Date: Apr 14, 2019 8:43 pm Title: Convalescence
Absolutely LOVED this! I wish I could have seen this play out on screen, and yet your words painted such vivid scenery in my psyche that I felt as if I haven't missed a thing. Even I now feel healed from the youthful folly of Ethan Gold. This is truly a story I could get lost in over and over again. Thank you for writing it!
Date: Feb 13, 2018 5:30 pm Title: Convalescence
I hope to see you posting more of your old stories here, ESPECIALLY The Temptation of Snakes. That is probably one of, if not my favourite story eveeeeeeeer :)
Author's Response:
It's one of my favorites, too ;-) Yes, I do plan of putting it up here. Just bear with me. It's been a while since I went through my QaF fic, and I need to get it all in order again ;-)
Date: Feb 13, 2018 7:11 am Title: Convalescence
OMG! OMG! I am sooo happy. Just love this
Author's Response:
LOL ;-) I'm thrilled that you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for reading and for your lovely review!
Date: Feb 13, 2018 5:45 am Title: Convalescence
Just perfect. Great banter and a great way to right some of the wrongs.
Author's Response:
I'm very happy that you enjoyed this fic :-) Thanks so much for reading and for your lovely review :-)
Date: Feb 12, 2018 6:56 pm Title: Convalescence
What a perfectly-crafted short story. Emotional and beautiful, a joy to read.x
Author's Response:
I'm so thrilled you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for reading and for your lovely review :-)
Date: Feb 12, 2018 3:05 am Title: Convalescence
This is the perfect way to put Vermont behind them. An even better trip!
Author's Response:
Yup, I guess they both got what they needed in some time away ;-) Thanks so much for reading and for your lovely review!
Date: Feb 12, 2018 2:08 am Title: Convalescence
I wish you could have seen me read this, I had my hand on my heart the entire time. I for one, LOVE me a happy ending and this was definitely one. It was really nice seeing Brian try (and successfully) repair the damage he'd done over the picnic and the ski trip. He knew he royally fucked up and it must have played on his mind for months. The picnic at the end though, that was so such a lovely and I bet he was SO nervous about doing it.
Justin is such a PSA for literally everything, this was so in character and it had me laughing at all the odd facts he would know. Of course, Justin would know when bears became extinct, if anyone was to know, it would be him lol.
Is it weird, I'd totally buy a copy of that encyclopedia of Brian-isms?
Author's Response:
LOL! I think I'd buy that copy of that encyclopedia of Brian-isms too, but it might be too confusing to read! I'm really glad you enjoyed this story - it was a fun one to write. It always drove me nuts that the botched trip to Vermont was never addressed, and this was my way of filling the gap. I felt the picnic at the end helped to 'right all wrongs' ;-) I admit that much of Justin's geekiness is my geekiness - I just love finding places to slide it in *g* Thanks so much for reading and for your wonderful comment! *hugs*
Date: Feb 12, 2018 1:37 am Title: Convalescence
What a fantastic story. Justin got his trip & picnic. Who says Brian isn't romantic? Love happy endings.
Author's Response:
Thanks :-) I'm so thrilled you enjoyed this story! Brian be romantic when he really wants to be ;-) Thanks so much for reading and for your lovely review!