Do much going on.
The boys can breathe now and get on with Kinnetik. Of course Cynthia is going to work for them. Now I know Ted's in rehab but I get the strange feeling that someone was feeding them info as to how and where to invest the money. Please let it be Lindsay and not Ted who was feeding them.
And now we know that Deb knows exactly what Michael has been up and probably encouraged him. Brian owes them nothing!
Rodney is the perfect one to take her on.
Shame it took so long for Mel to wise up like Ben did. She's going to have a hell of morning when she wakes up. I don't want her to pity Brian but rather her envy him for what he's about to lose.
Oh Deb you have hung the noose around your own neck yet again helping Michael and this time there really won't be anyone is going to save you.
With Deb buying the house for Michael she has severed the last ties she has to Brian and the hope he had that she was an innocent victim of Michael's fantasies.
Rodney was right about Deb and she is going to see first hand that everything he said is going to come into fruition.
Jennifer is the mother Brian will need when he pulls away from Deb, she will show him love without conditions and another safe haven when Deb turns against him.
Brian and Justin are doing a Domestic Partnership? Hell Yeah!!
Mel should talk to someone about protecting Gus from Lindsay's schemes and to make sure that when she walks away Lindsay can't take Gus away from her, Brian and Justin.
Besides Lindsay might be too busy scrambling when she finds out Justin is suing Michael for back pay to come protect herself first, curious did she get any of the money Michael was stealing from Justin??? Hmmmm <scratches chin>
Brian should call to have the locks changed along with the security code cause after Michael gets off the phone with Deb he might be coming back and his first stop will be the loft <eye roll>
Three Fantastic Updates to Three Fantastic Stories, Thanks So Much! :)
Shocked (not) that Michael has put Deb in debt for a house, maybe she will just have to learn the hard way. Love the part Brian and Justin are going to do with the portion of the money from Jason Kemp and future money from their business together. Can't wait for more!!
Great two chapters. Terrific writing.
Date: Jun 10, 2018 3:56 pm Title: JUST THE TWO OF US
Wow! Questions that definitely needed answering...good for them! Feeling the love...all over the place! Obviously, that wasn't Jennifer at Deb's door. Hmmmm who was it?
Date: Jun 10, 2018 12:05 pm Title: JUST THE TWO OF US
A conversation so long over due.
A check will so welcomed and humbling.
Date: Jun 10, 2018 5:59 am Title: JUST THE TWO OF US
It might sound a bit strange, but this chapter was absolutely lovely. The way the talked and listened to each other was so intune with who they are growing to be. Love it!
And now Jennifer will get to brighten their day a bit!
But again... Who the hell was at Deb's door!? LOL! Next chapter maybe?
Love it all!
Date: Jun 10, 2018 4:48 am Title: JUST THE TWO OF US
Great chapter!! I love they are talking about everything. I am so ready to see Michael get what is really coming to him (and not in a positive life affirming way). Can't wait for the next chapter.
Date: Jun 10, 2018 4:15 am Title: JUST THE TWO OF US
You pack a lot into a chapter. That's a positive comment. It's nice to get a real sense of what's happening, not just a little snippet.
How enjoyable to read about them actually talking and communicating with each other. I liked that they don't want to be blindsided any longer by other people. And if they talk and are honest with each other it lessens' those chances. Thanks for taking us there.
Now, off to bed I go.
Date: Jun 10, 2018 4:12 am Title: JUST THE TWO OF US
Deb, Michael and Lindsay are such manipulative people they used Brian's insecurities to bend him to their will for years and now they will pay the consequences for those actions.
Brian and Justin sitting on the floor talking about everything is good it takes away the power others will use to try to separate them.
I especially like Brian saying I Love You and just saying Justin saying it back while also agreeing that they shouldn't over use it cause it does take away it's meaning.
Deb, Michael and Lindsay used I Love You to browbeat Brian and so it totally takes on a different meaning when they use it.
Now they know to talk to each other first before they take anything as truth from certain members of The Family.
Jennifer is coming when they need a break to deliver some good news that they need after all the Crap they just found out.
Michael and Lindsay used Ethan to separate Brian and Justin?
Date: Jun 10, 2018 4:11 am Title: JUST THE TWO OF US
Love how all the truth is in the open. I'm sure there are other things that need explaining but this will do for now.
Date: Jun 10, 2018 1:31 am Title: NO DEPOSIT, NO RETURN
Okay, that sentence really bothers me, "I wonder if everything is finally ready for Michael to take the next step and if he needs my help again for him to do so."
So what has Deb done in the past "again" infers that she's helped Michael get something he wanted in the past from Brian. Can I just say this...BITCH!! I hope Jen bitch slaps her, might be wrong to turn to violence but some people just need it so much, the Novotny's are so those kinds of people.
Date: Jun 10, 2018 1:10 am Title: NO DEPOSIT, NO RETURN
WHO WAS AT THE DOOR!? Oh, sorry for shouting, but damn! Is it Jennifer, Brian, Lindsay? OMG I can't wait to find out.
The way Debbie is behaving here I'm hoping whomever is at the door is there to bitchslap some sense into her head. She needs to let Michael grow up and take responsibility for his actions. And she needs to leave Brian and Justin alone!
Really love how Jennifer handled herself with her surprise guests. She was ready to defend not only Justin but Brian as well. Love that! And so happy to see that they were there to help Brian and Justin and return the support the boys gave the community. Now all she has to do is take on Deb.
Another wonderful update and I can't wait for the next one!
PS: Forgot to mention earlier that I love the name you gave the judge! Brought a tear to my eye.
Date: Jun 10, 2018 12:11 am Title: NO DEPOSIT, NO RETURN
I love this, but then I love pretty much everything you write.
