Date: Oct 01, 2018 12:57 am Title: Chapter 33
The family is together, but I still resent Brian deciding to keep Luke a secret from Justin.
Author's Response:
I think that will always be at the back of everyone's mind, but just like Justin, I have forgiven Brian a long time ago. If Justin can, surely we can try as well ;)
Thanks for your comment!
Date: Oct 01, 2018 12:54 am Title: Chapter 33
You know I love happy endings so you have made me extremely happy. Can't wait to see what you have in the epilogue. Fantastic writing. Love your stories.
Author's Response:
I am glad I made you happy with this ending :)
The epilogue will be up tomorrow :) Thanks so much for your kind words!
Date: Sep 30, 2018 10:07 pm Title: Chapter 33
Sweet ending.
Author's Response:
I am glad you liked it :) Thank you!
The epilogue will be up tomorrow :)
Date: Sep 27, 2018 4:24 pm Title: Chapter 32
Hi again! After reading this chapter for the first time today in the mornig, I thought "perfect". I was really blown away. I must admit, Chapter 31 didn't evoke the feelings that I usually feel when reading your story. But maybe, I just wasn't in the mood. But this chapter... Wow! While reading, I feel their desire, their love, their happiness, their joy... It's all there thanks to your amazing writing-style! I thought, I couldn't say much more about it, but the devil's in the detail... :-)
“I didn't nearly kill myself to give you romance all night only to end the night with a quick fuck in the hallway.” - I just love this sentence. It suits Brian so well, and it makes me laugh and at the same time so glad, that he behaves this way! Next thing I really love is, that you let them talk so much inbetween. And in my opinion, it's great, that they also talk about the pregnancy and how Brian gave birth to Luke. Justin wanted to hear this and that shows that he's really forgiven Brian. And I also love how Brian explained to Justin that he was so happy to be pregnant because it was them who created a new life together. You let him say this a few times. I think it's important for Justin to hear it. The way you let Brian talk about this, shows Justin that not only did Brian love Luke from the beginning, but that he never stopped loving Justin. I think you are making this more than clear here. Next thing, I just love, is, that Brian isn't prepared as in older times. No lube and condoms in the bedside table? :-) I know, we've written about this before and I'm aware that Brian hasn't lived in celibacy for the last five years, but it does show that he probably, or at least in Britin, probably didn't had so many or no nightly visitors. And even if I'm wrong here with my over-analysis, I think it's great that it also shows that he may have hopes that night but no expectations. Last thing I also really love, is this "bottom-discussion". I like those stories in which Justin and also Brian bottom only for each other. So, with Brian, it was never the question, I think, but in the show Justin bottomed for other guys (Connor James or this foursome they had - I hate it by the way, didn't get the impression Justin was really into it). So yeah, I really love the way you portray Justin here. And finally, I love that Brian is finally able to voice his feelings, that he's not afraid to say "i love you" anymore. Thheir scene here reminds me so much of their last scene in S5. So, thanks, the circle has finally closed! You see, I'm so in love wtih this chapter! And I hope they fall asleep together and are awakened by their boys! :-) Thanks for this amazing chapter and warmest regards!
Author's Response:
Oh wow, thanks for your comment :)
I am glad you enjoyed this chapter so much! I was hoping people would like it and wouldn't think it was too cheesy or too much.
Justin wanted to hear about the pregnancy and he needed to hear about it. He knows that they can only really move on if they talk about it honestly. If they can't talk about what happened, that will always be between them and will always cause problems. Hopefully Brian can see that too and can learn to move on as well :)
Yes, it was always very important to Brian that he and Justin created Luke. That Luke was the perfect mixture of them both and that with Luke he would always have a piece of Justin with him, no matter what. Brian has always loved Justin, he might not have acted like it with what he has done, but deep down he has always loved Justin and Justin has always been the one for him. It's important that Justin knows that Brian has never stopped loving him and the son they have together.
