Date: Aug 09, 2019 8:49 am Title: CHAPTER 5
Hey Cathy,
First, does anyone want to tell me just why at 4:25 EST I'm up reading this? LOL Early to rise does have its privledges sometimes. And OH what a delight it was to read this uninterrupted from the possibly the busiest house in North America!
I'm so glad that Brian is realizing he acted in haste when he kicked Justin out. I was especially happy when he heard the disparaging comments of Michael and Lindsay for himself, and reacted accordingly. Then his conversation with Ted and Emmett shed light in some deliberately darkly hidden places for him, from both their point of views and that of Melanie. Now he can fully see he's been doing exactly what Lindsay wanted when setting up her Happy Heteronormative Haven delusion. Sometimes all it takes is an enforced look into the rearview mirror of life to see where you've been and where you're heading to change your destination at your own whim, instead of others. I think Brian is just about ready to do that since he'll now know what to look and listen for.
Daphne is such a little spitfire and I LOVE that about her. She didn't give Brian an inch, even while acknowledging his concern. Justin telling her the truth was definitely needed. I'm glad that she advised Brian to talk to Michael while divulging BIG tidbits of fact, while still maintaining Justin's privacy. Now THAT is a TRUE BEST FRIEND!
I do hope Brian will take her advice and talk to the worm (apologies to worms everywhere because although you're slimy, you're not malicious). He'll, of course, try to lie his way out of his misdeeds, which hopefully won't work as it has in the past. And who knows? Maybe with the new information, the managers at the Big Q will fire his nonexistent ass, too. But I'm still routing for Mel or Deb to discover where all of Brian's 'missing' items of clothing, and such, are.
The other things stolen are for the police to uncover, which hopefully will also happen so Brian can be informed that the loft door was already open when they got there. But the things Michael and Lindsay took should have to be answered for; first by Brian and the family, then by the police. Lil' Satan and Lilith need their asses burned in the most effective ways possible!
I really am enjoying this! Keep up the good work!
Author's Response:
I answered all reviews, leaving you for last... Hmm, I wonder what THAT means... trying to get my thoughts sorted, I think.
Do you realize how hard it is to come up with new material? I think I have a really good idea, and then Viola, I read it in one of your stories. (You know what I'm talking about.) With the thousands stories I've read, you almost think everything out there has been written, but occasionally a new idea will form. Take for example, Daphne telling Brian they grew up locking doors, which in their neighbor, doesn't seem farfetched. I remember how Debbie said she never locks her door... so to come up with something unique, is fun. Then you ruin it!!! *hehe* So, stop thinking like me! (or is it the other way around?) Anyway, hopefully I can still pull out something that will be different.
As far as, Lil' Satan and Lilith, Nobody can match your name calling. How you come up with those names, is beyond me. But, all that aside,I felt the same as you. A TRUE friend is going to HELP their friend, not stop them from Living and Breathing. What Brian decides is anybody's guess, but hmm... I think he even surprised me!
Thank you so much Nichelle. Your reading and support has meant so much to me,
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Aug 09, 2019 6:27 am Title: CHAPTER 5
Still loving this and fast paced stories are good for me!
Deb L
Author's Response:
Thank you for saying that about the fast pace. It makes me feel better.
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Aug 09, 2019 5:53 am Title: CHAPTER 5
Soo looking forward to more chapters and Lindsey and Michael getting what they deserve. Great job !!!!
Author's Response:
Thank you, Cathy. I'm happy you are enjoying it.
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Jul 30, 2019 12:39 am Title: CHAPTER 4
Wonderful chapter. Love this story. Great writing.
Author's Response:
Thanks, Marilynne. It means a lot. I hope you will continue reading. Next chapter up soon.
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Jul 29, 2019 7:19 pm Title: CHAPTER 4
With these fabulous living conditions, Justin will certainly not regretting Pittsburgh, except for Daphne and Brian! He also will have a great opportunity to learn all about art.
The pictures are amazing.
Author's Response:
Thanks Sno! I thought if Justin had to live away from home, I wanted him to have creature comforts. it took some time to find the right pics, but it was fun looking.
Thanks for reading. Next chapter up soon!
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Jul 29, 2019 2:55 pm Title: CHAPTER 4
Hey Cathy,
I hope the fact that Michael basically got out of trouble means that there is MORE TROUBLE brewing for him. Lindsay, too! The games they play with people's lives deserve a punch to the throat and some real hard lessons delivered!
As for Justin, I think Daphne would be able to handle the news concerning Michael's threat to her extremely well, and in very efficient ways. Even in this fic (which is also how I LOVE to write her within my own), she's extremely intelligent and does NOT seem easily intimidated. Besides, I think she certainly needs a reason to corner Brian at this point. After all, under what better set of circumstances would Daph have to tell him about the asshole his so-called best friend really is, and to confirm the fact that Justin really DID put the alarm on the loft? Yeah, she needs to be told for so MANY reasons!
