he will feel safe for a moment and that the police will track him down, slowly, very slowly. It won't change anything regarding Justin's state, but it will be interesting to see if Michael finally goes to Portland or if he remains with Brian. I also hope that Daphne will find out who attacked her friend and will be able to speak her mind, loudly and publicly.
Author's Response:
Hey, Sno! Thank you for reading. You mentioned the other story. Yes, I am enjoying that one, myself. I think right now Michael has a sense of false security. Yes, he thinks Justin has had his last dance. Foolish man!
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Aug 18, 2019 6:54 pm Title: CHAPTER 1
well I would say I love it but you know I do! As usual, your work is great and I whenever i see an update um like taking my sweet time to read so the chapter won't end quickly. please don't leave us hanging too long! love xoxo lori
Author's Response:
Thanks Lori... you are always a bright spot. My beta has been pretty bogged down... but it should get better now. FYI... Next chapter is finished.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Jul 19, 2019 2:56 am Title: CHAPTER 1
Absolutely loved the first chapter- your description of Micheals actions and his innner thoughts was really in character and believable for me.
I never personally saw Micheal as being much of a long term thinker- he is clearly more the type to react in the spur of the moment out of anger like you described here, when things don’t go the ways he wants. In the show we frequently see him take advantage of situations to be manipulative or hurtful and cause trouble when the opportunity has been presented to him. And when angry he lashes out causing maximum hurt and disruption for those around him when things don’t go his way, without really considering what he’s doing.
What always really annoyed me in the show was that Micheal never had to deal with any consequences of his manipulations, inconsiderate behaviour or thoughtless nasty words... so I can’t wait to see where you take this and look forward to Micheal hopefully getting what he deserves for once ;)
Author's Response:
Just saw your review in my junk file. Sorry I haven't responded sooner.
I do plan on Michael not getting away with it, no problem there. I agree with you how easily Michael always got away with being hateful. The Anniversary Party, Senator Baxter's party, the list goes on. So I have no problem sticking it to him.
Thanks so much for your support,
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Jul 02, 2019 3:27 pm Title: CHAPTER 1
What a coward! Vile human being. He’ll get his due.
Author's Response:
Sorry it's taken so long to respond, but I just saw this.
Michael is exactly what you described him as... and yes, he will get his due!
Thanks for reading and reviewing. It means a lot!
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Jul 02, 2019 1:32 am Title: CHAPTER 1
Very different point of view. Never heard it from Michael's crazy brain. Cool!
Author's Response:
I never put much past Michael... I think he's capable of all evil.
Thanks for readmg,
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Jul 02, 2019 1:21 am Title: CHAPTER 1
Wow. Can't wait to see how Mikey gets caught out. He will be caught won't he?
Author's Response:
No fear of that... I never plan 'Michael Redemption' .... guilty!
Thanks for reading, Phyllis.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Jul 01, 2019 3:15 am Title: CHAPTER 1
I love it! I really like the idea of Michael remembering his own failed prom night as the catalyst to his attack on Justin.
Michael’s reaction to watching Brian dance with Justin is a great example of his jealousy.
Thank you so much for taking up the bunny! I promise I will try to be patient while waiting for an update!
Author's Response:
Thanks, Deb. I do hope if they are not able to bring your bunnies back to life, that you have them all written down some place. and can start posting them soon. They are great inspiration. Anyway, I want to thank you again for this great idea you had.
The next chapter is already halfway written, so you won't have too long a wait.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Jun 30, 2019 10:07 pm Title: CHAPTER 1
That little mutha... yeah, I'm emotionally charged right now, and wishing like hell that I had a death scene already in the works for Michael. I can't wait until he gets caught! Hopefully, that wonderful hunk of DNA sample he left within the garage will be noticed... and soon!
Looking forward to MORE!
Author's Response:
Ah, I gotta hand it to you, Nichelle, I was wondering if anyone would pick up on that little tidbt! Congrats!
Thanks for reading!
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Jun 30, 2019 7:46 pm Title: CHAPTER 1
So I didn't read it yet, I want to wait for a couple more chaps so I can enjoy a longer read but I am so effing happy um smiling like an idiot!!! um gonna be praying day and night for the next two chaps! but um probably gonna break and read before your update! happy dancing bitches. love. lori
Author's Response:
Lori, Lori, shame on you! Well then, just sit and wonder... hehe
Next chapter will be posted soon, darlin.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Jun 30, 2019 7:25 pm Title: CHAPTER 1
Wow, really looking forward to more of this. Intriging plot-line and can't wait to see Deb's reaction when they find out what her baby has done "now". But she'll find some way to blame Brian.
This is Michael to a T, reacting without thinking and selfish, so selfish, he thinks everything is about him.
Although one good thing, if Michael still plans on getting on that airplane...with his knee broken it's going to be agony for him, broken bone, possible bleeding on the inside of his kneecap, the pressure of the cabin on the plane, oh yeah, it will be severe agonizing pain. Hell they might not even let him on the plane, but who knows.
Can't wait for more, thank you for sharing your words with us.
Author's Response:
Thanks, Bec... It's so nice to hear good things from writers you look up to. And I'm going to say it again, when is your next story coming out?
I have to tell you... your right... agonizing plane ride coming up....
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Jun 30, 2019 7:21 pm Title: CHAPTER 1
OMG, this is so good. I have disliked Mikey in so many stories (and he wasn't a favorite during the show), but now I truly HATE him. You have written it so well to bring out the emotions perfectly. Never would have thought of this take on the scene as everyone thought it was Hobbs. Fantastic idea and writing.
Author's Response:
Thanks Marilynne, it means a lot for your continued support. Our dear, widdle Mikey is so easy to dislike/hate... it was fun to put his evil, jealousy to paper.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Jun 30, 2019 6:31 pm Title: CHAPTER 1
Oooh so happy tk see this, absolutely hooked!
Author's Response:
Thanks for checking it out, Nicole. I wasn't sure if I wanted mine posted first or not. When yours came out, I was happy to see it fifteen years later. As Deb said, everybody has different perspectives. And the fact yours will be MANY chapters, mine will be short and sweet. (well, not for Michael.)
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Jun 30, 2019 6:31 pm Title: CHAPTER 1
Awesome start!! Can't wait for more. Loving it.
Author's Response:
Thanks so much, Sandy. It's always nice to hear something like that from a great writer as yourself,
HUGS ~Cathy