Date: Mar 03, 2019 10:06 pm Title: Chapter 10
Great chapter. Love that they are starting to understand each other feelings about being a slave. Now, if I were a writer, which everyone should be happy that I am not LOL, I would find a way to free slaves. I can only see happy endings !!!! Terrific writing.
Author's Response:
I am glad that you liked the chapter and are still giving this story a chance :)
You might not be a writer (I am sure you would be a great one! It's all about making yourself happy with what you're creating :)), but who says that the writer of this story doesn't agree with you and didn't go down that road? Hmmm.... only one way to find out out...
More will be up soon!
Date: Feb 20, 2019 9:12 am Title: Chapter 8
It’s nice that everyone is so accepting of Brian. I can see how it would be hard for him though. TAG
Author's Response:
Brian deserves to have some friends and family in his life. After everything he has been through, he deserves some good times :)
More will be up soon!
Date: Feb 18, 2019 12:12 am Title: Chapter 8
Great update. Brian had every right to be upset. That was rude of Ben.
Author's Response:
I am glad you liked it :)
I wouldn't necessarily call it rude, I am sure Ben only had good intentions. We know he's a good guy :)
More will be up soon!
Date: Feb 17, 2019 9:04 pm Title: Chapter 7
A great reunion scene! TAG
Author's Response:
Thanks for your comment :)
I am glad you liked the reunion. More will be up soon :)
Date: Feb 11, 2019 12:25 am Title: Chapter 7
Great chapter . So happy for Brian being back with his weird, but loving family. Fantastic writing.
Author's Response:
I am glad you liked the chapter :)
Yes, Brian deserved to have some more people on his side that loved him!
More will be up soon!
Date: Feb 04, 2019 3:28 pm Title: Chapter 5
Horrifying flashback. TAG
Author's Response:
Yes, it was horrifying :( All the things poor Brian has already been through... it's a good thing he is with Justin now and that those days are over for good.
Thanks for your comment! More will be up soon :)
Date: Feb 04, 2019 12:49 am Title: Chapter 6
Fantastic chapter. Love the way the story is going now Great writing.
Author's Response:
I am glad that you loved the chapter and like the story as well :)
Thanks for your comment! More will be up soon :)
Date: Jan 28, 2019 10:12 am Title: Chapter 5
Broken soul. You couldn't have come up with a better terminology. For that's exactly what all sick bastards did! Again, it started with Craig! Craig made that first punishment something painful and memorable, and then turned around and made sure it would happen time and time again to Brian. But to think that doesn't even rank in the top five, I shudder at what else Sap might have done to Brian.
The comic sounds like a good thing, but I can see Brian's hesitancy. If Sap ever got wind of it, who knows what type of retaliation Sap might do to Justin. Sure, he's a white, upper class citizen, but he's not beyond Sap's twisted mind. And I hardly think Craig would stand up for his son. But Justin does have the LAAS backing him. And if anything ever DID happen to Justin at Sap's hands, I can only imagine what Sap would have to answer to.
Apparently, the slave laws definitely need changing. It's a sad day when a decent human being gets treated worse than an animal, although, animals don't deserve to be treated wrongly, either. But Brian needs to realize, if he had not given his okay, Justin would not have gone ahead and used the 'Cattle Drover'. Justin respects him, regardless what people made him do. Brian just needs to believe that.
I shot you an email. Just an FYI.
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
Yes, it all started with Craig and he sure did a number on Brian, but what followed in the years afterwards... I really just wanted to hold Brian close and give him a hug :(
I get Brian's hesitancy concerning the comic as well. He has been living a life for years where he had no right to speak up for himself or defend himself and fighting back, even in the way that Justin suggests, is something that hasn't been on Brian's radar and the possible consequences are of course very scary to him :(
Yes, the slave laws need changing and that is something that will come up again over the course of this story. I've painted a pretty bleak image there of the society our boys live in, but as talked about with previous chapters, slavery still exists even nowadays and if we just look 200 years back... Slaves were treated worse than animals which is something that sickens me. How humans can regard other humans with as little respect is beyond me :(
Brian is slowly starting to understand that Justin respects him and his wishes and I am sure that given some more time, Brian will learn that he has a choice and a right to an opinion as well :)
Thanks for your comment! More will be up soon :)
Date: Jan 28, 2019 9:17 am Title: Chapter 4
Wow, Wow, WOW!! The emotions were on overdrive in this chapter. Granted, as hot as the sex was, it was done with so very much emotion and love, it overtook the actual act.
My heart wrenches every time Brian has a memory of those years. Men using and abusing him for their sick acts. Gotta wonder how often Brian even managed to come. I can only hope the sick fu*ker's used condoms.
