Date: Jan 17, 2018 1:34 pm Title: The Truth Will Out, Read it and Whine and Recognising Yourself
What is Brian telling Justin? Love the way you spike not only Lindsay but Michael.
Date: Jan 15, 2018 8:41 pm Title: Meet the Teacher...and Being Schooled in the Art of Manners and Honesty
Yea, think really fast or it will blow in your face!
Date: Jan 15, 2018 7:28 pm Title: 2 Types of Block and 1 Type of Ball: Party, Cock and Black
As much as I love Brian being barefoot, the image I have of Michael and his toenails/claws is burning my brain and my eyes! I can't imagine the store manager when he/she will have Michael's visit for returning the shoes. Eww!
Date: Jan 15, 2018 12:40 am Title: Meet the Teacher...and Being Schooled in the Art of Manners and Honesty
Damn Melissa Chanders is Amazing!
She destroyed Lindsay without breaking a nail or tarnishing her reputation. (Bet her stock went up when she ruined all of Lindsay's lies? ;))
Lindsay won't be able to save face because before she even hit the floor the Wasp Nest was buzzing with the juicy gossip, plus some probably hit record before Melissa laid that smackdown.
All of Lindsay's cultivated plans to be get back in with her sect and someday rule has burst into flames.
She told everyone her husband's name was Melvin Marcus the Successful Lawyer?
Do these people not know how to use the internet or do they use tin cans and string or carrier pigeons??
Emmett and Mel got to see her complete humiliation live and in full Technicolor lol
Brian will love that story.
Michael got her bubble burst too it seems Brian has it in writing that he will not be spending anymore of His Money on Michael and Michael can't break this contract because it is ironclad.
Plus him alienating his neighbours is not going to win him any new support, I give him five weeks before he is kicked out of that house lol
Justin is very bossy and Brian likes that Alot ;)
Date: Jan 14, 2018 10:27 pm Title: Meet the Teacher...and Being Schooled in the Art of Manners and Honesty
Lindsay hasn't a rat's ass of a chance to fix the truth. Just like Michael's little plan backfired. Love the outfit for Gus.
Date: Jan 14, 2018 10:15 pm Title: 2 Types of Block and 1 Type of Ball: Party, Cock and Black
I can't get over Michael and his sense of entitlement. Nobody likes him, not even his mother. Looks like a moonlight rendezvous to me.
Date: Jan 14, 2018 9:55 pm Title: The Small World is About to Tilt on its Axis
Now the grouping is getting together and Lindsay is going to find out what bitch slap really means. Love that Emmett is in the thick of everything.
Date: Jan 14, 2018 7:10 pm Title: The Small World is About to Tilt on its Axis
Daphne and Cynthia are both so naughty! I bet Brian and Justin won't see it coming.
I loved how Deb threaten Brian with his hair just to be able to get Gus.
Date: Jan 14, 2018 5:44 pm Title: The Small World is About to Tilt on its Axis
Looks like Lindsay finally realize that when Mel said it was over she meant it.
Brian is not going buy or give her money for new furniture she needs to get her head out of the clouds and her feet in reality, cause Brian is not even remotely close to forgiving and forgetting anytime soon.
So are Daphne, Justin and Cynthia apart of the upper echelons of Wasp Society?
Daphne is going to rip Lindsay a new hole the size of the Holland Tunnel right?
Michael in Prada? <shivers> I feel so bad for Prada, didn't know they made anything in his size?? <smirks>
He is going to look so bad trying to dress like Brian and with a Captain Astro t-shirt it going to be such a bad combination.
Emmett's plan has some merit cause Michael will believe anything if it means he has a chance with Brian.
Wonder what Deb is going to do to Michael??
Date: Jan 10, 2018 5:52 pm Title: Seeing Pluto and How He Found Out
Daphne against Lindsey: that would be an interesting thing to witness.
Date: Jan 10, 2018 3:38 am Title: Seeing Pluto and How He Found Out
Brian and Justin should get together to watch the moon or at least get heat in the attic. So nice that Daphne was the 'incubator'. Haha. Michael gets the wrong end of the stick as usual.
Date: Jan 10, 2018 12:28 am Title: Seeing Pluto and How He Found Out
Did Deb drop Michael on his head when he was a baby?
He must be on some seriously strong crack if he thinks after not hearing or seeing Brian in a week, Brian would waste a penny throwing him a welcome back party <eye roll>
He is so delusional they will to invent a new category for how his delusional mind works.
You don't call your Best friend a whore then pimp him out expecting to still remain friends You Rancid Dildo!!!
Brian and Justin looking at the same moon and finding it edible is so cute <sighs>
Oh this block party is going to be so humiliating for Michael...wish we were already there lol
Date: Jan 08, 2018 4:52 pm Title: Blue Moon House, Pro Bono and Being a Little Pimp
I loved the way Brian jumped on Ben to avoid him an intrusion from Michael.
Justin and Ben are getting to know Gus and it goes pretty well.
Date: Jan 08, 2018 6:09 am Title: Blue Moon House, Pro Bono and Being a Little Pimp
Looks like Justin and Brian have a lot in common. Nice of Brian to tell Mikey off. Mel, Deb and Emmett working together, that's gonna get Lindsay's tits in a knot.
Date: Jan 08, 2018 5:07 am Title: Blue Moon House, Pro Bono and Being a Little Pimp
Any time that Michael gets put in his place, I am thrilled. So another great chapter.
