Date: Mar 04, 2018 2:37 pm Title: March 3
They mean well even if they're all blinded to the fact that they're driving him crazy will all their interference, um i mean well intentions.
Author's Response:
Nah, you got it righ the first time; family is fun that way. They really do mean well, but in the end you just want to kill them for their suggestions. Thanks for reading! :)
Date: Mar 04, 2018 2:09 pm Title: March 3
Hope you have come up with a really nice name for Baby Taylor-Kinney. Although, Lucille Adelbert is kinda unique !!!!!!!!!!! Ha Ha !!!!!!!!!!!! Just not Michael, Benjamin Deb, Carl, Vic, Emmett, Drew, Theodore, Blake, Jennifer, Molly or heaven forbid Craig !!! Did work with a lady that had the last name Blossom and I will say, we "gently" offered suggestions for her daughter, such as Rose, Apple, Cherry & Peach. She not so "gently" told us to shut up !!!!
Author's Response:
I can safely say it won't be Adelbert; nor will Sunbeam be named for family (except for the middle name being a derivative of one of the parents' or grandparents' names as Justin and Brian have already agreed). Oh God, while cute in a way, I don't blame her for not wanting anything like that; I'm sure she would have been worried that her child would end up killing her if she had. :) Thanks!
Date: Mar 04, 2018 1:59 pm Title: March 2
Brian was always turned on by Justin's body, but I think Justin's pregnancy threw Brian's libido into overdrive.
Justin is going to be so surprised by Brian's gift. I can picture him sanding the furniture down, getting all sweaty. Yeah good thing Justin didn't know what he was doing or Justin would have been doing him instead. Ha!
I think Carl came into all their lives at just the right time. Although I fell Brian may appreciate him the most.
Author's Response:
He definitely loves the changes in Justin's body; more he loves being around to see them, unlike with what happened with Gus. LOL! And yes, Justin would have never left Brian alone had he seen him working in the stables. Thanks!
Date: Mar 04, 2018 1:54 pm Title: March 2
Good chapter. Love the connection between Brian & Carl. And, the fact that you had Brian doing work on the furniture since we all know that the "real Brian" was a carpenter at one time !!!!!!!!!! Also, Justin in the support hose is just too funny!!!!!!
Author's Response:
It's always fun to incorporate those little, real life details when you can. Poor Justin and that hose...he won't be able to wear it around Brian if he expects to get anything done. ;) Thanks for reading!
Date: Mar 04, 2018 1:05 pm Title: March 3
It must be tiring to have all kinds of suggestions, and I'm not only thinking about names; all that for months!
Author's Response:
Yeah, while I've never experienced that myself, I've seen it happen and I dont know how those women don't just lose it and kill all their so-called helpful family and friends. Especially when they are a powder keg of hormones. I know I would be damned close to doing it. Thanks for reading!
Date: Mar 04, 2018 12:39 pm Title: March 2
I bet the inspection will be very thorough...
The furniture is beautiful! Brian has hidden talents.
Author's Response:
Brian didn't miss an inch... ;) Thanks for reading!
Date: Mar 02, 2018 4:13 pm Title: March 1
Impressive job!
I agree with Brian, 50 guests, that's a lot; I just hope the stalker won't find a way to get in.
Author's Response:
It is quite a lot of people, but when I was adding up people in the story, even without padding it, there were 30 attendees; so I figured 50 wasn't much of a stretch if you add in unknowns. Thanks!
Date: Mar 02, 2018 3:26 pm Title: March 1
Just how much stuff is going into those favor boxes?
Author's Response:
There is quite a bit, but remember, it's a Taylor-Kinney baby. They've spared no expense. Or, well, basically Justin says, 'I want this,' and Brian sighs and grumbles , but does it anyways. :) Thanks!
Date: Mar 02, 2018 2:42 pm Title: March 1
Fun chapter.
Got the hens in the kitchen cackling then the rooster walks in. Perfect.
Author's Response:
If only said rooster knew what they were cackling about... Thanks!
Date: Mar 02, 2018 11:25 am Title: March 1
I loved this scene. I'm glad Emmett brought reinforcements. I thought all of your pics were amazing!!!
Author's Response:
Em to the rescue again! Justin so owes him a day at the spa or something. :) And thanks; I had so much fun finding baby shower ideas for this story. Especially finding those sites where I can personalize the items that I shared.
Date: Mar 02, 2018 10:23 am Title: March 1
Thank you for all your efforts in posting..well worth it.That is a shower favor I would clever
Author's Response:
Thanks! Most of the time, finding the time to write isn't a problem; but every now and then, there comes a week where nothing goes right and you have to spend all your time putting out fires rather than doing what you'd really love to be doing. Thanks for reading! :)
Date: Mar 02, 2018 10:08 am Title: February 28
Brian's solution for every thing, poor guy. Justin's hormones and cravings are going to be the death of both of them.
