Date: Feb 18, 2018 5:09 am Title: Chapter 1
Brian in the "desperate horny wolf" mode is quite funny.
Author's Response: I think so too. It's interesting to see him not get what he wants.
Date: Feb 18, 2018 2:08 am Title: Chapter 10
While this had a wonderful ending it would have been even better if Brian had it out with Michael. Great story.
Author's Response: Thank you very much.
Date: Feb 18, 2018 1:56 am Title: Chapter 9
Rats. Can I just punch Michael in the face. Have Ben decide that someone who would do what he did is not someone he wants to know? Please!
Author's Response: You would think they would all get Michael's number.
Date: Feb 18, 2018 1:28 am Title: Chapter 10
I love this story.
The weasel has one set of rules for himself and another for everyone else. Especially Brian, who he considers his property.
Author's Response: So true. Thank you, Lorie.
Date: Feb 18, 2018 1:22 am Title: Chapter 8
If I were Ben I'd be having second thoughts about being around Michael. Wonder how the girls take it. I'm not worried about Gus, Gus will love him.
Author's Response: You are an optimist.
Date: Feb 18, 2018 1:08 am Title: Chapter 7
That went well.
Author's Response: ;)
Date: Feb 18, 2018 12:56 am Title: Chapter 6
Wow! What a sad story. I love the way Brian took it. It would be nice though to stop the guy who is going around infecting people.
Author's Response: Sad but also true.
Date: Feb 18, 2018 12:46 am Title: Chapter 5
I like that they went shopping and no zuccini man in sight.
Author's Response: LOL
Date: Feb 18, 2018 12:38 am Title: Chapter 4
Well that didn't go well. I curious as to how Justin got HIV? A little hint?
Author's Response: You'll find out soon enough. lol
Date: Feb 18, 2018 12:12 am Title: Chapter 3
Now this was a fascinating twist. Justin's positive? Mikey, of course, is Mikey.
Author's Response: Yes, isn't Mikey always Mikey? Unfortunately.
Date: Feb 18, 2018 12:00 am Title: Chapter 2
Maybe just maybe it will be easier than I thought.
Author's Response: Don't count on it. lol
Date: Feb 17, 2018 11:07 pm Title: Chapter 1
Brian thinks this is going to be easy? I don't. But it will be fun seeing him try.
Author's Response: Let's hope it's fun.
Date: Feb 17, 2018 10:51 pm Title: Chapter 10
This was such a beautiful, touching story. I love that they found happiness together and they're looking for a good future together.
Author's Response: I like happy endings. Thanks for reading and commenting.
Date: Feb 17, 2018 10:39 pm Title: Chapter 9
Can I pretty please punch Michael in the face?
Author's Response: You have my permission and blessing.
Date: Feb 17, 2018 10:25 pm Title: Chapter 8
Michael can be such an ass.... I bet Brian will be surprised when he finds out he's in a relationship without his knowledge. =))
Author's Response: It will be interesting to see.
Date: Feb 17, 2018 10:11 pm Title: Chapter 7
Maybe Debbie will change her mind about Ben now. Both her boys are seeing HIV positive guys.
Brian's made a wise choice.
Author's Response: Glad you think Brian has chosen wisely.
Date: Feb 17, 2018 9:51 pm Title: Chapter 6
Ths was bittersweet. Brian really cares for Justin.
Poor Sunshine to go through such a horrible first experience... Lucky, he has Brian now.
Author's Response: Let's hope Brian can work his magic.
Date: Feb 17, 2018 9:34 pm Title: Chapter 5
Things are progressing, but I have a feeling something will go wrong, or Brian will do some stupid thing.
Author's Response: Brian has been known to do that. lol
Date: Feb 17, 2018 9:20 pm Title: Chapter 4
You can run but you can't hide your true feelings, Brian. You're starting to like Justin and it's frustrating that he's turning you down.
Author's Response: This is very hard for Brian to understand.
Date: Feb 17, 2018 9:07 pm Title: Chapter 3
I'm so curious about Sunshine's much is like in the tv show and what you added to it.
Brian wouldn't really thinks. =)
Author's Response: I'll be interested to see what you think when you find out about Justin's past.
Date: Feb 17, 2018 8:33 pm Title: Chapter 2
Brian is falling slowly and surely.
Author's Response: I do believe you are right.
Date: Feb 17, 2018 8:20 pm Title: Chapter 1
Already hooked. I'm loving this idea.
I have a few theories about Justin. Brian pinning is something else. hehehe
Author's Response: Thanks, so glad the story grabbed you.
Date: Feb 17, 2018 7:38 pm Title: Chapter 1
This is one of my favorite AU stories!! Love it.
Author's Response: Thanks so much for your lovely comment.
Date: Feb 17, 2018 7:37 pm Title: Chapter 1
Thank you, Thyme, for posting this here. One of my very favorite h/c fics of all time and one of the few that I've read dozens of times. I so deeply love Brian's characterization in this.
Author's Response: That's an amazing comment. Thank you so much for letting me know.