Date: Sep 06, 2018 3:14 am Title: Simple and Straightforward
I just saw the start of your other cancer arc story you've starting writing from one of the Plot Bunnies... So, I wanted to read this one first. It's very good, and very true to how I think Brian would act. First with defiance, and then with, "I don't need anybody", and finally admitting defeat.
Hugs, Cathy
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading! This story is fully canon compliant without the divergence, so it's separate from the plot bunny story. I'm hoping to keep them from overlapping; that's why I'm writing the plot bunny story exclusively from Brian's POV. I'm glad to hear that you felt it was in character!
Date: Aug 25, 2018 12:35 pm Title: Simple and Straightforward
The end is as powerful as Brian is weak and admitting it.
Date: Jul 27, 2018 4:10 pm Title: Simple and Straightforward
Very difficult being the well partner in a case like this. I've been there. You did a great job keeping Brian true to himself.
Author's Response:
Thank you, I'm glad you feel I kept him in character! I once read that one of the toughest things in this fandom is keeping Brian Kinney in character while still having him do what you want him to do, and I totally agree with that.
Date: Jul 26, 2018 1:16 am Title: Simple and Straightforward
Very good story. It was such a difficult storyline in the series and you did a great job with how you had it continue.
Author's Response:
It's one of my favorite story arcs in the series because I think it involved a lot of character growth for Brian, even if he was an asshole for part of it. He realized that he did have things he wanted to live for, and faced with his own possible mortality if he chose not to proceed with treatment, he ended up deciding that perhaps dying young wasn't the way to go. That scene where he blows up at Justin in the office before he leaves for "Ibiza," then is instantly reticent and seems like he might tell him, but doesn't...and then Justin saying, "I love you and I'll be here when you get back," which ends up prompting Brian to throw the lamp and then break scene kills me. Thanks so much for the feedback, I'm glad you liked the story!
Date: Jul 25, 2018 7:19 pm Title: Simple and Straightforward
I loved it I thought you kept Brian in character beautifully....
Author's Response:
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
Date: Jul 25, 2018 11:52 am Title: Simple and Straightforward
Oh you certainly did that! this was an excellent version of the cancer arc, thank you. What you see here is how mature Justin was dealing with Brian. He was on to him lol
Author's Response:
Thank you so much! Yes, Justin was onto him as always. ;) I’m glad you felt he stayed in character!
Date: Jul 25, 2018 11:52 am Title: Simple and Straightforward
Oh you certainly did that! this was an excellent version of the cancer arc, thank you. What you see here is how mature Justin was dealing with Brian. He was on to him lol
Date: Jul 25, 2018 9:29 am Title: Simple and Straightforward
That was amazing. You were very true to Brian.
Author's Response:
Thank you! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
Date: Jul 25, 2018 4:14 am Title: Simple and Straightforward
For all Brian's bravado, he needed to know Justin was there for him and Justin needed to be let in even if it is on Brian's terms. You wrote this so well I could picture each scene clearly. I would love you to continue this through to Brian's return to wellness.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the compliments! I’m quickly figuring out that descriptions are my wheelhouse...dialogue, not so much. So I’m working on that. I’m not sure if I’ll write a sequel to this or not...maybe though. I’m open to any ideas you have for what the overall plot could be in a sequel. What would you like to see happen?
Date: Jul 25, 2018 3:31 am Title: Simple and Straightforward
At least Brian was letting Justin in.
Author's Response:
Yes, finally. :) Sort of another chapter in the “Okay, whatever, I give up,” we see at the end of 409...the soup scene.