Author's Response:
At least it's a fun solution; and on a postive note, Justin definitely forgot about his sushi craving. :) Thanks!
Date: Mar 02, 2018 4:44 am Title: February 28
Yeah, the basics can be good for bratty queening partner! It was a major episode. Poor Brian, he must be very patient, which is definitely his first quality.
By the way, it's Louboutin.
Author's Response:
Sometimes you gotta do what you've just gotta do. I'm sure it was an absolute hardship for Brian. ;) And thanks. My beta was asleep and couldn't look the vignette over for me; I tried to edit it myself, but after awhile you just stop seeing the mistakes and I must have missed that typo.
Date: Mar 01, 2018 2:52 pm Title: February 28
The lesser of two evils - red velvet cupcakes or sushi.
Author's Response:
Pregnancy cravings are evil. :) Thanks!
Date: Mar 01, 2018 1:37 pm Title: February 28
Terrific chapter. You write it so well that it is easy to picture what you have written. Love this Brian being the loving husband. And, can just see the "bratty" Justin as well. Oh those pregnancy hormones are wicked !!!!!!!
Author's Response:
Poor Justin, all those hormones wrecking havoc on his body and mind. At least Brian knows how to handle him. ;) And thanks! I'm happy to know that you can picture the scene so easily. :)
Date: Mar 01, 2018 12:47 pm Title: February 28
Knew it couldn't be what was said to him, Justin can disj it out better than most.
I thought he was locked in there with some twinkies that he didn't want Brian to take away. But to pout over sushi? Brian handled it perfectly.
Author's Response:
Nah, unless he's taken by surprise, Justin will own them every time. He was just pouting because he couldn't have what he wants.Thanks for reading!
Date: Mar 01, 2018 11:46 am Title: February 28
Well Justin is in for a treat. lol I'm sure I would feel the same way if I couldn't eat steak. Never could get the idea of eating raw fish.
I'm glad he was able to put the Drag Queen in her place. She needs to hush or the Avenue will turn on her. ;)
Thanks for the update.
Author's Response:
Especially if you want a properly cooked steak - aka not well done. Because you can't have raw meat either. Although, you could potentially get away with the steak as long as it has a proper sear on the outside. But that's another discussion. Oh yes, the Avenue would definitely do that if she doesn't watch it. No one messes with their Prince. ;) Thanks for reading!
Date: Feb 28, 2018 4:15 pm Title: February 27
If Justin is having nightmares and daily anxiety, he won't last long before the next panic attack.
Author's Response:
Well, hopefully Brian can help stave that off. :) Thanks!
Date: Feb 28, 2018 1:32 pm Title: February 27
Wow that was some dream.
Author's Response:
It was pretty intense since it was based on a dream that I had a few days ago. It was so real that I woke up disoriented and wondering why I wasn't pregnant. I had to use it for Justin. :) Thanks!
Date: Feb 28, 2018 1:08 pm Title: February 27
Damn those chili cheese dogs!
Author's Response:
I love chili dogs, but yes, maybe not the best thing to eat before bed. LOL! Thanks!
Date: Feb 28, 2018 11:45 am Title: February 27
Ok that would totally freak me out too. I love how supportive and calm Brian was. That's exactly what Justin needed to soothe him.
I can't wait for the baby to get here. :)
Author's Response:
it was a pretty intense dream when I had it a few days ago. It felt so real that I woke up wondering why I wasn't pregnant. I was so disoriented. Thanks for reading!
Date: Feb 28, 2018 7:56 am Title: February 27
OK you scared me...don't do that again
Author's Response:
Sorry! I didn't mean for people to think that Justin was losing the baby. Just to show one of his dreams and to ustilize a dream that I actually had a few days ago despite the fact that I'm not pregnant. This fic is getting to me. :P Thanks!
Date: Feb 28, 2018 5:56 am Title: February 26
It will have to be lemon Bars unless Brian is carrying Twinkies on him
Author's Response:
Lemon bars would be an acceptible substitute. :) Thanks for reading!
Date: Feb 28, 2018 1:49 am Title: February 25
Yuck Got to be the Fiddler
Author's Response:
The stalker is pretty damn creepy. He deifinitely makes my skin crawl. Thanks!
Date: Feb 28, 2018 1:27 am Title: February 24
Don't trust Michael and Ben is blind Car ride was hysterical
Author's Response:
Yeah, I personally wouldn't trust Michael to follow through with what he says; he has a bad habit of going back on his word. And Ben is an idiot for putting up with all the bullshit that Michael puts him through. LOL! Poor Em... Thanks for reading! :)