Date: Jan 29, 2018 6:29 pm Title: Softly, Softly, Gently, Gently...I'm Yours
Brian and Justin were so Hot!!
Michael and Lindsay are so Stupid!!
Now them filing charges against Justin and Jennifer will mean retaliation that they won't be ready for or afford.
Now does Woody's have cameras?
And will Michael be stupid enough to use those keys??
Date: Jan 29, 2018 6:05 pm Title: Nothing But A House Party and Adventures in Babysitting
Thank Goodness Daphne and Ben are there to help Justin get Brian or he would never make a move lol
Melanie a member at the club while Lindsay's has been revoked and she has to live with Michael is funny.
Mel was smart to put in a clause that protects her especially since Lindsay was going to sell the cottage and keep the profits.
But the best part was Lindsay stepping up Jennifer Taylor acting like a Queen and being dethroned yet again by Jennifer ripping her clothes off her body and forcing her to run home quickly.
To save everyone's eyes from bleeding at such a horrendous sight. <shudders>
Lindsay's list of enemies is growing steadily and yet again she has tried to show off and has run into a woman who has power than her.
Oh Jennifer is in the picture now so this should get more interesting for everyone else and bad for Lindsay and Michael.
Did anyone get video of Jennifer crushing Lindsay Brian and Justin would like to see it rofl
Date: Jan 29, 2018 5:56 pm Title: Moonbows, Moonshine, Saturnine and Showers
Lindsay should get use to everything crumbling.
Brian and Justin are moving closer together while Michael and Lindsay are getting further behind lol
Date: Jan 29, 2018 5:51 pm Title: Softly, Softly, Gently, Gently...I'm Yours
Ha ha ha, they are like two teenagers, unable to last due to over stimulation.
Date: Jan 29, 2018 5:38 pm Title: Nothing But A House Party and Adventures in Babysitting
Jennifer against Lindsay was hilarious! Lindsay buck naked in the street! What a picture.
Date: Jan 29, 2018 5:04 pm Title: Moonbows, Moonshine, Saturnine and Showers
The pictures are beautiful.
I would have loved to see Lindsay in her house with the water damage.
Date: Jan 29, 2018 4:21 pm Title: Nothing But A House Party and Adventures in Babysitting
Oh God! You had me cheering out loud when Jen showed up and took on Lindsey. Thank the deities that I'm home alone.
Go Jen!!!!
Date: Jan 29, 2018 4:20 pm Title: Softly, Softly, Gently, Gently...I'm Yours
Michael lying. Nothing new, but will he be believed? Love how you got Brian to Justin's place. I check KD everynight hoping for new chapters and this morning I check again and have 3 new chapters!
Date: Jan 29, 2018 4:13 pm Title: Nothing But A House Party and Adventures in Babysitting
Now this was fun. So Lindsay goes to parties without an invite and no underwear? You paint amazing pictures with your words. Like how Gus is managing to get his daddy and Justin together.
Date: Jan 29, 2018 3:53 pm Title: Moonbows, Moonshine, Saturnine and Showers
Just how does Lindsay plan to furnish a home she doesn't own? Love the boiler in the bathroom then into the lounge, but I thought boilers were in the basement?
Author's Response:
In England they are sometimes in the attic space. Lindsay may have plans but them coming to fruition is something that is completely never going to happen...
Happy reading.
Date: Jan 29, 2018 3:32 pm Title: Softly, Softly, Gently, Gently...I'm Yours
Oh this story is getting better and better. Love all the bad things happening to Lindsay and now she and Michael can become bigger idiots. Great job.
Date: Jan 24, 2018 12:58 am Title: Setting Boundaries and Crossing Them
Oh that Michael is such a rat. But what a good chapter.
Date: Jan 23, 2018 7:49 pm Title: Setting Boundaries and Crossing Them
Can Michael be sued for assault?
He could've blinded Justin just because no one was paying attention to him, so he decided to throw a hissy fit, then ran like the coward he is.
Justin took a tragedy and turned it into something beautiful and he shared the special moment with Brian.
I so believe Daphne can take Lindsay and she won't even get a wrinkle in her clothes or hair mussed.
course after meeting Mama Chanders Lindsay should know better than to step up to the cub whose claws are even sharper lol
Lindsay and Michael need to find a hobby that doesn't involve Brian, they are really racking up a lot of enemies who would love to stand in line to beat their Asses.
Thank you for taking a ordinary Tuesday and making it Spectacular :)
Date: Jan 23, 2018 5:41 pm Title: Setting Boundaries and Crossing Them
Mickey is losing the battle, even if he takes so long to get it.
I loved this quote "Standing there looking like a guppy does not get my question answered"
Date: Jan 23, 2018 1:51 pm Title: Setting Boundaries and Crossing Them
Darn that Michael. Lindsay is not much better. Great chapter.
Date: Jan 21, 2018 1:38 pm Title: A Bit of Clarification and a White Dissimulation
Wow, reading this story is like riding a rollercoaster.
Speed, loads of plottwists and quick actions.
