Date: May 29, 2019 6:10 pm Title: Teddybear and More About Brian
Old Trout! That is the perfect name for Lindsay cause that is the face she makes when her plans fall apart and she is trying to come up with a convincing lie lol
So Michael intercepted or write the letters?
What A Maroon!!
Whatever they come up with to make Michael suffer should be funny and very clever.
Thanks For the Update 😃
Date: May 29, 2019 4:44 pm Title: Teddybear and More About Brian
Great chapter. Another twist to the plot. Love it. Terrific writing.
Date: May 21, 2019 1:29 am Title: He's Gonna Be The Daddy!
Great chapter. Ted and Jenny is a perfect idea. Wonderful writing.
Date: May 20, 2019 6:38 pm Title: He's Gonna Be The Daddy!
Love the see you next Tuesday reference!!
Still loving your writing. This is my fave of the five!
Deb L
Date: May 20, 2019 6:27 pm Title: He's Gonna Be The Daddy!
Magnificent fireworks! It was coming from everywhere! Justin and Ben were especially biting.
I didn't get Jenny's joke "I won't be there next Monday, see you next Tuesday OK?".
Date: May 20, 2019 5:58 pm Title: Getting out of Jail...and Getting to Know Ems
Ew, gross! Michael and Justin? Poor guy!
Jenny, Mel and Gus living with Brian will be a nightmare for Lindsay.
Date: May 20, 2019 5:27 pm Title: He's Gonna Be The Daddy!
Well Lindsay thought she would get some extra money from Ted and now we can have Michael instead, if I was Mel I would make sure everything is in Lindsay's name on Monday and that the support for Gus is moved and only Mel and Brian have access, but leave Lindsay $50 in the account for both of they have a joint account.
Ted is the father Jenny is proud to call Dad he loves Jenny with his whole heart and cherishes her to the moon and back.
Michael tossing his child aside for a potential boyfriend is beyond Cold and Heartless he doesn't deserve Jenny.
Ewww He Doesn't Wash His Hands After Going To The Bathroom?!?!!
And Ewww with his attempt at flirting with Justin that is so nasty and he better stick withnMr. Wonderful cause Justin's As a had a Never Gonna Happen Sign Super glued on it!
It is always Fun to beat Lindsay at her own game.
Yes she and Michael should definitely live together with her Nasty Ads Attitude and Michael just being Nasty they would make wonderful roommate since neither Mel.Or the kids are coming back😆
Date: May 20, 2019 2:01 pm Title: He's Gonna Be The Daddy!
I'm with Lindsay-What is so funny? Whatever it is I'm sure Michael and Lindsay won't like it and Jenny wins.
Date: May 15, 2019 5:46 pm Title: Getting out of Jail...and Getting to Know Ems
Had to re read again and it disgusts me that Lindsay was so willing to help Michael that she just ignored how this would affect Jenny her daughter.
Why is helping Michael give up his rights to his daughter more important than protecting Jenny or considering how Mel and Gus would feel about this?
Michael and Lindsay deserve whatever pain is coming their way
Date: May 07, 2019 9:37 pm Title: Another for Justin and Hello Sapphire
The bunnies are a great idea and a good change of pet, instead of cats.
Drew is an amazing catch for Emmett; I hope it's headed this way.
Date: May 07, 2019 7:50 pm Title: Getting out of Jail...and Getting to Know Ems
What is Micheal thinking?? no, he did not stood a chance with Justin. How that triple date would turn out? Micheal is stupid for ignoring being father of Jenny. Hope Deb give him a load smack, & Lindsay deserves too.
Date: May 07, 2019 5:07 pm Title: Getting out of Jail...and Getting to Know Ems
Michael and Justin? Ewwww!
That is a nightmare I hope never happens Justin is too mature for that child and Michael drags everyone down with his stupidity.
Not surprised he wants to give up his rights to Jenny she is more of an adult tan he will ever be and besides Brian has always been more of a father to her than an uncle anyway, Deb is going to be so pissed when she finds out that she might chase Michael with a neat cleaner instead of just smacking him upside the head.
Emmett being a millionaire is a good for him he will be smart with his money and let it go unlike some.
Lindsay is going to get her add handed to her if she doesn't stop meddling and trying to orchestra everything to get satisfaction so she can keep everyone focused on her.
Mel needs to realize that Lindsay is not going to change and that her sanity and the kid's sanity is more important.
Date: May 07, 2019 3:48 pm Title: Getting out of Jail...and Getting to Know Ems
Interesting. Emmett is rich and a father! Nice. Does Deb know that she's no longer a grandmother?
Date: May 07, 2019 3:22 pm Title: Getting out of Jail...and Getting to Know Ems
Oh, this was fantastic. Love all the twists and turns of the plot. Like Michael would ever have a chance with Justin!!!! HaHa. Terrific writing.
Date: May 07, 2019 9:14 am Title: Getting out of Jail...and Getting to Know Ems
Give me a break Michael does not stand a chance
Date: Apr 29, 2019 10:50 pm Title: Another for Justin and Hello Sapphire
Great update. The bunnies sound so cute. Love how this story is going. Terrific writing.
Date: Apr 29, 2019 5:49 pm Title: Another for Justin and Hello Sapphire
Pearl did quite a matchmaker and a bulldozer! lol
Lindsay is a Bitch who is gonna pay for the way she is treating Gus because she can't play Queen of the Manor.
Justin is making quite a lot of progress and moving into the house is just one of the starts he needed.
Having a cute baby rabbit to take care of and share with Brian will help them get closer will giving Justin inspiration to draw.
Date: Apr 29, 2019 3:36 pm Title: Another for Justin and Hello Sapphire
Lots of secrets and a bunny. Very interesting.
Date: Apr 29, 2019 1:36 pm Title: Another for Justin and Hello Sapphire
So happy , that Justin is trying, moved in BriTin. Fear of ex is still lingering but Justin will fight back.
And Welcome to the newest addition. Jewel and Pearl in match-making. Yess, gonna be so much fun to read. Love the girls. ^_^
Date: Mar 05, 2019 5:21 pm Title: Kvetching and Etching
Michael doesn't a child as wonderful as Jenny now a kick in the Ass (If He Had One!) would be better and save everyone from his need to be the center of the universe for five minutes anyway.
Ted would and has been a better father to Jenny while Michael as usual pouts from the sidelines she deserves to be a kid not cater to one.
Brian and Justin have made quite a progress and Justin drawing again is another step closer to him finding himself again in the light instead of hiding in the shadows.
Emmett is a widow and Yes is avoiding dating?
oh this dinner is going to be very interesting!
Thanks for the Update:)
Date: Mar 05, 2019 4:57 pm Title: Kvetching and Etching
Wahhh. With each new chapter I always want more!!!
Date: Mar 05, 2019 2:48 pm Title: Kvetching and Etching
Big improvement between Brian and Justin: long contacts.
Poor Jenny; she doesn't deserve the mess she is in.
Date: Mar 05, 2019 1:21 pm Title: Kvetching and Etching
Great update. Love Ted & Jenny's conversation. Thank you for making her more Mel than Mikey.
Date: Mar 02, 2019 12:38 am Title: Mel
I am so enjoying this unusual story. Looking forward to more secrets :-)
Date: Feb 26, 2019 6:12 pm Title: The Reunification in Germany and Therapy
Wow! Need to find out more secrets because these are amazing.