Date: Feb 27, 2020 9:35 pm Title: Chapter 29
the hell with Debbie, I do not feel sorry for her
Author's Response:
Fair enough ;) She sure doesn't make it easy to like her after all of this, that's for sure.
Thanks for your comment :)
Date: Feb 17, 2019 5:52 am Title: Chapter 19
"I know, but this is going to destroy Debbie..."
That is like a slap in the face...stealing Justin's son, that wouldn't destroy Justin...sheesh.
Michael, Lindsay and Debbie all deserve forgiveness time and time again, but Justin is barely an after thought.
I don't like this Brian at all, not at all.
Author's Response:
In Brian's thinking Justin couldn't be hurt by something he didn't know and we can't forget that Brian genuinely thought that Justin wanted his career in New York and had chosen that... Once Justin found out about Luke and Brian saw the damage he had done to Justin, he realised how wrong he had been in his thinking and doing...
Of course you are entitled not to like this Brian, but as I mentioned before, I mostly just felt sorry for him. So messed up by his parents and friends that he never really had a chance at a normal life :(
Thanks for your comment, I really appreciate it :)
Date: Feb 16, 2019 2:44 am Title: Chapter 8
I have to say this no matter how much I love your writing...
a true mother would never sacrifice her son's happiness like this. "I promise I won't tell Justin but you have to let ME be part of my grandchilds life."
Jesus Jen, throw your son under a bus so that YOU can have a life with your grandchild.
I told you this in the other story, that I would never forgive Brian for what he did, he always had to be in control, and once again Justin paid for Brian being in control. I thought the statement "I didn't want to hurt Debbie" was a slap in the face to Justin, this was even worse. Plus the fact that in this story he forgave Debbie because she lost her son, with no thought to the fact that so did Justin, which he paid for in a world of hurt five years later, plus HE had to apologize to Brian, Jen and Debbie in the other story, which he had no reason to do.
Plus I was told over and over again that Brian did what he had to do to protect his son, but wait, Lucas wasn't protected in the other story he was petrified everytime Justin had to leave, that proves that Brian not only hurt Justin, he hurt Luke over and over again everytime he decided Justin had to paint, because apparently Justin can only do one thing at a time, either be a parent or paint, but not both. Very condescending of Brian to think that. You know that Luke was asking himself that very thing, "they say my papa loves me, but not enough to want to see me..." that leaves a mark in a childs mind and heart. And I'm pretty sure when he's older and if he finds out that Brian betrayed his papa that the sh*t will be hitting the fan.
Like I said I love your writing and read your stories in the future, but this Back for Good will be on my worst character of Brian EVER list, very high up on that list.
Not flaming, just venting, this story makes me feel a lot, which a story should do, but the biggest emotion I feel in this is betrayal and anger, both directed at Brian.
Author's Response:
I can't agree with you concerning the statement that a true mother would never do this to her son - unfortunately I have seen enough shit in this world to know that mothers do a lot worse to their children day in and out. And sometimes for way worse reasons than Jennifer did... At least Jennifer (thought it doesn't excuse anything!) did what she did out of love, but many mothers don't even have love on their side... And some do way worse claiming to do it for love...
Of course you are entitled to your opinion about Brian, but as the writer and the person that created this Brian, I have to admit that I don't see him like that at all. I see him with a lot more facets than described and a lot more reasons for why he did what he did...
I am glad this story made you feel, even if I can't agree with your feelings ;) When writing this, I felt angry towards Brian as well, but then, when I looked deeper at his reasons and his motivations, I mostly just felt really, really sorry for him. I don't expect anyone to understand that, but this Brian made me want to give him a kick in the ass at the same time as giving him a hug *lol*
Thanks for your comment, I really appreciate it!
Date: Jan 26, 2019 11:42 pm Title: Chapter 34
thanks for update and I hope there be more
Author's Response:
Sorry I am only getting back to you now :(
Thanks for reading the story!
Unfortunately, for now this is it. I might go back to this universe in the future, but for now I am focused on other stories.
Thanks for your comment, I really appreciate it :)
Date: Nov 19, 2018 12:12 pm Title: Chapter 1
loved the story, just reading it again
Author's Response:
I am glad you enjoyed the story :) I hope it won't disappoint the second time!
Date: Nov 18, 2018 8:03 pm Title: Chapter 1
Throughly enjoyed this one. Brian had me on a roller coaster emotionally. I hated him cutting Justin out of his and Luke’s lives...but I loved the father he became even before Luke was born.