Brian definitely had hopes, especially after their session with the therapist, but as he mentioned in the last chapter: He was ready to let Justin set the pace. He was ready give Justin all the time in the world he needed which also shows how much Brian loves Justin. If he didn't love him, he wouldn't care so much that Justin loved him as well and they got back together one day.
To be honest, I have always hated that Justin bottomed in that foursome and with Connor James. He never seemed to be the guy that was much into tricking. He mostly seemed to do it because Brian did it and when Brian wasn't around, but seriously: If you have Brian Kinney to fuck you on a regular basis and we've all heard what a great fuck he is, why would you let someone else fuck you as well? Never made much sense to me :/
More will be up soon and we'll see if you're right once again with your assumption of what might happen :P
Date: Sep 27, 2018 10:08 am Title: Chapter 27
Brian is always his own worst enemy, one step forward, a gazillion steps back.
Author's Response:
Unfortunately, yes :(
Thank you so much for all your comments :D
I really enjoyed reading them and I am always happy to see new readers!
More will be up soon :)
Date: Sep 27, 2018 9:57 am Title: Chapter 24
It's amazing, Brian refuses to even think about hurting Debbie but he just trashed all over Justin's feelings but keeping his son from him. It's going to take a lot more chapters before I could even think about forgiving Brian.
Author's Response:
Brian did what he did out of love - at least that's the way he sees it. He knew that he would be hurting Justin, but he justified that to himself by telling himself that Justin was not ready to be a father. That Justin was too young to settle down and have a family and that Justin deserved a chance at his career. In Brian's mind he sacrificed his own happiness and relationship so Justin could have the career he deserved...
He has a fundamentally different view on things than you do and doesn't see it as trashing Justin's feelings.
Date: Sep 27, 2018 9:46 am Title: Chapter 19
okay, wait a minute, one minute Justin is freaking out that he can't stay with the boys at Britin because it means to much to him and then less than a week later their all "hey he's moving in"...what happened to Justin's anxiety about the home that represented his future to him.
Author's Response:
It didn't disappear, that's for sure...
But the way Brian presented the idea of Justin moving into Britin, Justin didn't feel like he had another choice :(
Date: Sep 27, 2018 9:40 am Title: Chapter 17
I think both Grandma's got off a bit too easy.
Author's Response:
Maybe... maybe not...
It was a choice Justin made for his own sake as well as the sake of his sons. Maybe it was too easy, but as mentioned in another comment, they will always have to live with themselves, knowing what they have done. That won't go away :/
Date: Sep 27, 2018 9:32 am Title: Chapter 15
She was doing him a "favor" the character just lost a lot of respect in my eyes. A favor, jesus.
Deb and her got to play grandma and Justin was left with nothing, what kind of mothers are they.
Author's Response:
The ones who made a mistake, a grave mistake and now have to live with that for the rest of their lives :/
Date: Sep 27, 2018 9:25 am Title: Chapter 12
Brian is still trying to keep Luke to himself, he might not realize it but his "you don't have to worry about Lindsay and Michael" comment pissed me off. Lindsay and Michael tried to steal Justin's child and Brian wants to keep that to himself, no way. Maybe it's his way of trying not to think about the fact that he himself "stole" Justin's child from him.
Author's Response:
Or maybe it's not easy for Brian to talk about what was easily one of the most horrible days of his life... Maybe brushing Justin off like that was something Brian did because he couldn't deal with the memories of that day :( Who knows?
Date: Sep 27, 2018 9:22 am Title: Chapter 32
Aw so romantic and hawt!!
Author's Response:
You've been very patient to wait for it this long ;)
I hope it was worth it!
More will be up soon :)
Date: Sep 27, 2018 6:40 am Title: Chapter 11
Seems to me that Justin paid the last five years and now he's the one that has to give up and "forgive" them. It's like he's the one that will be doing all the work and the rest will just sit back and wait for him to forgive, don't be doing that. Jen and Deb and even Ted can't get off scott free.
Author's Response:
He doesn't have to forgive anyone.