Date: Jun 09, 2018 11:57 pm Title: NO DEPOSIT, NO RETURN
Could it be Lindsay at the door?
Deb is the reason why Michael thinks he is entitled to whatever his greedy little heart desires, she repeatedly told herself she was allowed to pass judgment on others for their choices while dismissing that her choices is the reason why she took the name of a dead service man and lied to Michael for years that his father was a hero.
She looks down on her nose at Hunter for hustling to survive while dismissing that Rita sold her son to feed her habit.
She looks down on her nose at Brian while dismissing the fact that without Brian Michael would have never lived to finish high school or gotten laid (Cause Mommy going to the clubs and picking out a partner for Michael and then critiquing every position would have been so helpful), Michael got the comic book store because of Brian but it is losing money because of Michael.
Has the brains to rob Brian and steal from Justin but can't finish college without someone holding his hand?? smh
Deb is about to see her world collapse around her, while Brian, Justin and everyone else is about to meet the Real Deb Novotny.
Harold and his friends giving Jennifer that check to give to Brian and Justin is so moving, and will be a lot of help to Brian and Justin to help start Kinnectic.
Date: Jun 09, 2018 10:55 pm Title: NO DEPOSIT, NO RETURN
Well it is now even more obvious why Michael feels so entitled to everything. Debbie thinks even more warped thoughts than he does at times. You definitely have got your writing back and doing an amazing job at it. Cliffhanger ??? Well it will just get better !!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Jun 09, 2018 10:38 pm Title: NO DEPOSIT, NO RETURN
Can I just say that Judge Stone is going to be my hero. If I were Jennifer I'd be heading to the loft while that check was buring a hole in my purse.
Debbie's thoughts sound almost incestuous. Also sounds like she knows what he's up to. Guess she's going to go down with him.
Brian owes them nothing. NOTHING! Especially his life. Spending the rest of his life with Michael. Ugh!!
What gives Debbie the right, at least to her addled brain, to think she knows what and who is or isn't best for Justin? Inflated sense of self worth much?
Who was at the door? Lindsay? Carl? Jennifer? I need to know.
Date: Jun 09, 2018 10:20 pm Title: NO DEPOSIT, NO RETURN
That money will be a huge help starting Kinnetik; if Brian wins his battle against Gardner, it will increase the funding of their project.
Debbie is as delusional as her son.
Date: Jun 09, 2018 10:12 pm Title: NO DEPOSIT, NO RETURN
Omg Debbie is as delusional as her son! What a fucking hypocrite and selfish woman! This 'Debbie part of the chapter just pissed me off to no end! Sweet Jesus! That has to be Jennifer at her door. And what a rude greeting, wtf? Is the next chapter going to be some consequences for shit for brains?
That was a very nice check that Brian & Justin will get though.
Date: Jun 09, 2018 9:03 pm Title: NO DEPOSIT, NO RETURN
Now we see where Micheal got his screw loose from. If she knew what she was talking about that would be one thing. It's going to be fun watching Jennifer try to corral Deb when Deb is so obviously in the wrong and will never admit it. I wonder who is at the door?
Date: Jun 09, 2018 7:55 pm Title: COMING TOGETHER
Deb would feed into Michael's fantasy that he deserves Brian because she only wants the best for her baby and Brian is the best.
Now Lindsay would feed into Michael's delusions because it gets her what she wants when Brian kicks Michael to the curb, all the mobey, the perfect dream house and Brian Kinney all to herself.
Probably already had a plan in motion to get get Michael caught up so she would look like the better option, especially after she kicked Melanie to the curb.
Lindsay's delusion is that because Brian slept with her one he would be willing to do it again, she refuses to see that Brian is not curious about his sexuality anymore he is 1000% percent Gay and isn't interested in having a hetero relationship with her.
She is like Michael Conniving but not Crazy!!!
Hopefully Jennifer can get Deb to see sense but is she can then everyone will move on without her.
Brian and Justin talking is good they are bridging their own path to communication and keeping certain others opinions out of it this time.
Ben should use to get back the money he paid for the mortgage??
Happy that he is making plans to keep Hunter with him and getting out of this disaster with Michael.
Looks like Mel is getting ready to get out of her disaster aswell while also making sure Gus is safe.
So Michael robbed the loft and sold the stuff to another stalker of Brian's.
Wonder how Michael, Lance and Lindsay are going to take it when their house of cards come tumbling down??
Date: Jun 09, 2018 3:53 pm Title: COMING TOGETHER
Oh my two wonderful chapters. You really know how to write about what an idiot Michael is. Just love that. And, I have to say I did not read them yesterday because I was too busy reading, looking at pictures and watching the video of the QAF reunion spread done by Entertainment Weekly. It was so wonderful seeing all the gang together and looking so amazing. I even ordered my copy of the magazine. The only let down was that it was said that no serious talks are going on about a reunion. Guess that means more stories for us to read to keep things going. Once a QAF fan, always a QAF fan !!!!! LOL Hope you are feeling better day by day and enjoy your weekend. Will pray that your appointment goes well.
Date: Jun 09, 2018 1:21 pm Title: COMING TOGETHER
Holy shit! Michael is a true piece of work! Wow wow wow....that is all
Date: Jun 09, 2018 7:52 am Title: COMING TOGETHER
More and more revelations: you are on fire! It's so logical and simple.
Aside the usual dumb attitude of Michael: how could he think Brian never would question how he did build his nest? He never worked high rates jobs and his comic books store isn't a great way of revenue. Brian would never fall for that.
Date: Jun 09, 2018 7:19 am Title: THE MERRY GO ROUND HAS BROKEN DOWN
I love the inner thought you give to your characters. It feels the blanks any film or series leaves. It explains how Jutsin would feel about Hunter and vice versa.
It's amazing to have so frequent updates: happy writing!