Michael and Lindsey got what they deserved. I’ve never been a Mikey or Linz fan!
I’ve always thought Ted was a better friend to Brian and working with him showed Ted a different side of Brian. He saw the businessman and ad exec not just the Stud.
Great job! Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Author's Response:
I am glad that you enjoyed this story. I know it was not easy to read without it having any Brian and Justin interaction at all :/
I loved this version of Brian as well (of course minus the 'keeping Justin out of Luke's life' stunt that he pulled). I always believed that there was more to Brian's character than was shown on the show and I hope this story didn't go too out of character. For me this was just the person Brian could have been if the showrunners had allowed it.
As for Michael and Lindsay: Never liked them much on the show and I think it showed here *lol*
I have always loved Ted and thought he was a very underrated character on the show. I loved when he started working for Brian and got more confidence and when he and Brian became friends. I could really see them being friends despite their differences. More than Brian and Michael anyway...
Thanks for your lovely comment :)
Date: Nov 16, 2018 6:06 pm Title: Chapter 34
Hi again and sadly for the last time! First, I'm glad that everything's alright. Like I told you, I was a little bit concerned... And now, my review also comes so late... Sorry! So, thanks for this last wonderful chapter. I think, now I've to re-read "Back for Good". :-)
Thank you for this wonderful story. You've given me such a great time reading and thinking about your story. I've to admit, "Back for good" had touched me even more, as I'm simply addicted to Brian and Justin and never tire of thinking about their unique relationship and their wonderful love again and again. But it was a great idea from you to give us an insight into those early years to find out what happened in these five years in Brian's life, his thoughts, his experiences, his development, reasons for his decisions ... I've written it so many times, but here again ... Not only do you have a wonderful writing style, the way you've portrayed these characters is also just perfect, amazing. And I love the way you've allowed Brian to mature, being a father. And though I still wish Brian hadn't made this dreadful decision at the beginning of his pregnancy, at any time you let us feel how much he loves Justin, his deep and infinite love for Justin is omnipresent.
So, what can I say, thank you for a wonderful time, I will miss your Brian, your Justin, your Gus and your little Sunshine! I would like to have accompanied them a little bit further. But who knows ... I really hope to read something from you soon or at some point again! Until then, have a really good time, warmest regards and a big hug!
Author's Response:
I am sorry that I got people concerned - but what can I say?!? I am blond *lol* And I have a private life and in this case being blond didn't go well with having a private life *lol* It was my mistake and I messed up. Sorry to keep people waiting and having them concerned :(
I am glad that you liked this story. Both stories really. But this story in particular. As it doesn't feature any significant Brian/Justin, I know that it's not an easy story to read for most people and with Brian doing what he does in the beginning of the story, it wasn't any easier, so I am very grateful to everyone who stuck with this story and finished it. It means the world to me :D
I will miss this Brian, Justin and the boys as well :( And never say never... I am sure one day my muse will miss them as well and will want to come back, but right now she's quite busy with another story ;) There will be a new story, once I have finished editing the first draft and once I am perfectly happy with it :)
Thank you for all your nice comments and all the conversations about Brian and Justin and the show. I really liked our bi-weekly "conversations" and will miss them :)
Wishing you all the best as well! *returns the big hug with a crushing Debbie-like hug*
Date: Nov 14, 2018 1:53 pm Title: Chapter 34
This was a really good story and very well written. I liked the original too. Although I am slightly biased as I love a good Linday/Michael smackdown!!
Thanks for your writing,
Author's Response:
I am glad that you liked the stories and this one in particular :)
Who doesn't love a good Lindsay/Michael smackdown?!? Are there people who don't? *lol*
Thanks for your comment, I really appreciate it :)
Date: Nov 12, 2018 7:21 pm Title: Chapter 34
What was Luke's wish? To meet his papa, finally?
Wonderful story, so well written! Thank you!
Author's Response:
Like the good boy that he is, Luke never told his wish, but in my mind, yes, he wished to see his Papa. And to have that wish come true within two weeks of his birthday must have been amazing for him :)
I am glad you enjoyed the story! Thanks for all your comments, I really appreciate them :)
Date: Nov 12, 2018 7:19 pm Title: Chapter 34
Knowing that Justin is coming back should cause everyone to feel bad about keeping Luke a secret.
Author's Response:
Well, we know from Back for Good that they will feel bad in their own ways :( Some more than others...