And yes, what an overwhelming knowledge that must be for him, to finally have and know that someone LOVES and CARES for him. Worries about him and wants what is best for him. Like I said, so very much emotion in this chapter.
I almost did a double take when I read: He had finally come home after years of having been lost. The very first ever story I wrote, which is posted somewhere, (and soon will be here, too, and I do a little bit of rewrite) two sentences I wrote was: You may have gotten lost for a little while, but I waited for you to find your way home. Now you have and I know you won't get lost again." Great minds must think alike, huh?
I hope you didn't think I abandoned your story. I know I missed reading last weeks chapter, (because here I am, now) but since I entered the writing challenge on MW, I have been researching and writing, plus trying to catch a chapter here and there. I'm taking your sentiments to heart, and finally believing that running might not have been best for Brian. Justin will do his best to help erase those years, and maybe towards the end, Brian's four years of hell will be a distant memory. YOU, my friend, can make it so.
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
Awwww, I am glad that you liked the chapter and the sex that the boys had :) As you said, it was about so much more than just the actual act.
Yeah, Brian is still working on coming to terms with how much his life has changed in recent days since Justin has bought him. After what he has been through, who can blame him?
That is funny that you used the 'coming home' reference as well in one of your stories. To be fair, I think it's a fairly popular statement, but I totally agree on the great minds and all ;)
Oh don't worry, I know how RL goes and how we can all get busy at times. I am currently on a 3 week long business trip and basically just uploaded the last two chapters while sitting in airport lounges. Sometimes there just isn't any time. I know and get that, so don't worry if you miss a week or something. I won't hold it against you ;)
Thanks for your comment and more will be up soon :)
Date: Jan 28, 2019 1:46 am Title: Chapter 5
What a powerful chaper. Great writing.
Author's Response:
Thanks! I am glad you liked it :)
More will be up soon!
Date: Jan 22, 2019 5:42 pm Title: Chapter 4
Nice. TAG
Author's Response:
I am glad you enjoyed it :)
More will be up soon!
Date: Jan 21, 2019 5:20 pm Title: Chapter 4
Thank you for not making us wait. The anticipation is great, but waiting too long is frustrating. Glad they love each other. Terrific writing.
Author's Response:
Yeah, I decided I would be nice for a change ;) This story is gonna be hard enough on all of us even with them having sex ...
I am glad you enjoyed it!
More will be up soon!

Date: Jan 14, 2019 2:51 pm Title: Chapter 3
It's not as easy as Justin thought it would be.
Author's Response:
No, unfortunately not :(
More will be up soon :)
Date: Jan 14, 2019 6:18 am Title: Chapter 3
I can see how this is going to be really hard for Brian to adjust to... TAG
Author's Response:
Yes, it will be - poor Brian has really been through a lot in recent years :(
More will be up soon!
Date: Jan 14, 2019 5:46 am Title: Chapter 2
I like the premise of Justin trying to get Brian back. That’s a different twist on the story than I’ve seen before. TAG
Author's Response:
Yeah, that was what made this idea so intriguing to me. I have read some stories that had Justin as a slave, but never one with Brian as the slave and that idea really intrigued me for some reason ;)
Date: Jan 14, 2019 5:29 am Title: Chapter 1
Okay, I’m game. Bring it on! TAG
Author's Response:
Glad to see you back :)
Date: Jan 14, 2019 3:41 am Title: Chapter 3
strange. Poor Brian. Please update
Author's Response:
Strange? What? Why?
Yeah, poor Brian indeed :(
As mentioned before, the story will be updated regularly once a week!
Date: Jan 13, 2019 10:02 pm Title: Chapter 3
Oh Happy Day! I was a little worried with the way the chapter was going, but you worked it out for us. I fully understand Brian's attutude though, There is no way, after what he has been through for 4 1/2 years, that he would have any trust left in him. For evem to trust Justin, to him, meant disappointment. But thankfully, Justin finally got through to him.
I read your last response to my review, and I STILL have to stand by my choice to beat the shit out f Craig and RUN! If he had gotten out of Pittsburgh, and farther, he might not have been caught. But you said something about it being worse for him if he had been caught? Well, what could have been worse than what he had suffered for 4 1/2 years by those sick bastards? They could have strung him up and mutilated him, but he wouldn't have been much of a pleasure slave anymore. And the pain would have been a one-time thing. The way it was, he suffered many years, many times. Nope, beat that Craig to an inch of his life. I know I sound - whatever - but it probably doesn't help matters that I was looking at old fics on MW last night from 2008/2009, and found one about the catholic church and Craig Taylor was one of the priests, and yes, Brian and Justin, were under his watch. (I think you can guess the story from there.) I only got the gist of it, by reading comments. Not sure yet if I could stomach it. Needless to say, Craig Taylor is on my shit list right now. Hmmm... I think I might have to write a one-shot where something evil befalls Craig, just to get it out of my system.
