Date: May 08, 2018 4:38 am Title: Chapter 10
I feel for Joanie. Having to stay with Claire is a chore. Even Justin feels it.
Author's Response: Claire is not easy to deal with.
Date: May 08, 2018 4:31 am Title: Chapter 3
Emmett is hilarious when queening out big time! And so is Brian about the piano; thanks to Justin for keeping him on the line.
Author's Response: Love. queen Emmett. lol
Date: May 08, 2018 4:29 am Title: Chapter 9
Love Emmett's reaction to Richie being Bi. lol. What ever happen to the bed on the porch? Joan could have stayed in it or Claire could.
Author's Response: Oh, the bed's still there.
Date: May 08, 2018 4:08 am Title: Chapter 8
It's so funny that Gamma Joan would rather stay with Brian then put up with Claire. The pink piano is cute but I don't think any serious pianist would use one.
Author's Response: Joan has changed a lot.
Date: May 08, 2018 3:57 am Title: Chapter 7
Auntie Em doesn't get to play Toothfairy? What a shame.
Author's Response: lol Yes, it is a shame.
Date: May 08, 2018 3:47 am Title: Chapter 6
I love the Emmett and Richie parts. They seem to be made for each other. Joanie was happy to learn that she's going to be better. Claire was no help in getting that information across. Poor Bree, she has all the Anderson-Morrison men there yet she wants her Daddy and Dada.
Author's Response: There's nobody who can replace your parents.
Date: May 08, 2018 3:40 am Title: Chapter 2
I was wondering about another kid for Brian and Justin: now I have the answer, but knowing Justin's tenacity, we don't really know what could happen.
JR and Curtis seem getting along just well.
Author's Response: Yes, it remains to be seen.
Date: May 08, 2018 3:34 am Title: Chapter 5
Such sadness about Joan, but with Father Tom around she's sure to make a recovery.
Author's Response: Let's hope so.
Date: May 08, 2018 1:46 am Title: Chapter 4
Richie has met Brian and Justin and Debbie. At this rate he'll feel fine. Now Bree is learning how to catch and talking poor Patrick into playing a piano.
Author's Response: I'm not sure Bree and Patrick will be trading talents.
Date: May 08, 2018 1:29 am Title: Chapter 3
Love this chapter with Emmett telling Richie all the things Richie needed to hear. Now Bree will certainly get her piano lessons without a doubt.
Author's Response: Emmett is a good influence on Richie.
Date: May 08, 2018 1:15 am Title: Chapter 2
I know that Richie will be delighted with Auntie Em who will be more than willing to let him wear girls clothing. Of course this starts Leda and Justin wanting a little one. Good thing Brian managed to talk Justin down, one Bree is enough. JR and Curtis will become great friends for Richie.
Author's Response: Yes, one Bree is definitely enough. lol
Date: May 08, 2018 1:08 am Title: Chapter 1
WOW, another great story to the series. The gerbils must run around in your brains all the time. Fantastic start and with such a different concept. May not review again until the end since once I start reading a completed story, I have to force myself to take a break. WONDERFUL !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: May 08, 2018 12:51 am Title: Chapter 1
Love any story that features Emmett. If I remember correctly Richie or Nina is going to be a favorite!
Date: May 07, 2018 9:55 pm Title: Chapter 1
Emmett is so much fun! I bet Brian saw him coming and let him have his queen out moment and cop a feel at the same time.
The call to Drew was very funny!
Author's Response: We love it when you see the humor.