Thanks for all your comments - I really appreciate them :D
Date: Nov 12, 2018 2:52 am Title: Chapter 34
I was happy to see this finally posted. I have wondered the last couple days why it wasn't posted. I almost put a message on FB about it, as you have never missed a Wednesday or Sunday before. Then to see it today, and a LONG chapter at that, I was almost happy you had waited. It held off the inevitable for a few days.
I loved Brian's reflection of the last 5 1/2 years. He truly was blessed to come from the family he did, and the volatile friendships he had had with Lindsay and Michael. I found him very deserving of the life he had made for himself. But apparent that one thing was drastically missing in his life. A loving partner.
Then, Aha! Brian actually had forewarning that Justin had moved back. Foolish Brian. Didn't he realize that you Never procrastinate when it's something as important as this was? I have to marvel at how my prophecy for the end came true. But I loved it. I loved this whole arc. Both stories were awesome, but this one meant a lot more to me. Thank you for writing them and sharing them with us.
XOXO ~ Cathy
Author's Response:
I was quite annoyed at myself when I realised on Wednesday at the hotel that I didn't have the file with the edited story on my netbook :( I hate to disappoint people and to keep them waiting. I hope the long chapter made up for that a bit ;)
Yes, to me Brian has always been a complex character. While I agree with everyone that what he did to Justin was wrong on so many levels, Brian was never the bad guy for me. He did what he did out of love, a misguided idea of love, but still love and I really felt for him at times. He didn't have an easy time either... Not that it excuses anything, but at times I just wanted to give him a hug. He deserves this happiness with his boys and family and even more so once Justin is back and they have made up!
Yes, Brian had a warning that Justin would move back to Pittsburgh. Which was hinted at very strongly in Back for Good. I was surprised that no one wondered in Back for Good why Brian would have a finished custody agreement just lying around at home *lol*
I am glad you enjoyed both stories and this one especially. It was a tough journey, especially as there was no Brian/Justin in this story, so I appreciate it even more that you stuck with it till the end.
Thanks so much for your comments, they mean more than I can say :D
Date: Nov 12, 2018 1:54 am Title: Chapter 34
Thank you for the ending. What a great story. I have read it and Back for Good. Wonderful story. I miss them already.
Author's Response:
I am glad you enjoyed it :) I know it wasn't always an easy journey, especially as there was no Brian/Justin in this story, so I appreciate it even more that people stuck with it to the bitter end :)
Thanks for all your comments, they mean more than I can say!
Date: Nov 07, 2018 6:57 pm Title: Chapter 33
Hi again! Sorry for my late review, real life keeps me busy... What a beautiful chapter! I just love these scenes with Brian and the kids. And Luke is just.... I want to hug and cuddle this mini-sunshine. I'll miss him so much!
It's so cute how Brian handles this situation, explaining to Luke how it will work and how the picture will keep him safe. It's a little bit strange, that Luke seems just to accept these stories about his Papa. I asked myself if he wouldn't ask for example where New York is, but I think, okay he's just four. These questions would have come up later, so in some ways, Brian can be kind of glad that Justin returns at a time when Luke has not asked so many more specific questions. But, whatever. Thanks for this beautiful, amazing and cute chapter. What can I say, although I'm sad that it will be the last chapter, I'm looking forward to it. Warmest regards!
Author's Response:
I know all about real life, so don't worry! I totally understand :)
Yes, I love this "new" Brian who is a devoted father as well. And the scenes with Gus and Luke were my favourite to write. I just enjoyed the boys so much, especially Luke. Then again, what's not to like about a mini-Sunshine with a splash of Brian Kinney? ;) And as I have mentioned before, I think the Brian in my story is a Brian that we could have seen on the show if the writers had given him the chance. I'd like to think that Brian could have matured into this version of himself. We know all the things he has already done for Gus on the show and how much he cared for him and we can only assume that being pregnant himself with the child of the love of his life would be even more intense as an experience for him. How could he not change after that?
As for Luke accepting the stories about Justin: First of all, this is not the first and not the last conversation that Brian and Luke have about Justin. It's just a snapshot. They have talked about his Papa before and will talk about him after. I am pretty sure that he has asked before where New York is and why his Papa can't come from New York to Pittsburgh. And I am sure Brian sold him some BS about why Justin had to stay away and being only four years old, Luke probably bought it. But yeah, it's safe to assume that Brian and Luke have had conversations about Justin and his absence before and after this particular talk. Secondly, in my own experience from working with young children for years: It's amazing again and again what kind of explanations they fall for and the things they believe ;) And we know Brian is a salesman that can sell anyone on anything *lol*
Thanks for your comment :) As always, I appreciate it more than I can say!