I did catch where Justin told Brian that in the loft, they were Brian and Justin. I would suppose if they were in public, Brian would have to hold tight to the obedience of a slave n his masters presence.
Loving this story, and can't wait for Sundays now.
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
Yes, poor Brian :( Those last years have really messed with him. Poor guy...
There will be more details that will be made known over the course of the story that might explain a bit more why running away would not have been that easy for Brian. And with how they already treat slaves on a normal day, I wouldn't even want to imagine what they would do to a slave that had tried to escape. And it was already mentioned that some slaves would die and nobody would care... I still would not have run ;)
In public things will be very different as there are certain rules and expectations of society that they would have to follow, no matter how much they might hate it.
More will be up soon :)
Date: Jan 13, 2019 8:25 pm Title: Chapter 3
Wow, powerful chapter and hopefully a breakthrough for them. Had the tissue box out. Wonderful writing.
Author's Response:
Awww, I am glad that you liked it :)
More will be up soon!

Date: Jan 09, 2019 5:15 pm Title: Chapter 2
Is it ever over?
Author's Response:
That's the question :/ And we'll find out the answer over the course of this story.
We can only hope for poor Brian's sake *sighs*
Thanks for your comment! More will be up soon :)
Date: Jan 09, 2019 1:00 am Title: Chapter 2
I know, I know, I already left a massive review, (it's kind of my thing if you remember from The Pittsburgh Years) but, I just read the others' reviews. I saw one of your responses: It was disheartening and unfortunately, there will be more parts like that. Well, I have to say that as long as it's just memories of it happening, I can stomach that. But, I really don't think I could read it while it was actually happening to him. So, please don't be that cruel. Pretty Please *crosses fingers and toes*
Author's Response:
I love massive reviews and love to give massive replies, so we're all good :D
I won't spoil anything though, so not gonna say anything on this *zips mouth and grins evilly*
Date: Jan 09, 2019 12:36 am Title: Chapter 2
Wow! What a background of information. And I see you brought Debbie and Michael in now, too. But 'safe'? Why don't I quite believe that? If Craig or Sapperstien get a hold of any of this information, all hell will break loose. Is Stockwell suppose to be the police chief?
I can't believe the torture Sap and Craig put Brian through with the cattle prod and broom. Old Man Taylor deserves a police baton shoved up his ass. A little bigger width wise, gotta hurt even more. He was the one who started Brian's descent into sex slavery and he deserves punishment for that. I will come up with something for Sap and Stockwell later. hehe...
How is it that Brian has been a slave all these years? He must be thirty by now. Couldn't he just leave the slavery being he was that old, or is it that once sold into slavery, they can't get out? But at the age, height and weight that he was at when Craig went after him, well if it was me, I think I would have fought back. Damn being a slave. He'd never been tortured before. Why allow it to happen? Beat the shit out of the man and run away. Hiding out would have been much preferred to going to sex school and continued being raped into submission, then live a live of being raped, tortured and humiliated.
If I'm right with all my previous assumptions regarding the who's who in this story, imagine Brian's surprise when he finds out the people he remembers as friends, turn out to be Justin's new family.
Oooh, it gives me shivers to think what was done to Brian. I really do hope you have plans to make all those men suffer. It's surprising that in this day and age, slavery was permissible.
HUGS ~ Cathy
Author's Response:
It was time for more background information :)
And yay for Debbie and Michael also getting a mention! As for Craig, Sapperstein and Stockwell, we'll have to see, but lets just say they won't play as big a role in the story from now on as you might be guessing ;)
There must be a special place in hell for men like them... I can't even begin to express what I would want to do to Sap, Craig, Stockwell and all those other assholes that attended the Sap's parties :( Poor Brian!
Once sold into slavery, you can't get out. A slave has no rights at all. More about slavery laws will be explained in upcoming chapters, but as Brian was sold when he was underage, he was doomed to be a slave for the rest of his life as there is no way to get out of slavery in this universe. In what kind of slavery can you just leave slavery? That's not really a thing or there would have never been slavery to begin with. I don't think any slave would have stayed if they had had the chance to leave... If Brian had run away from Craig, what then? Being on the run for the rest of his life? Being hunted and when being caught, getting punished even more severely? There really aren't a lot of options for slaves in this universe and none that would have given Brian a better life than he had in recent years, I am afraid :(
We'll see what will happen the first time Brian meets Justin's new family. He might be in for a surprise, that's for sure...
