Date: Apr 24, 2018 5:07 pm Title: Praying and Paying
This one is genius: "Mount Debsuvius!"!
Lindsey missing the trip is going to piss her off more than the cataloguing.
Michael and Ted: how could he say that about his friend? He should know that any addiction can't be cured without determination, help and acknowledging there is an issue: his obsession with Brian is so obvious and unhealthy.
Date: Apr 24, 2018 4:35 pm Title: Eye Openers...As There's Bossy and in the Nicest Way...There's Debs
Brian's intervention with Debbie was overdue and she seemed to have received the message loud and clear.
Date: Apr 23, 2018 11:38 pm Title: The Good Avenue is Closed but The Bad Avenue is Open
What a good chapter. Love when Michael & Lindsay prove to be the idiots that they are.
Date: Apr 23, 2018 5:54 pm Title: The Good Avenue is Closed but The Bad Avenue is Open
Oh the stupid is piling up for Michael and I am guessing they will soon be piling up for Lindsay too especially if Jennifer has talked Ron into taking ownership of the house and store?
If Ron paid for it with money not related to joint account then Nancy has no say and Ron has the power to clean house not only in his home but his new one too :)
How much should Daddy charge for them to continue to reside in the house? <evil grin>
Brian and Justin were so HOT <fans self> Brian and Justin make the sun blush with their intensity.
Deb was smart to tell Michael off and leaving him to deal with this himself, no more coddling for Michael time for him to grow up.
Lorraine is crazy but since she is directing it towards Michael and Lindsay I am going to leave her alone.
I don't think Sydney was made aware of Lindsay's impromptu trip to New York that had nothing to do with gallery business?
Michael might want to get use to jail I do believe he will be there again and hopefully he will have company?
Date: Apr 23, 2018 2:11 pm Title: The Good Avenue is Closed but The Bad Avenue is Open
How unbelievably stupid of Michael. I'm going to assume that Lindsay no longer has a job.
Date: Apr 20, 2018 9:53 pm Title: Knowing Me Knowing You
Michael is such a dunce and Lindsay is not far behind.
Date: Apr 20, 2018 5:27 pm Title: Knowing Me Knowing You
Brian and Justin are moving closer together while the Wonder Twins are being left further behind.
Mel is way smarter than Lindsay gave her for and it seems all her plans may not go as she so greatly wants them.
Mel deserves a girlfriend who sees her as an equal not a another stepping stone to pass time while she waits for someone else.
Perhaps if Mel had met Brian first she wouldn't have felt so much misguided animosity and fear towards him?
Now will Deb take the house and not raise the rent for both of them?
Or did Mel flip the script?
Date: Apr 20, 2018 3:29 pm Title: Knowing Me Knowing You
The evill twins just never give up. Great chapter.
Date: Apr 20, 2018 3:47 am Title: Making a Statement and Ideas of Revenge
The scene with Lindsey is hilarious! I could only imagine how she could feel and smell.
The last one was quite a statement.
Date: Apr 18, 2018 9:22 pm Title: Praying and Paying
Had to laugh hysterically at what Lorraine was doing with his stuff. Now THAT was funny. couldn't happen to a better person. so deserves every bit of misery he gets.
Lindsey gets screwed out of going to Paris. Oh GOOD! now she's stuck in teh basement. She seems to think that she'll soon be living in the life she's born to live. Well, she will, it's just not the one she's expecting or assumes she deserves. she'll get what's coming to her all right. thing is, WE'LL be the ones enjoying it more than her.
Date: Apr 16, 2018 5:32 pm Title: Praying and Paying
If the house and store are forfeited do they revert back to Brian or to Kinnectic Estates?
And even if Lindsay is able to get her names on the deeds doesn't it mean she is responsible for every thing Michael has run up for that house and the store, after all wouldn't she be accepting his debts when acquiring the house and store?
Sydney is gunning for Lindsay so bad right now and she can't see that she is barely holding onto her job.
Deb and Carl are getting married at Britin!!
Those invitations are Beautiful and so will the day as long as Lindsay and Michael aren't there.
Brian, Justin and Gus are so cute together.
Michael getting his stuff thrown away and having to pray for his sins is laughable, Lorraine deserves every cent she earned lol
So what trick does Ron have up his sleeve for Nancy and Lindsay?