Date: Nov 06, 2018 4:08 am Title: Chapter 33
What is with you authors and ending amazing stories? I know they say every good thing must come to an end, but seriously? Any plans for a new story? Because you are an awesome writer, who has two great stories under her belt. And I'm sure you must have another lurking in your mind. Right?
That said, this was another wonderful chapter. Brian has truly turned over a new leaf in life, and became a better man and person. I loved how Brian has incorporated Justin in Luke's life. It explains a lot how Luke knew instantly who Justin was when Justin showed up Britin. 4 1/2 years. Wow! Time has sure passed. I can almost see this story ending with Brian coming to the door and seeing Justin standing there. The stories then becoming full circle.
When I first read about Ted showing Luke a movie, and Luke said, Monsters... In my room… under my bed, the first movie I thought of was, "Little Monsters" with Howie Mandel, then realized how foolish, because that movie is probably close to thirty years old. (Christ! Am I That Old?)
Am I looking forward to Wednesday? Kind of. 'Yes', in order to read the wonderful ending I'm sure you have written for us, and 'no', because I hate to see it end.
Any sequels in mind? "Back to Good - The Future Years"? Mikey gets out of prison, and heads back to the Pitts? Don't mind me. Just a fangirl of your writing, who has a love for this arc. Hate to see it end. I hope I didn't overstep any bounds.
XOXO ~ Cathy
Author's Response:
All good things must come to an end ;) If stories go on for too long and start to drag... well, that's not a good thing either. So I'd rather finish on a high note than start to annoy people *lol*
I think I mentioned in one of my previous replies on one of your comments that I was writing something new (not related to this Back for Good universe) and that it had grown bigger than I had anticipated. I have finished the first draft of that story recently, but haven't had any time yet to review and edit it... damn real life *lol*
Yes, I like this "new" Brian quite a bit as well. And I like the idea that he would tell Luke stories about his Papa even though he's not there. I just like the idea that in his own way Brian would still try to include Justin somehow in their family.
Don't worry - I appreciate everyone who asks about a sequel. It only shows that people really like this universe and that warms my heart. When this story started it was just a crazy idea in my head and I never really expected that people would actually come along for the ride and enjoy it. So thanks for all your comments and for your interest in these stories - I appreciate it more than I can say :D
Date: Nov 05, 2018 9:56 pm Title: Chapter 33
Wonderful story, I will miss them all when it ends.
Author's Response:
I miss them as well - over the course of two stories these characters have become quite close to me :)
Thanks for your comment!
Date: Nov 05, 2018 11:48 am Title: Chapter 32
Gotta say, Debbie and Jennifer weren't the only ones dabbing at their eyes with tissues. This was a happy chapter all around. Loved the intimacy of the close knit group. They all know they can count on one another. Although, being a godfather promises certain things in a child's life, legally, Brian needs to prepared for the event of something happening to him. He needs to have his Will in place naming Ted and Blake as guardians for Gus and Luke. Now that would have been an announcement to make. But Godfather is awesome. It truly shows how much faith and trust Brian holds in regard for Ted and Blake. Two well-deserving people. Although, Brian needs to get it in his head that he doesn't owe somebody something for just being a good and true friend. Friendship doesn't come with a price tag attached, something Lindsay and Michael miserably failed to allow Brian to know.
I was surprised two months had passed when the chapter started, as it was a Saturday barbecue, assuming it was following Brian's invite from last chapter. Debbie and Carl appeared to have settled in well with the family. And Debbie getting counseling is only a positive. Because like Brian, sometimes life throws you a curve ball, and you need someone to help you put it back into perspective. Debbie has actually been through a lot in her life. Getting pregnant, young and alone, was just the start of the obstacles she had to face in life. Debbie dealt with all of lives hardships with the best of her ability, sometimes running herself ragged, only to have Michael dump on her with a totally deplorable, reprehensible behavior. Brian is a son worthy of her love.
Super great chapter. On to the next....
XOXO ~ Cathy
Author's Response:
The time for pain in this story is over - they all deserve some happiness :)
I am sure that behind the scenes Mr Kinney has taken care of everything. He is not the person to not think about these kind of things. Well, to be fair he even mentions in Back for Good that in case the cancer had come back or something would have happened to him, the boys would have gone to Debbie and Jennifer. It was the reason why he wanted to make Justin legal guardian for Gus, so that Gus and Luke could stay together in case something happened to Brian.