Nobody forced him to forgive anyone. But we shouldn't forget that after all these people are people that Justin loves and he's now faced with the choice of hating them for the rest of his life and never having them in his life again in the capacity they used to be or trying to find a way to work through his pain and move on and be able to deal with these people...
Not an easy choice, but one Justin made.
Date: Sep 27, 2018 6:24 am Title: Chapter 8
Brian should have remembered, Justin isn't the munchers or Michael, he wouldn't have done that to his child. Brian is still in the wrong here, the biggest wrong in the world, and trying to guilt Justin into "oh this is all about Luke"...well what about this Mr Kinney, if you hadn't lied about your son from the get go your son would have had two great parents to love him. Justin is a painter he can paint anywhere, that bullshit of you had to be in New York is just that. Fans have already blown that theory out of the water, New York isn't the 50's or 60's, it's a whole new market, painters paint in Montana and Alaska now days.
Author's Response:
And still the Justin who said that New York was not the dream of his life, but that Brian was his dream come true, cancelled his wedding with Brian and decided to move to New York...
Apparently at that point he agreed about having to be in New York as well :/ And we all know about Brian's cliffs and how he feels once he gets the feeling that people are sacrificing anything for him :(
Date: Sep 27, 2018 6:12 am Title: Chapter 7
I have never in my life read a Brian and Justin story and within the first 5 chapters said to myself "I hope Justin doesn't forgive him, I hope he tells him to kiss his ass and sue for custody"...until today. Usually I don't get so angry at a story, but I think its because I'm a mother I feel that Brian did something so cowardly, that it's unforgiveable. Jen and Debbie too. They weren't being blackmailed in the true sense of the word. Ted could lose his job but he still needs to suck up to Justin and Emmett but Jennifer could have told Justin without letting Brian know she told. But for Brian to do that, I don't think there is coming back from that.
I've always seen Brian as a bit of a coward, he lets his friends walk all over him but treats Justin like shit, but I've always forgiven him because of the parental abuse he went through, and the abuse from Debbie and Michael, but this...this is beyond the pale.
I'll keep reading but I don't know if I can forgive the Brian character in this story.
Author's Response:
You wouldn't be the only one who couldn't forgive him!
Date: Sep 27, 2018 4:48 am Title: Chapter 32
I was wondering how far they were going to go in the hallway. Good thing Brian had the good sense to stop. Luke or Gus could have come out in the hallway and been witness to that blowjob.
Their bedroom scenes were hot, Hot, HOT! Thank you for that. It was just what they needed to get their lives together back on track. And Brian really does need to let go of the past. Justin has, and it will help become a stronger couple. Is their another pregnancy planned?
I've debated about saying this next comment, but if people are having a hard time accepting the growth of your characters, they should stop reading. I did that once. I really couldn't get into the story, so I thought, 'Why keep reading?' And, I didn't miss it, nor did it bother me that I quit. Justin LOVED hearing about Brian's pregnancy, and begged him to relate ALL the feelings and emotions he went through duing the pregnancy and delivery. What was Brian supposed to do? Not tell him? It would have only incensed Justin, and they wouldn't have had their experience of lovemaking again. I for one, enjoyed having Brian relate it all. It showed Justin how much Brian had changed, and Justin got to live the pregnancy through Brian's eyes. So I hope you don't let people's views on your wonderful story dampen your writing enthusuasm. Because it's their own fault that they are reading the story, one of which they are clearly not enjoying.
Thank you for writing this, and sharing it with us.
XOXO ~ Cathy
Author's Response:
And a blowjob/fuck in the hallway would have been kind of a letdown after that romantic night :/
I am glad you enjoyed the bedroom scenes :) As for another pregnancy: I think at this point in the story that's probably the worst thing that could happen to them. They still have so much to figure out for their new relationship and their family and especially Brian obviously still needs to work through some big emotional baggage. A pregnancy would be too early :/
Justin wanted and needed to hear about the pregnancy from Brian. At this point they have talked a lot about why Brian kept his pregnancy from Justin and his reasons for keeping Luke a secret, but they have never really talked about the pregnancy itself. If they want to have a future together as a family and especially the two of them as a couple, they need to be able to talk about these things. Otherwise there will never be any real moving on and what happened will always be between them. And Justin knows that. Hopefully with Justin's guidance Brian can finally learn to let go of the past as well...
