Date: May 12, 2019 9:17 pm Title: Chapter 20
Knew that would be Brian's reaction, but it's not over yet. Wonderful update and thank you for posting it today and making Mother's Day even more special. If you are a mother, please enjoy your day. Fantastic writing and of course, tissue box time.
Author's Response:
No, it's not over yet. We can still hope :)
I am glad that you liked the chapter and enjoyed it!
Thanks for your comment, more will be up soon :)
And no, I am not a mother, but if you are, I hope that you had a nice day with your loved ones!
Date: May 11, 2019 4:22 pm Title: Chapter 19
Sounds like it could be a very messy legal case… TAG
Author's Response:
Yes, unfortunately, it would be :(
We'll see how Brian will react to what Justin has to tell him in the next chapter which will be up later tonight!
Thanks for your comment :)
Date: May 11, 2019 3:59 pm Title: Chapter 18
What a sweet, intimate scene! TAG.
Author's Response:
Yeah, it was :) It was needed after all the drama and excitement of the recent chapters :)
I am glad you liked it :)

Date: May 10, 2019 12:10 am Title: Chapter 19
Great chapter. Very emotional. Brian has a very big decision to make.
Author's Response:
Hi Lorie,
Thanks for your comment :)
I am glad that you liked the chapter and you're right: It will be a big decision for Brian. I wonder how he will react to what Justin has to tell him...
More will be up later tonight :)

Date: May 09, 2019 1:21 am Title: Chapter 19
Wow, terrific chapter and great idea to free Brian. Wonderful writing.
Author's Response:
Thanks, I am glad that you liked the chapter :)
Lets see how Brian feels about this idea...
More will be up later tonight!

Date: May 04, 2019 6:11 pm Title: Chapter 1
Wow, I'm impressed and excited!
Above all, the writing style is great and captivating. Every word sits, every emotion can be believed and seen before your eyes.
Although Brian has a completely different story with you than in QAF, you have let the fascination of him live on. This fantastic character, who finds it so difficult to live out his sensitive and fragile side, also comes across fully here.
Also "our" other darlings are like a fan wants to see them.
The fact that Brian and Justin live a "real" relationship in this story makes my heart beat faster. All the dramas were important and right in QAF. Nevertheless, I would have wished for an end to the series with the two as an obvious lovers. (Okay, they probably gave each other more love than you would imagine "traditionally". But the end was so painful!!!)
Last but not least your story is really hot. The current sex of Brian and Justin, quite clearly. But also (and here I am almost ashamed about myself) the mentions of the slave time.
A really heartfelt thank you for giving THIS to us fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author's Response:
And I am impressed by your comment - wow! :D
I am glad that you like this story. I know it's not an easy story to read due to its storyline and I am glad for everyone who is giving it a chance anyway!
I have tried to keep most of the characters as close to what they were on the show as they could be. But since this story is complete fiction and has nothing much in common with the show, obviously that wouldn't work all the time. But whenever possible, I tried to keep it as close to the show as possible. After all we all loved the show and that's what brought us here :)
I so agree with you about the ending of the show. I didn't like and appreciate the ending one bit. This whole "lone wolf" spiel that Brian was doing had gotten old to me by that point. Especially after we had seen how much he loved Justin. He might not have been able to say it out loud until season 5, but it was obvious long before that... I agree that marriage might not have been the right thing for them at that point, but to have Brian shown as the clubboy he used to be was very disappointing for me. Yes, of course he would always go to Babylon, it was his playground, but at least Justin should have been there with him... A relationship should have been implied. That's the least that should have happened at the end of the show. But like I said, I was never much a fan of this whole "lone wolf" thing and liked the changes we saw in Brian over the seasons.
You are very welcome - I am just glad that people enjoy this story :)
More will be up later tonight!

Date: Apr 28, 2019 8:02 pm Title: Chapter 18
Great chapter. Oh, we just have to find a way to change the laws. Our boys love each other and deserve to be married if that is their choice. Wonderful writing.
Author's Response:
I am glad that you liked the chapter :)
I know, right? Brian so deserves his freedom after everything he has been through. We just have to find a way for him to get it...
Thanks for your comment, more will be up later tonight :)

Date: Apr 25, 2019 6:09 am Title: Chapter 17
Good to see Jenn has come around. TAG
Author's Response:
Yes, very good!
She needed some time, but I think now she's fully on board with Justin's and Brian's life and relationship.
Good for all of them - they deserved some peace and happiness.
More will be up soon!

Date: Apr 23, 2019 11:00 pm Title: Chapter 16
I’m glad Brian got to see Justin in the hospital. TAG
Author's Response:
Yes, poor Brian. He is already worried enough and he doesn't need all that slavery BS on top of his worry for Justin...
For once Jennifer has done the right thing.

Date: Apr 23, 2019 6:19 am Title: Chapter 15
It would be hard for me to forgive Jennifer in this situation too... TAG
Author's Response:
Same here, but sometimes you just need your mom in your life and need to look past what happened in the past (and present)...
Thanks for your comment!

Date: Apr 22, 2019 1:09 am Title: Chapter 17
Great chapter . Fantastic writing. If you celebrate, Happy Easter.
Author's Response:
Thanks, I am glad you liked the chapter!
Yes, I celebrate Easter and had a lovely holiday. Hope it was nice for you as well :-)
More will be up soon!

