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Reviewer: Frosty70 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 17, 2021 3:50 pm Title: Thunderbolts

Of course Michael is guilty of trying to kill Brian! He's also most probably impotent! 😁 Great writing!

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 13, 2021 1:32 pm Title: The Trifecta of Realisation

First, do you know how disconcerting it is to read a 'good' Lindsay from you? But if you EVER start to write a 'good' Mikey - I'm sending you to a deprograming camp. Got it? LOL...

Poor Mikey is caught between a rock and a NOT hard place. So, maybe you can answer me this: Will the poor bastard still get turned on and WANT to have S.E.X. - but can't get hard? Will he STILL be able to rub one out with a softie? (Where's a man when I NEED answers?) LOL!!! And holy god - but that guy just gets weirder and weirder!

Nancy's up shit creek with no paddle. Too bad, so sad! You know - just a thought - could she have - in some round about way - had something to do with David's death what with her thinking she inherited everything???



Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 26, 2021 10:00 am Title: The Trifecta of Realisation

Nancy and Michael are in a lifeboat that is sinking fast and the there is no one coming to save them this time.

Nancy is Beyond Broke😂

And Michael is So Beyond Impotent that cobwebs are already forming between his legs 😂😂

This Trial Is Going To Be So Interesting😆

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 25, 2021 7:10 pm Title: The Trifecta of Realisation

Nicely done.  Michael and Nancy are in the same boat and it's sinking.

Reviewer: Frosty70 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 25, 2021 5:38 pm Title: The Trifecta of Realisation

Ready for moreeeee.

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 15, 2021 7:06 pm Title: Tactile, Realisation and Accountability

I hope I'm not mistaken, but Nancy is about to find out David has died, right? I looked back, and in the last chapter it said David's trial was going to be starting... so...

But oh man - I can hardly wait to see Nancy's reaction to the fact they are going for SIX years for her!!!

Good update.



Reviewer: Frosty70 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 03, 2021 12:08 am Title: Tactile, Realisation and Accountability

So pleased to see an update. So love your stories.

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 23, 2021 8:49 pm Title: Tactile, Realisation and Accountability

Nancy is really about to learn that her life was nothing more than a house of cards waiting to topple right on top of her and destroy alk the grand illusions that she was Somebody Important Enough to Respect or Fear.

Nancy lost before this ever started because she only valued herself and the power she wielded there will be no one to protect her from this fall now.

Thanks For the Update😀

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 23, 2021 5:31 pm Title: Tactile, Realisation and Accountability

Wow!  I really need to read this again from the top.  Hoping that Nancy gets all that she has coming to her.

Reviewer: mamab Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 23, 2021 4:10 am Title: Tactile, Realisation and Accountability

Great update.  Terrific writing as always.

Reviewer: Frosty70 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 23, 2021 2:25 am Title: Tactile, Realisation and Accountability

So good. Ready to see justice served.

Reviewer: mamab Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 28, 2021 3:50 am Title: Christine and Nixing Nancy...and David to Boot!

Great chapter.  Love the picture of "Christine".  Terrific writing.

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 27, 2021 6:37 pm Title: Christine and Nixing Nancy...and David to Boot!

OKAY... So the pics of the apartment are gorgeous... but I would expect anything less of Mr. Kinney. And the car is awesome - and plenty of room in the backseat! ... And I absolutely loved this line - it sounds just like Briam: Well, that and the blowjobs of course. Hehe... Can't make a deal or promise without the blowjobs featuring.

It appears a few people are starting to scramble to save themselves, but I trust you to put them all away for a long time coming!


Cathy ❤️

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 27, 2021 12:07 am Title: Christine and Nixing Nancy...and David to Boot!

Nice car, nice loft.  Great story.  Can't wait for the trials.

Reviewer: Frosty70 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 26, 2021 9:24 pm Title: Christine and Nixing Nancy...and David to Boot!

I simply love all your stories. Your imagination knows no limits. >>Cat

Reviewer: bksbracelet Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 26, 2021 9:00 pm Title: Christine and Nixing Nancy...and David to Boot!

Well hopefully busy court trials will keep all three busy followed by prison! The boys on a a road trip fun times ahead

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 26, 2021 6:43 pm Title: Christine and Nixing Nancy...and David to Boot!

Looks like Nancy won't have time to do something evil because she will be too busy trying to save herself from a long prison term, and with her being so busy she won't have time to help David and he won't have time to help Michael.


All of them going on trial at the same time should keep them quite focused on saving themselves and leaving the other to fend for themselves, something they are not really used to especially since not one of them has a safety net anymore.

Slick Is Very Good!!!👏

Just happy she is using her powers to make Michael and Nancy suffer they deserve it more than anyone.

Getting them a wonderful new car to enjoy and Christen for quite a long time to come Brian and Justin will cherish that car Forever.

Glad that Justin got him and Brian a new place that they can use to hide away from everyone when they need to another sweet home of their own that they will need as they deal with the up coming trials.

Thanks For the Update😀

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 17, 2021 12:20 am Title: Fright, Sight and A Return to Spite

Thank Goodness Edna can leap read because no way should Nancy get to continue to mess with Lynette and Lindsay just because she lost and will continue to lose, because as a person newly released from prison isn't she not supposed to be doing anything illegal or conspiring with others?

Thus also won't look goid for David making nefarious plans with his wife while incarcerated?

Michael and David are going to have so much fun spending 23 hours a day together bet they become the best of friends? lol

Slick getting payback is just wicked and a lesson to stay on her good side unless you are better at getting her back?

So happy George and Emmett are still getting married.

This is one Wacky Family!!

Thanks For the Update😀

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 16, 2021 7:26 pm Title: Fright, Sight and A Return to Spite

Lovely to know that Nancy and David won't get away with anything.  Poor Emmett and George.  Slick seems to like to get even with people.

Reviewer: mamab Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 30, 2020 1:48 am Title: Long Game Revenge and on the Same Wavelength!

Great update.  Wonderful writing.  Sorry it took me so long to get to this story.  Happy New Year.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 22, 2020 4:33 am Title: Long Game Revenge and on the Same Wavelength!

Prewedding problems?

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 20, 2020 3:00 am Title: Long Game Revenge and on the Same Wavelength!

Not surprised about Slick she is good at delivering a payback when it calls for it seriously don't want to be on her bad side because she is way too inventive.

Ben and Robin really should've expected that Slick would want to go the traditional route and should've planned better at sneaking out lol

Brian and Justin just get Hotter and Hotter.

No one can really reach their level but it would be Fun trying lol

Thanks for the Update😀

Reviewer: mamab Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 09, 2020 8:28 pm Title: Woe is Three

Love when Mikey doesn't get his way.  He is so annoying and you write him so well.  Wonderful writing.

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 09, 2020 1:18 am Title: Woe is Three

Mikey, Mikey... He should REALLY pay attention to what is going on around him. Pay  attention to what he signs.

So, what godawful stink-hole doingyou have him going to?

And good enough for Nancy! A little humility for her in the face of her grandson!

HUGS  ~Cathy

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 06, 2020 6:30 pm Title: Woe is Three

Great chapter.  Where did Mikey end up?  

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