As for your last comment: I honestly don't mind. If you create something (a story, a picture, a painting, whatever) and publish/display it, you open yourself up to criticism and people disagreeing with you. As long as it doesn't get personal, I don't mind that. People enjoy different things in life, have different views and opinions and that diversity is something I embrace. Life would be so boring if we agreed all the time. I love talking to people with differing opinions and trying to understand where they are coming from.
Sometimes I wish more people would feel that way :/ With how divided nations, people in countries, etc are at the moment, we would all do well to take a breath and learn to listen to the other side and try to understand them instead of just accusing them of being wrong because they don't agree with my point of view.
I am glad for every person that has read this story and has left a comment: They took the time to read my efforts and even invested more time to let me think what they thought about it. You can learn so much from constructive criticism, I embrace it :)
God, that got very deep ;) Better stop now!
More will be up soon :D
Date: Sep 27, 2018 4:03 am Title: Chapter 5
No one with any emotions and a good heart would ever understand keeping their child from them...for their fucking career, that's bullshit. And for Brian to blackmail her and Debbie AND THEY WENT ALONG WITH IT. Bull, you wait a few days then you sneak Justin back to see his child, and help him get a good lawyer.
Author's Response:
But then we wouldn't have had a story ;) Or at least not this story!
Date: Sep 27, 2018 3:58 am Title: Chapter 4
Okay, I don't think Jennifer can take the high road here, she did something even worse than Brian, afterall, we all know when it comes to his own problems Brian can be his own worst enemy, he's a coward when it comes to dealing with his problems with Justin...but Jennifer, no she doesn't get to think she can just make a remark about his puberty. This isn't some childish thing...they kept his child from him, his mother kept his child from him. Me, I find out my son has a child, I'm giving the other parent time to go to them, if they don't I'm telling my child about MY grandson.
Because when it comes down to it, those two had the wonder and the miracle of a child that they got to love, watch grow and ENJOY...whereas Justin got nothing but being alone in New York. That is really not fair. I hope Justin make both of them pay for quite a while for that.
Author's Response:
Welcome to this story :)
I totally agree about Jennifer! At this point in the story she clearly underestimated Justin's anger which was really dumb and naive of her :/
Date: Sep 27, 2018 3:17 am Title: Chapter 32
I’M usually a sucker for a good smut scene, but not this time. Hearing how selfish Brian was about his pregnancy just made me despise him all over again. Yeah I know Justin asked for it, but Brian regaling how happy he was to have experienced every moment of Luke’s young life while purposely leaving Justin out just made me sick. To tell the truth, I really hoped that by the time we got to this point in the story that there would be something that would allow me to feel better about the characters. I really feel bad that it didn’t happen for me. In fact I feel terrible for the reviews and comments i’ve posted throughout this story.
I wish I could have found the beauty in them starting over. I honestly want to be excited about them being a family.....and I feel as if I’m offending your work because I can’t. Maybe I’m being too cynical?
Author's Response:
What did you want Brian to do? Lie to Justin? So Justin would feel better and he would feel worse? And in any case, I think Justin wouldn't have felt any better if he had known that Brian hadn't enjoyed his pregnancy.
I think by this point it's very clear that Justin has forgiven Brian and understands why Brian did what he did. He has decided to move on and work on a better future for them and Justin wanted to hear this. Do you really think Justin would have felt better knowing that Brian hated every second of being pregnant without him by his side (not that that was the case!)? Justin is not that spiteful as I think this story has proven by now ;)
You are not offending my work - at least I don't see it as an offense! As I've said before: We are all different and have different views and opinions and that is fine! That is life :) That's what makes life so interesting and exciting. How boring would it be if everyone agreed all the time?
