Date: Apr 17, 2020 6:50 am Title: Chapter 1
I LOVED it then, and I LOVE it even MORE now!
Date: May 18, 2018 3:25 pm Title: Chapter 1
yes yes yes.... Daphne to the rescue! I could completely see this being what really happened!
Date: May 12, 2018 8:11 am Title: Chapter 1
Really liked this. Daphne is fierce when it comes to her best friend and seems to really "get" Brian. A good friend to them both.
Author's Response:
Date: May 11, 2018 7:21 pm Title: Chapter 1
I love gap stories. I totally get why Jennifer asked Brian to stay away, from her pov, this was all Brian's fault, but I don't think she thought about the consequences of keeping them apart. YAY Daphne <3
Author's Response:
Jennifer only saw things from her perspective as his mother, instead of looking at what he really needed.
Date: May 11, 2018 7:32 am Title: Chapter 1
Wonderful story! Daphné is a really best friend. I wish we could see her so much more in the show. Thank you for sharing Lorie!
Author's Response:
So glad you liked the story.
She really was a good friend, she always wanted the best for Justin.
Date: May 10, 2018 6:30 pm Title: Chapter 1
Very sweet story! We could all use a best friend like Daphne.
Author's Response:
Justin (and Brian) were lucky to have her. Everyone could use that kind of best friend.
Thanks for fixing the stuff I missed.
Date: May 10, 2018 11:45 am Title: Chapter 1
I love when Daphne gets all feisty and dares telling so much needed truths.
Author's Response:
Daphne will get right in your face with the truth.
Date: May 10, 2018 11:06 am Title: Chapter 1
Go Daphne! I had always wished the writers had made her role a bit bigger. Thanks for sharing.
Author's Response:
Daphne should have been used more than that other 'best friend'.
Date: May 10, 2018 8:16 am Title: Chapter 1
As always, this was absolutely wonderful! Your stories are always full of emotion, which is oft times tough for an author to really convey. But you do it with style and grace each and every time. Rather than just telling the story, it actually 'shows' what the character is feeling and allows us, as readers, to laugh, cry, rail and rant with them which is a gift.
I always hated the way everyone blamed Brian, but overlooked all the facts surrounding the bashing. Also, I always had major problems that Jennifer just accepted Mitchell Perkins' assessment of Justin's 'behavior' without acknowledging that there was a serious problem with bullying at the school. Even Dr. Perkins had a boss and she should have followed the chain of command until she got some results. But I digress...yep! climbing off my soapbox about bureaucratic red tape and school officials right now...LOL
Having Daphne get to the heart of the matter and then deliver some really hard truths about Jennifer's interference, and ultimately, her hinderance in Justin's recovery went a long way to setting that storyline right! I just LOVE Daph, who is a much better friend than the person I shall leave unmentionable. She was totally underutilized in the show, but when she showed up, it was to verbally knock some sense into people or impart some key information so it was never a wasted appearance.
As for Jennifer, I still maintain that her actions in that moment were selfish and self-absorbed. Yes, there was concern, hurt and fear, but I'm glad that Daphne put it all into perspective for her and brought home the real question no one asked. Why did Chris Hobbs, a football player, bring a bat to the prom? Thankfully, Jennifer had to think about that and see her actions (or lack thereof) for what they really were. Then acknowledge that she wasn't capable of reaching Justin and ended up relying on the one man who could.
Great Job!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Author's Response:
You leave the sweetest reviews. I just write what I see them saying and doing in my head.
You inspired Daphne's rant to Jennifer with a comment you made when you read the beginning draft of this story. It is possible that Jennifer didn't know the full scope of the bullying Justin was facing at school, but she did know her son and should have realized that the 'behavior' that he exhibited at school probably had an underlying cause.
Daphne is a lot like Brian, she will tell you if you are being a stupid ass, and she will tell you why. Jennifer needed someone to show her that she was only seeing things one way. She was treating Justin like he was still in grammer school and not like the man he was becoming. She saw Brian as an older man who was corrupting her son, instead of as a man that her son was in love with and who was always looking out for his best interests and loved him back.
~Lorie <3
Date: May 10, 2018 6:27 am Title: Chapter 1
I always wondered what happened during that gap. Good job. TAG
PS. Go, Daph!
Author's Response:
Filling in and fixing what I didn't like feels good.
Daph was a great friend.
Date: May 10, 2018 4:04 am Title: Chapter 1
Yay Daphne. Made jenn pull her head out of her ass and see what was really important...Justin's happiness.
It does seem like Daphne can work miracles. Brian admitting his feelings. Huge!
Author's Response:
Jen just needed to see things as they really were and stop thinking of Justin as a child.
Since Daphne had overheard Brian, he couldn't very well tell her that he didn't love Justin.
Date: May 10, 2018 3:24 am Title: Chapter 1
Great story. Better ending than the way the series did it.
Author's Response:
I like fixing what seemed unfinished in the show.
Date: May 10, 2018 3:20 am Title: Chapter 1
Oh something I wish had happened on the show cause it made no sense to me that everyone blamed Brian for being there when he decided to come at the last minute, and who brings a baseball bat to their prom??
Instead of blaming Chris Hobbs everyone blamed Brian for doing what Justin asked him to do days before.
And Jennifer probably never really knew the amount of bullying Justin went through because she probably thought it was just "Kids being kids" and never took Justin's complaints seriously cause "Everyone Gets Teased".
I wish Daphne had been the one to set them all straight on the show that way they can deal with their own drama instead of looking for excuses to Butt In to Brian and Justin's relationship.
This got me all teary-eyed and I Love It :)
Author's Response:
Daphne was a good friend to both Brian and Justin and didn't want to see either one of them hurt.
Justin, like most kids, probably hid a lot of what happened to him at school from his mother.
Date: May 10, 2018 3:17 am Title: Chapter 1
Gotta love Daphne. She goes straight for the juggler.
Author's Response:
Daphne is like Brian, she will tell you what you need to hear.