And how much are they are about to lose money wise? :)
Nice and Enjoyable Chapter :)
Date: Apr 16, 2018 3:52 pm Title: Praying and Paying
Great chapter. I love the delusional world that Lindsay and Mikey live in. It makes me laugh that you are able to write them being such idiots. You make my day.
Date: Apr 16, 2018 11:46 am Title: Praying and Paying
Fantabulous chapter. So enjoyable.
Date: Apr 16, 2018 8:02 am Title: Praying and Paying
I have been waiting for the maid to get religious on Michael. He needs more than 30 minutes of prayer.
Date: Apr 12, 2018 2:25 am Title: Eye Openers...As There's Bossy and in the Nicest Way...There's Debs
You portray Michael and Lindsay so well. Glad that Brian is finally standing up to those that cause him trouble. Great job
Date: Apr 12, 2018 2:08 am Title: Making a Statement and Ideas of Revenge
Wow, hot chapter. Terrific writing.
Date: Apr 11, 2018 4:27 pm Title: Eye Openers...As There's Bossy and in the Nicest Way...There's Debs
Glad Brian made his declaration at Babylon that he and Justin are together and very exclusive to each other.
Also glad Justin made his opinion about Deb heard, she was acting like Gus was her son and not her grandson, she even stated that she wanted access to her son when Carl had him.
Brian calling her Michael got her to see and hear that Brian is not going to take Crap from her either.
Sydney is brilliant and evil cause Lindsay so deserved that and more.
Michael bullied anyone who had a chance to make Brian happy so he could have his dream, now that dream is nothing more than dust and his stupidity will cost him so much more than he realized.
Nancy is still with Ron?
Is the man seriously a glutton for punishment???
Fantastic Chapters:)
Date: Apr 11, 2018 4:13 pm Title: Eye Openers...As There's Bossy and in the Nicest Way...There's Debs
Brian has finally settled Deb where she should be not where she feels it's her right to be. Lindsay has taken advantage too much and is paying. Michael needs to see himself for who he really is and then hide.
Date: Apr 11, 2018 2:19 pm Title: Making a Statement and Ideas of Revenge
Can't wait to hear what Jeremy has to say. Great chapter.
Date: Apr 06, 2018 3:09 am Title: Plans Are Put In Motion...And A Couple of Revelations
Great update. Oh, Michael just never learns and he is stupid enough to think that Lindsay cares about him. Love your writing.
Date: Apr 05, 2018 6:11 pm Title: Plans Are Put In Motion...And A Couple of Revelations
Lindsay may think she is clever by tricking Michael into signing over the house and store, but she doesn't have the money for the upkeep and Brian isn't handling out money to freeloaders.
Been There, Done That, Bought the T-shirt Already!!
Besides she couldn't handle taking care of a cottage how she going to handle a house that size, and her idea for the store is about as brilliant as Michael's idea for the comic book store.
How can she run a small cafe when a smart idea is too much of a struggle for her??
Michael wanting to have the number to the Gus phone is hysterical he can't even be bothered to remember Gus exists.
Justin, Ben and Brandon got their eyes opened tonight and it was very informative.
Michael doesn't need a cloak of invisibility the second he comes into a room and opens his mouth everyone forgets he ever existed at all lol
Date: Apr 05, 2018 6:03 pm Title: Plans Are Put In Motion...And A Couple of Revelations
Poor Justin: how could he manage to stay almost quiet while Brian was sweetly "torturing" him?
Jeremy will regret being so nice with Michael: he will not see the end of it.
Date: Apr 05, 2018 1:40 pm Title: Plans Are Put In Motion...And A Couple of Revelations
I think Jeremy finally got Michael's number. Though I don't think Mikey got his. lol. Love how Todd turned out to be the officiate. Does Lindsay really think she'll get anything out of all this?
Date: Apr 03, 2018 5:13 pm Title: Whining and Dining...And Payback Begins
It's funny how Justin is not sure of the do/don't parts of his role.
Carl and Debbie don't let Michael behave the way he wants: that's surprising coming from Debbie.
Date: Apr 02, 2018 7:34 pm Title: Whining and Dining...And Payback Begins
Little Gus is adorable. Wonder if he's gonna be dominate. Justin was having way too much fun. Lindsay and Michael don't seem to get along. Wonder why?