I have always enjoyed seeing your comments and your view on things because it's so fundamentally different from my view and it was really interesting for me to see that other point of view. So thank you for that :D
Don't ever feel bad for having your own opinion!
Date: Sep 27, 2018 2:09 am Title: Chapter 32
That's what was missing. Them being them where they get the best of each other.
Author's Response:
You have all been very, very patient :)
More will be up soon!
Date: Sep 27, 2018 12:50 am Title: Chapter 32
FINALLY !!!!!!! Don't need to say anymore except your writing is AWESOME!!!
Author's Response:
Yes, you've all been very, very patient :D
Thank you :)
More will be up soon!
Date: Sep 27, 2018 12:25 am Title: Chapter 32
Please let Brian get pregnant again so Justin goes through it this time with him.
Author's Response:
We'll have to wait and see, but at this point that would be a very bad thing :(
More will be up soon!
Date: Sep 24, 2018 4:44 pm Title: Chapter 31
Hi again! Oh my Goodness, how cute is he! "You look beautiful, Papa" - I want to cuddle Luke!
And again, oh my goodness. For once, I agree with Debbie, Brian is really not able to do things without the grand gesture. I haven't expected their date like this. First, I thought, isn't it a little bit too much, but honestly, I'm so happy for Justin. He just deserves to be treated and spoiled like that. I couldn't hardly bear how Brian treated Justin in the second half of Season 2 (the hustler, the picnic-scene, the scene where Brian couldn't bring himself to buy those flowers...). Then, I also wasn't quite sure how to feel about the loft... "a place in the city might come in handy every once in a while" - I asked myself for what? But maybe I'm over-analysing it... And then you let him say this "It's where everything started" - beautfiul! It's also good to see, that Brian finally dares and allows himself to do such "ridiculous romantic" things... chocolate, candles, flowers... What a great and amazing date! I'm so happy for them, for having a really good time together. You created a scene with openess, honesty, they seem to ba carefree. And I do not only love this "sunshine-talk" in the car, but also to see not only a matured Justin but as it seems also a matured Brian, who is patient and let Justin set the pace! And what a perfect ending... And I'm curious how Justin set the pace further! :-) Warmest regards!
Author's Response:
Honestly, I want a son like Luke. I am soooo in love with this child that doesn't even exist *lol*
No, Brian Kinney can't do anything without the grand gesture. Not even a Valentine's Date. And yes, Justin deserved it and deserved to be treated like this by Brian.
We'll find out later what the place in the city might come in handy for ;)
Some might say it's out of character for Brian to be this romantic, but I'd like to think that after having been to therapy and after having given birth to Luke, he might have grown into a man that could show his feelings like Brian did in this chapter :)
That sunshine talk in the car was very important to me. We have seen Debbie go back to calling Justin Sunshine, but Brian hasn't once in the story so far and I am glad that Justin finally picked up on that and asked about it. And that he liked Brian calling him that name as well - I always thought it was cute :)
Apparently Brian has listened to Ted and is following his advice to be patient and to let Justin set the pace - good for Brian! It might actually get him what he wants in the end...
Aren't we all curious now how Justin will further set the pace? ;)
Thanks for your lovely comment! More will be up soon!
Date: Sep 24, 2018 3:08 am Title: Chapter 31
I must say it was a date that will long be remembered.
Author's Response:
That it will be :) And hopefully it wasn't their last!
More will be up soon :)
Date: Sep 24, 2018 1:21 am Title: Chapter 31
Yeah, getting closer to being together again. What a wonderful, romantic evening Brian planned for Justin. Just perfect as is your writing.
Author's Response:
Awwww, thank you :)
I am glad you enjoyed their date night!
More will be up soon :D
Date: Sep 24, 2018 1:11 am Title: Chapter 31
Yeah smooches
Author's Response:
Finally :D