I love the addition of Aunt June. She seems real down-to-earth, and the fact that she hates Craig is a BIG PLUS. Too bad Jennifer can't see what an asshole her husband is, and is uncomfortably reminding me of how I viewed Deb, both in the series and while writing. As long as the crap Craig pulls is done to Justin and not her, then she can keep her distance from the situation while continuing to live her very comfortable lifestyle. But as soon as what he does affects her directly, she'll be up in arms and ready to divorce the bastard, when she should have done so in regards to the safety and wellbeing of her son. That whole 'needs of the whole family, not just your desires' thing burned me up at the time, and it still does. How could she not acknowledge the mental and emotional abuse being meted out at Craig's hands in reference to Justin?! But that's just me ranting, so feel free to snap me out of it.
Anyway, hopefully June can help Justin make a life for himself, and his impending foray into fatherhood. I can't say that I feel sorry for Brian, since he really should have checked all the facts, or better yet LISTENED instead of just reacting on a very wrong inclination when he kicked Justin out. But I am looking forward to him finding out that his so-called friends are really his Enslavers, and that despite the circumstances, Justin Taylor will always land on his feet with or without Brian Kinney. He's certainly more MAN than mealy-mouthed Michael!
Author's Response:
Feel free to rant away! I know how riled I can get myself. I get so caught up in reading some of your chapters, after I leave a particularly scathing review, and then calm down, I berate myself thinking, Martha Mae, this is just a story!!
I already sent off my next chapter, and hmm... let's just say... Daphne is... nope, not gonna say.
As far as that part about Jennifer feeling she needed to do what's best for the whole family... it was always a sore spot with me. Better for who? Certainly not a seventeen-yr-old boy trying to come to terms with his sexuality. While she allows him to flounder, she sat in her cushy home!
Thanks for reading!
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Jul 29, 2019 1:51 pm Title: CHAPTER 4
Michael and Lindsay are evil and should not be allowed to get away with it. Daphne is a must have for getting in tough with. She does need to know about the threat in order to avoid it. Justin's aunt is great and the background story is wonderful. I hope the glass she dropped wasn't expensive. The first question out of my mouth would have been 'Does you mom know?" Then I'd be pissed because she kept it quiet.
Author's Response:
Hey, Phyllis, my crystal goblet I had to replace one time was $15.99... so not REAL expensive, but, not cheap for one glass. The next chapter is already with Kim, and although we don't get June's reaction... well, next time.
Thanks for reading,
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Jun 14, 2019 11:09 pm Title: CHAPTER 3
Oh crap, another reason te hate Michael! I hope the police find him and Brian talks to Justin
Author's Response:
Oh crap, another reason te hate Michael!
Do we REALLY need another one?
Thanks for reading and commenting.
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Jun 14, 2019 11:00 pm Title: CHAPTER 2
I have always hated Mikey for so many reasons, I hope Justin is able to get to Brian and explains he DID set the alarm with Daphne's help. Have no idea what Brian is going to say about the baby when he does find out...soon hopefully
Author's Response:
I'm aware my response is very late in coming, so sorry about that. I'm trying to catch up on all of them tonight, and I saw you wrote one way back that I wasn't aware of. I want to thank you for reading and reviewing.
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Jun 14, 2019 4:35 pm Title: CHAPTER 3
Michael may think he has the upper hand, but he will soon find out that someone is smart enough to trick him. Although how Justin is going to react to this threat?
Evil cliffhanger!
Author's Response:
Thanks Sno... it means a lot that you are reading and commenting.
I hate cliffhangers, don't you?
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Jun 14, 2019 4:17 pm Title: CHAPTER 2
Too bad Justin didn't throw up on Michael's shoes.
I hope we will see Daphne and Justin a lot in this story: I love their friendship and how Daphne is punchy and not afraid of Brian.
Author's Response:
Oh, Sno. I just saw this. Oh I wish I would have thought of that! Throwing up on Michael's shoes! How very classic that would have been!
Thanks for reading and reviewing!
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Jun 14, 2019 1:44 pm Title: CHAPTER 3
OMG! I hope that Justin won't be naive enough to give into Michael's demands! I also hope that the campus of St. James has security cameras. I mean with the tuition they charge, surely they can afford them? I'm hoping that Hobbs gets questioned and in trouble, too, but with the photos and evidence against Michael, losing his job at the Big Q is going to be the least of his worries. HELLOOOOOO STALKING CHARGE!! And there isn't anything ANYONE will be able to do, or in this case will WANT to do to help him.
I have to wonder though, did Lindsay help the village idiot come up with this plan? He would certainly have been in contact with her to keep her informed of if/when Justin makes any appearances on Liberty Avenue's side of town. Not only that, but... well, how would Michael even really know where to look to find Justin? Other than the one time he and Deb took Justin home BY CAR- not the bus, there wasn't any other time that he would have had a reason to be in the vicinity.
Looking forward to the next chapter!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Author's Response:
I'm hoping that Hobbs gets questioned and in trouble, too...
Hmm.. nice thought, but Justin hasn't really had any 'trouble' with Hobbs yet. Still early in the school year. So other than a few snide comments, no interactions that would warrant Hobbs involvement.
Thanks so much for your support, Nichelle. It means a lot!