Date: Jan 08, 2018 4:08 am Title: Blue Moon House, Pro Bono and Being a Little Pimp
Flat ass meet foot, foot meet flat ass and now let the Ass kicking commence! lol
Mel has figured out her life and realized that she and Lindsay don't fit and they never did, Thank Goodness see realized that before they brought an innocent child into this drama (Something that should have been discussed on the show because they were an ill match)
Mel finally admitted to herself that what she felt for Lindsay isn't love, it's was desperation and the fear of change that kept them together and nothing else.
Justin encouraging Brian to tell Michael off for his behavior is a good start, Brian shouldn't continue to excuse Michael thinking he has authority over Brian, Brian was a functioning person before he met Michael and he will continue to be one after Michael is forgotten.
And if he thinks Brian is going to continue to fund is extravagance then he was dropped on his head repeatedly.
Emmett is a genius to bring in Deb to help with his new business idea and maybe Emmett can get Mel to see that she like Michael and Lindsay never knew Brian at all.
She like the myth but never took the time to know the man maybe now she can meet the real Brian Kinney who isn't taking crap from anyone anymore :)
Date: Jan 08, 2018 2:51 am Title: Bitching, Pitching and Playing Doctor
Michael is always talking about how much he did for Brian and acting like he was some hero to Brian, while dismissing all Brian did for him by protecting him from bullies and making sure Michael graduated from high school.
But what if Michael mouthed off to some people and he didn't have his usual back up????
Date: Jan 07, 2018 11:28 am Title: Bitching, Pitching and Playing Doctor
Hilarious the clothespin to avoid smelling Gus' poop. This is also very funny: "Besides it’s a very small dick. I’m a size queen and like a good mouthful. I could fit him up my nostril and still be able to breathe out of it." This is an image you don't want to remain in your head! And so is the last one of the chapter! Eww!!! Brain bleach please!
Lindsey is going to lose Mel and Mel will be so much better like this.
So, Brandon is the doctor who delivered Gus: interesting way to get into Emmett's pants...
And here comes Daphne: yeah! Happy dance!
Date: Jan 07, 2018 4:38 am Title: Bitching, Pitching and Playing Doctor
Such goodness. Can't wait for more.
Date: Jan 07, 2018 4:10 am Title: Bitching, Pitching and Playing Doctor
Thank you for making the idiot and even bigger idiot than usual. Love this story, but then again I love all your stories.
Date: Jan 07, 2018 3:11 am Title: Bitching, Pitching and Playing Doctor
Brian couldn't get out of that room fast enough Michael and his lame attempts at seduction would make anyone queasy.
What he needs to realize is that Brian wouldn't touch his "Twig" if it was dipped in gold and granted wishes for all of eternity <shudders>
Mel is starting to see how peaceful her life is when a screeching harpy isn't around to fray her nerves and cause her ears to bleed. (She still deserves her Ass kicked repeatedly for her treatment of Brian)
Wonder who in Lindsay's best ratted her out to Brian and if they would be willing to do it more often?
Michael has some nerve using Brian's abuse to play on his insecurities and twist the reason why Brian got into fights.
Wonder what Michael would do if those bullies showed up to work with Kinnectic, apologize to Brian and confront Michael for his big mouth.
How much did Brian give to Michael and how much does Michael have left?
Emmett has an eye for beauty and that blue house just looks perfect for Brian and Gus, of course they will need huge bodyguards to keep Michael and Lindsay away.
Just making my Saturday night, Thank You :)
Date: Jan 05, 2018 8:27 pm Title: A Little Misunderstanding When Studying The Moon
Amazing chapter!!!
Justin now knows who Brian is and the first contact was more than interesting.
I loved how Cynthia put Lindsey down and crushed her dreams, also thanks to Mel.
The way Ben tricked Michael was very funny; poor guy who doesn't even know what CG means.
The offices at Kinnetic are impressive.
Gus is a beautiful baby, but no wonder here with such parents; Lindsey must be fuming to know that Cynthia is the mother.
Date: Jan 05, 2018 6:48 pm Title: A Little Misunderstanding When Studying The Moon
Welcome to the world Gus Kinney!! Welcome to Fatherhood Brian Kinney!!!
Brian and Justin have met and it is a funny story that Gus will love when he is older.
Ben is wise to stay away from Michael he can do better than a whiny man-child called Michael Novotny.
Cynthia supplied the egg right?
So she and Brian will be sharing custody of Gus?
Mel was smart to tell Brian what Lindsay's disgusting plan is concerning Brian's baby and Lindsay got two barrels right between the eyes thanks to Cynthia.
Not surprised Brian is changing his ways for his son and himself, he doesn't need to be the Stud of Liberty Avenue anymore he has grown up and moved past his reputation.
Michael will have a fit about Brian giving up his reputation and Lindsay will have a fit that she didn't get hold Gus first and won't be raising him.
Now that Brian knows she was going to use Gus to try to suck his bank account dry.
Wonder if they both will yell?
Date: Jan 05, 2018 3:06 pm Title: A Little Misunderstanding When Studying The Moon
Such a different Brian. Just love that. Can't wait to see where it goes with Justin.
Date: Jan 05, 2018 2:50 pm Title: A Little Misunderstanding When Studying The Moon
GO CYNTHIA and BRIAN! Looks like it's the end of the world as Dumb and Dumber have known it and we can all safely say, that everyone is going to be just fine with that!
Ben and Justin's friendship is very endearing and I love the fact that they already can't stand their 'shrill' neighbor. Might I suggest bobwire and an electrified fence to keep that little PITA away? He's bound to try and find reason after reason to simply turn up at their door, especially once figuring out that Brian and Em are their landlords...SMH
LOVED Brian and Justin's meeting underneath the Golden Moon. Definitely a great beginning for them.