I agree about Debbie, her life hasn't been easy. Then again I also think that she made it harder for herself than it would have needed to be. Especially where Michael was concerned... :(
I am glad you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for your comment as always :)
Date: Nov 05, 2018 5:26 am Title: Chapter 32
Gonna have to wait until tomorrow to finish. I'm falling asleep. Good so far though.
Date: Nov 05, 2018 4:56 am Title: Chapter 31
Boy, I went to read the updated chapter tonight, (#33) and realized I hadn't read 32. Then I had to look back further, and found I didn't read #31, either. I have no idea how I have missed these updates, but I plan to catch up, tonight.
Very touching chapter. Watching Brian and Debbie together, knowing how much they both want things to be back to normal, both still so uncertain with each other. The barbeque on Saturday should prove interesting. I'm presuming Luke won't remember Debbie, so I hope her feelings don't get too hurt, if that happens.
Once again, we have that awesome friend in Ted, willing to be there to support Brian in his decisions. Just being there with him means a lot. And yes, I do think Brian's attitude will be better when he gets back to Kinnetik, and it won't have anything to do with putting yellow or orange on the boards.
XOXO ~ Cathy
Author's Response:
I am glad you liked the chapter :)
Thanks for your comment! I always appreciate reading them :)
Date: Nov 05, 2018 4:33 am Title: Chapter 33
Beautiful chapter and great tale! Luke is really adorable.
Author's Response:
Yeah, I like him as well - but who wouldn't like the perfect mixture between Brian and Justin ;)
Thanks for your comment!
Date: Nov 05, 2018 2:37 am Title: Chapter 33
What a delightful chapter. Wish Justin could have been there.
Author's Response:
I think we all do, but we know that won't happen for another year :(
Thanks for your comment!
Date: Nov 05, 2018 12:52 am Title: Chapter 33
Wow what a great chapter. Love how Brian became such a wonderful Dad. Only 1 more chapter to go, but I know it will be a good one.
Author's Response:
Yeah, I love this new Brian quite a bit as well, if I may say so :)
Thanks for your comment!
Date: Nov 04, 2018 6:37 am Title: Chapter 32
Hi and thanks again for another great chapter! I love your writing-style, how you describe scenes in such a detailed way and how you let people interact. The first thing which made me smile here, was to imagine Brian standing there and singing Happy Birthday... :-) So cute! As I said before, I love your matured Brian!
I'm very happy about the whole development. Peace, contentment, harmony and joy have finally arrived. That's what they all deserve, but especially Brian, Gus and Luke. And what a wonderful moment between Brian, Ted, Blake and the boys. What a great second birthday for Luke. But when you wrote "all his favourite peopöe" I couldn't help but think, no, not all, one is missing... I know, Luke can't miss someone he doesn't know, but especially in those family moments, which Justin would have loved, I miss him like crazy. Still, two and a half years to come. And I also missed a little bit Brian's thoughts about Justin, especially on a day like this. Warmest regards!
Author's Response:
Thanks for your comment - I am glad you liked the chapter :)
The things Brian would do for his sons ;) Singing Happy Birthday, we know he went to Disney with them...
Yes, it seems like the painful times are finally over and the good times are ahead. They all deserve it after the pain of the last year :(
I know what you mean about Justin, but as you said: Luke can't miss someone he doesn't know. And yes, Justin would have loved those family moments and we know from Back for Good that once he was back, he really enjoyed holidays and celebrations with his kids :)
As for Brian's thoughts about Justin: The story is not over yet. Lets just say something like that will come and it would have been kind of redundant to do the same scene twice in a couple of chapters ;) But there will be some thoughts about Justin coming from Brian soon :)
More will be up later tonight!
Date: Nov 01, 2018 1:10 pm Title: Chapter 32
What a barbeque! Everyone important to the children is there.
Author's Response:
Yes, the family is finally reunited. Now we only need Papa to arrive and the family will be complete :)
More will be up tomorrow!
Date: Nov 01, 2018 7:57 am Title: Chapter 32
Great chapter! The family is back together and Brian's idea was just right. My only concern is that it smells like the end of the story is not far.
Author's Response:
Yes, the family is finally back together. Now it's only missing Papa and then it will be complete...
You're right :( We're nearing the end of this story. Not much more to go before it will be over.
Thanks for your comment!
Date: Nov 01, 2018 12:02 am Title: Chapter 32
Fantastic chapter. Love this Brian as a father. The picture of the Audi is so cute. Happy Halloween to you.
Author's Response:
I love Brian as a father as well :)
Thanks for your comment! More will be up tomorrow :)