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Jun 14, 2019 12:28 pm Title: CHAPTER 3
Mikey is in BIG trouble. Brian isn't talking to him and Daphne has proof he's skipping out on work. Bye, bye, Big Q.
Author's Response:
Bye, bye, Big Q.
Nice thought, huh???
Thnaks for reading and commenting.
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Jun 14, 2019 11:04 am Title: CHAPTER 3
Oh what a great chapter. And, just one more time for me to dislike Mikey more and more. He is the worst character and I love when people make him even nastier. Didn't like him in the series and still don't. Terrific writing.
Author's Response:
I love when people make him even nastier.
Yes, my sentiments exactly.
Thanks for commenting,
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Jun 13, 2019 1:01 pm Title: CHAPTER 2
Mpreg is my secret obsession ... TAG
Author's Response:
Thank you, Tag. It's also the VERY last topic I ever thought I'd handle. Mine, unfortunatey, will not take on the humor and talent your Stud Series did.
I appreciate the review.
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Jun 09, 2019 6:42 am Title: CHAPTER 1
More, much more please :-)
Author's Response:
Your wish is my command. A new chapter was turned into my beta, tonight.
Thank you for reading and reviewing. It really means a lot to me.
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Jun 07, 2019 1:23 am Title: CHAPTER 2
Good thing that Michael hasn't got any idea what's up with Justin. Maybe someone saw how rude Michael was and will tell Brian.
Author's Response:
Hmm, could we get that lucky?
Thank you for reading and reviewing. Your support means a lot tome.
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Jun 06, 2019 4:37 pm Title: CHAPTER 2
Great chapter. Oh I can't stand Michael. I didn't like him in the series and I don't like him now. But, I know in the end that Justin will be the one to be with Brian. At least I hope so. Fantastic writing.
Author's Response:
Thank you! Oh yes, my stories would never NOT end without B/J together. There's plenty of angst and drama ahead before we get there,though.
Thank you for reading and reviewing. Your support means a lot to me.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Jun 06, 2019 4:35 pm Title: CHAPTER 2
Hi Cathy,
Great update! I can't wait until Brian finds out who the real culprits are! Hopefully, Justin will be able to get a message to Brian some other way, without the yapping shitzu being able to run interference. Looks like Justin has some major decisions and moves to make regardless of having Brian in his life or not.
Can't wait for the next update!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Author's Response:
Thanks, Nichelle. Your reading this means a lot to me. I've got chapter three done. I'm not sure how some of put out many thousands of words a chapter, but, oh well. Next chapter took on a mind of it's own. It wasn't planned at all. So, I hope it's okay.
Thanks for taking the time to review.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Jun 06, 2019 3:13 pm Title: CHAPTER 2
that's just cruel!!! we NEED more!!!! btw got ur mail but surfing between 2 emails is driving me craycray! lots of love!
Author's Response:
What was cruel??? Justin got the last word in!!!
Send me an email with the preferred address I should use. Sorry about that!
Thanks for reading!!
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Feb 03, 2019 7:33 pm Title: CHAPTER 1
Looking forward to more chapters
Author's Response:
Thanks so very much for reading and reviewing. I'm happy you liked it, and I'm already working on Chapter two.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Feb 03, 2019 12:49 pm Title: CHAPTER 1
Super début j'espère que vous allez bientôt lire pour la suite, j'ai hâte
merci beaucoup
à très vite j’espère
Author's Response:
Je vous remercie pour vos aimables paroles. Ils signifient vraiment beaucoup.
Merci d'avoir lu et relu.
Travaille déjà au chapitre deux.
HUGS ~ Cathy
Date: Feb 03, 2019 5:59 am Title: CHAPTER 1
Love the pics you included! And I can’t wait for more. I’m excited about this story!
Author's Response:
THANK YOU! That means so very much to me. When I first thought abut the premise, I wasn't sure I could do it, but many notes and pictures later, I thought, WHY NOT? I'm really glad you feel that way. Thanks for reading and reviewing. Already working on chapter two.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Feb 03, 2019 1:21 am Title: CHAPTER 1
Interesting start. Can't wait to read more.
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading and reviewing. It's nice to know you're looking forward to more.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Feb 03, 2019 12:43 am Title: CHAPTER 1
This was really good! I loved reliving 'Night 2' through Justin's POV. It gave the entire chapter life and movement, starting in Babylon and ending with the horror and hilarity of the moment. I could have totally seen a scene like this occurring in the series, sans the whole MPREG thing. LOL!
I can't wait for the PITA ASS-ociation to get caught in their fuckery. I'm sort of hoping that it's Mel or Deb, who finds the evidence of what the idiots have been up to, and BEFORE Brian has a chance to ruin things with Justin. I know it can be deemed as unrealistic, but hey, a gal can live in hope, even as the two resident dumbasses live in their delusions.
I can't wait for the next chapter!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Author's Response:
Ahh, thanks Nchelle. I was a little leary putting the whole 'lost condom' thing out there, but I wanted something different than the normal condom breakage. I hope it didn't come off a 'yuck' moment. I figured the loft robbery was different too, so hope their reasoning came off okay. At least they can be totally surprised when there really IS a robbery.
HUGS ~Cathy