The utter gall of Lindsay calling Daphne an incubator and the subsequent slapdown by the lady WASP;s had me first frothing at the mouth and then in tears from laughter.
Loving this one.
Date: Jan 20, 2018 10:19 am Title: A Bit of Clarification and a White Dissimulation
Debbie is great in this story. I love how Brian and Justin are starting to get along so well, and Gus is quite OK with this new comer in his short life, even if the feeding must help.
Date: Jan 19, 2018 5:57 pm Title: A Bit of Clarification and a White Dissimulation
Brian and Justin are enjoying exploring one or two of their mutual interest together and it will be fun reading about them getting closer.
Brian was smart to put in the agreement that Michael forfeits his home and store if he tries to bully Deb, cause Michael is gearing up for some serious bullying when he realizes that Brian is not going to continue to take care of him.
Brian only has one child (For Now ;)) who needs taking care of and a thirty something whiny Bitch is not his responsibility...Anymore!!
Daphne has a beautiful home and the housewarming party should be fun.
Lindsay couldn't afford a blade of grass on that property much less a home anywhere in that neighborhood.
Emmett gave a smackdown worthy of the Queen he is and it left Lindsay in a place she should really get use to, beneath everyone who has more Class and Intellect than her.
She and Michael really should be related since they share the same brain and avarice for everyone who isn't them.
Mel should be Overjoyed to be rid of such a leech and looking forward to her date with someone who can be her equal instead of a noose around her neck.
Date: Jan 19, 2018 3:43 pm Title: A Bit of Clarification and a White Dissimulation
Yeah, Lindsay, gets knocked down a peg or two. Just what she needs. Good chapter.
Date: Jan 19, 2018 1:37 pm Title: A Bit of Clarification and a White Dissimulation
Love how well Justin and Gus get along. Did Justin ever discuss what it was he went there for? I love the penalty they put in Michael's document. Perfect. Lindsay tried to pull a fast one. Didn't work did it? So is Mel correct and Emmett didn't put in a bid?
Date: Jan 19, 2018 4:50 am Title: The Truth Will Out, Read it and Whine and Recognising Yourself
Dark future for Lindsey and bright one for Mel: how will Lindsey try to sort it out to her advantage?
What about the "sir" thing?
Author's Response:
Oh yes very dark and gloomy for Lazy Lindsay and Mel's moon in on the rise! As for the Sir thing...well partly because Justin is his teacher in his photography class and the other, well....
Happy reading
Date: Jan 18, 2018 12:03 am Title: The Truth Will Out, Read it and Whine and Recognising Yourself
Brian has shown Justin a part of his true self now he just has to wait for Justin to embrace it.
Mel has every right to peruse her own happiness, Hell Lindsay does it all the time and doesn't care about anyone else's feelings, so why shouldn't Mel take a chance on someone who is actually attracted to her and not drawing attention to herself?
Mel owes Brian a huge apology for the years she wasted allowing Lindsay to play on her insecurities when it comes to her Friendship with Brian.
Brian slept with Lindsay once it was a Huge Mistake and was never repeated again so move on.
Lindsay is going to try to take on Cynthia?
Obviously she wants to be knocked on her flat Ass again?
Never step up to an enemy armed with a slingshot when they are carrying a bazooka and it is always loaded ready to fire.
Lindsay is going to wish she had heeded that slap from Melissa cause it was a foreshadow of her doom.
Adding Deb to the agreement was Genius cause it keeps Michael from running to Mommy for more money, while protecting Deb from the spoilt child who refuses to grow up.
I wonder if Michael tries to intimidate Deb if he loses everything??
Ted is 20xs the man Michael will never be and 1000xs a better Best Friend than Michael ever was.
Date: Jan 17, 2018 9:38 pm Title: The Truth Will Out, Read it and Whine and Recognising Yourself
If my guess is right, Brian is looking at Justin in a D/s way...and he wants our blond as his Dom. Just the thought of that makes this Sswitch very happy!
Date: Jan 17, 2018 6:17 pm Title: The Truth Will Out, Read it and Whine and Recognising Yourself
OH just love the way this story is going. Great writing and especially getting Lindsay what she deserves. Can't wait to see where it is going. Cliffhanger???
Date: Jan 17, 2018 5:47 pm Title: Meet the Teacher...and Being Schooled in the Art of Manners and Honesty
Tha party sounds like it was a great success dispite Michael's efforts at the end. He certainly got the smackdown he so deserved from, wel...everyone! lol. Brialliant as usual.
Lindsey received one as well., but hers.....WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We dpon't read much of Daph's parents in fics. I always enjoy how you bring characters into your stories. She certainly put Linsey in her place. Looking forward to hearing what Lindsey says to get herself out of the incredible pile of lies she's said.
I get the feeling tha t Brian is going to have fun in this class. Good to see Justin isn't going to put up with crap from his students. That Catherine chick certainly was put in her place quickly. Wonder if she's going to further try to challenge justin.
As always, a great update to a story that I'm thoroughly enjoying.