Date: Apr 14, 2019 11:53 pm Title: Chapter 16
Terrific update. Glad that Jennifer finally is seeing the light. Wonderful writing.
Author's Response:
I am glad that you liked the update :)
It took Jennifer a bit longer, but I think she's getting there!
More will be up soon.
Thanks for your comment :)

Date: Apr 07, 2019 11:43 pm Title: Chapter 15
Great update. Loved the interaction of Jenn and Deb in the series. So opposite, but so similiar. Terrific writing.
Author's Response:
I am glad that you liked the update :)
I tried to keep most characters as close to what they were like on the show as I could in this series, and I always loved how Jennifer learned from Debbie that it was okay to have a gay son and how to love and accept him.
I really liked the friendship that developed between those two: as you said, so opposite, yet so similar!
More will be up soon :)
Date: Apr 05, 2019 4:44 am Title: Chapter 14
Add in the mystery of Jennifer Taylor and you get an interesting twist… TAG
Author's Response:
I figured it was time that poor Brian got a break. He has been through enough in this story and now it's Justin's turn ;)
We'll see how the mystery of Jennifer Taylor will play out...
More will be up soon :)
Date: Apr 01, 2019 4:25 pm Title: Chapter 14
Well, I have been reading this from the beginning but haven’t reviewed until now. Can I just say that Brian really got the short end of the stick here....but what was most upsetting was Justin being granted legal guardianship of Gus while Brian is attached by proxy. I can’t imagine how that made him feel, my heart is breaking for him though.
Justin isn’t having a very smooth go of things either, but I do think that he should talk to Jennifer to get some sense of closure if nothing else. But that can’t happen if they don’t meet.
Author's Response:
I am glad to know that you're enjoying the story :) I know it's not easy to read and not an easy storyline, so thanks for giving it a chance!
Yes, poor Brian. He really, really didn't get a good life... I don't know why my muse insisted on making him suffer like this. We can only hope that with Justin and Gus in his life now, things will finally get better for him. He would definitely deserve it.
And yes, I agree: My heart was breaking for poor Brian as well. No rights to his own son, only his boyfriend getting rights. That is heartbreaking :(
We'll see about Justin and Jennifer in the next one. I agree though: If only for closure, they should have that conversation.
More will be up soon :)
Date: Mar 31, 2019 11:25 pm Title: Chapter 14
Great chapter. Love this story even with all that Brian has to endure. Fantastic writing.
Author's Response:
I am glad that you liked the chapter :)
We can only hope that now that Brian has Justin and Gus in his life, things will finally calm down and get better for him - he would definitely deserve it!
More will be up soon :)
Date: Mar 27, 2019 12:11 am Title: Chapter 13
Thanks for update, love the story. cant wait for the next update
Author's Response:
I am glad that you like the story :)
More will be up soon!
Date: Mar 26, 2019 11:46 pm Title: Chapter 11
Oh shit hope Brian does not get in trouble. Hate to see Brian as slave. Love him
Author's Response:
I think we all hate to see Brian as a slave and we're all glad for the life that Justin is trying to give him :)
We can only hope that they will be allowed to be happy one day :)
Date: Mar 25, 2019 12:39 pm Title: Chapter 13
Yay, Debbie! And all is well... TAG
Author's Response:
Yay for Debbie - some wisdom that Brian definitely needed to hear...
We can only hope that all will be well now for the boys. They would deserve it after all they've been through, that's for sure.
Thanks for your comment! More will be up soon :)

Date: Mar 24, 2019 9:13 pm Title: Chapter 13
Wonderful chapter. Tissue time. Terrific writing.
Author's Response:
I am sorry that this story is costing you so many tissues ;) Hopefully the tissues can be left behind soon. Those two would deserve it after all they have been through :)
More will be up soon! Thanks for your comment :)
Date: Mar 24, 2019 7:14 pm Title: Chapter 11
That’s a huge twist... TAG
Author's Response:
I am glad I was able to surprise people a bit :)
Lets see how Brian will deal with this shock...
More will be up soon :)
Date: Mar 20, 2019 2:44 am Title: Chapter 12
Wow, what an amazing chapter. So sad. Of course, out came the tissues. Hoping that somehow you will find a way to make them happy. Fantastic writing.
Author's Response:
I hope the tissues helped a bit. Poor Brian. Sometimes I just want to give him a hug :(
Happy? These two? We can only hope...
More will be up soon :)

Date: Mar 11, 2019 1:03 am Title: Chapter 11
Wow, now that was a shock. Great plot. Terrific writing.
Author's Response:
A shock indeed :( Now we'll have to wait and see how it will play out.
Thanks for your comment :)
Date: Mar 05, 2019 7:35 am Title: Chapter 10
I’m reading a lot of foreshadowing into this chapter. Bubbles, by their very nature, eventually get popped... 😕 TAG
Author's Response:
Foreshadowing? Moi? Never ;)
Hmmmm, who knows? There is definitely still a lot ahead for our boys before this story is over...
More will be up soon!
Date: Mar 05, 2019 5:24 am Title: Chapter 9
Tough conversation... TAG
Author's Response:
Tough, but needed... Hopefully it will make their future together easier :)
More will be up soon!