It's an AU - everything is possible in an AU. And unfortunately, we still have slavery even in the year 2019. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), there are currently an estimated 21 million forced labour victims worldwide, creating US$ 150 billion in illegal profits in the private economy each year. Slavery, especially in the form of sex trafficking, is still a thing even in 2019, which is heartbreaking :/ The only thing is that in this story I have brought it to the US...
Thanks for your lovely comment. More will be up soon :)
Date: Jan 08, 2019 11:46 pm Title: Chapter 1
Wow - What a start! First I want to tell you that I've had my user name changed. It used to be Bjluv, so you will be able to connect me with past reviews. I had to change it to match my user name on MW, as I wrote my first story, and I didn't think it would sit well to have the same story posted on two sites, with two different authors. I hadn't anticipated it taking me this long to finally get to reading this. I know the subject matter is a hard read, but I love your writing and wouldn't not read it. But, I have read one slave!Brian fic before, so the subject isn't quite new, but I'm afraid the 'torture' will be much worse.
I want to start by saying I read the 'song' before ever clicking on the chapter, and I could see it so vividly fitting for a slave, who has had a very bad life, and finally gets an owner who will treat him with kindness, and I'm assuming, with love.
I was surprised by the list of characters, as we have everyone present, even little Gus. I guessed by the tone of the subject, I thought they might not all make an appearance, unless of course Brian's life in Pittsburgh was the same as the original, prior to being sold. Now, after reading the chapter, I have to interject my wisdom here. I figured that the first WASP family with two daughters, was the Peterson's. Just as my guess for the second family would have been the Taylor's, but you already apprised us of that. And I'm guessing the lawyer was Melanie, just as Brian's only friend in school was Michael, and the 'loft' Justin lives in, was Brian's in canon. Loved how you are pulling everything together.
Sap and Stockwell were some really horrendous people. And Craig is his own kind of vile. I have to ask you, when you said Craig said Brian 'infested' Justin, diid you mean 'infected'?
Like I said in the beginning, the subject matter might be hard to read at times, but I really did like this first chapter, and look forward to continuing with it. It sounds like Justin had really cared for Brian at one time, and has never forgotten him, and is carrying out his promise to save him.
Thank you for this new story. I've been wondering if you were ever going to write another one. So happy to see you have.
HUGS ~ Cathy
Author's Response:
Hi Cathy,
I am glad to see you back :) I was wondering if you would enjoy this story or would rather not read it because of its storyline, but I am glad you gave it a go :)
I love the song - it's as simple as that. And I kind of have a special connection to it as it was sung by a gay member of a boyband shortly before he was forced to come out by one of the stagehands having pictures of him and his boyfriend and threatening to sell them to the press. I used to be quite a fan of that boyband back in the days (to my embarrassment now). Even though the song had nothing to do with that (it was actually written by Andrew Lloyd Webber for his musical Whistle Down the wind), it still felt really fitting and I connected strongly with it at the time because I felt so bad for the singer then (mind you, this was 1999 and times were different then).
Yes, the list of characters. We will see a couple of familiar faces. In what capacity and how? I don't want to spoil yet. Lets just say that even though this story is an AU, I like to keep things as close to what we all love as we can, so we'll see how that will work out in this story. As for your guess that the first WASP family was the Petersons: Correct! The lawyer being Melanie would also be correct and Brian's old friend from school being Michael is also correct. And yes, Justin's loft is what would have been Brian's loft on the show. I love the Loft too much not to use it ;)
There must be a special place in hell for people like the Sap and Craig :/ And yes, "infest someone with ideas" is a common saying over here and it's a bit stronger than saying "infected". Might be a regional thing only, but over here you can hear that quite a lot...Might be a colloquialism.
Since we were already talking about me having nearly finished this new story at the end of "The Pittsburgh Years", it shouldn't have come as such a big surprise that there would be a new story from me at one point ;) But yeah, here it is :D
More will be up soon! Thanks for your lovely comment!
Date: Jan 06, 2019 5:51 pm Title: Chapter 2
What a terrific chapter. Love the hints of the series throughout the story. Great writing.
Author's Response:
Awwww, thanks :)
Yes, even though it is an AU story, I wanted to include as many facts from the show as possible, so it only made sense to me to still have the Loft, to still have Liberty Avenue, etc.
We might even see a familiar face or two in upcoming chapters ;)
More will be up soon!

Date: Jan 02, 2019 3:35 pm Title: Chapter 1
The first part of this was dishearening, but the ending of the chapter gives me hope.
Author's Response:
It was disheartening and unfortunately, there will be more parts like that :( We can only hope that better times are now ahead for poor Brian...
Thanks for giving this story a try even though the premise is rather bad and painful.
More will be up soon!