Date: Jan 18, 2018 1:33 am Title: Comfort Food...Stay at Home for Frog's Sake
Just finished reading chapters 8, 9, 10 and 11 and I enjoyed them so much. Good job dealing with all three idiots. This is getting so good. Can't wait for Brian to find out who Mr. Slim really is and the firewords begin. Thanks for the smiles & laughs.
Date: Jan 17, 2018 4:42 pm Title: Comfort Food...Stay at Home for Frog's Sake
Ah ams SOOOOOOOOOO enjoying this!! Poor Brian. sick as a dog! Sick enough to let it slip about the cancer. ooooops! At least Cyn and Ted will keep it quiet. As will Justin of course, however noone else knows that he knows. Oh what a thing to over hear.
Justin's attemps to help Brian and eventually shoooo him out of the office were great. That froggy was so cute. He really is a sneaky little thing isn't he. Cyn caught on though. Now she's going to be full on B&J which is great! They're gonn need as many on their side as possible.
Date: Jan 17, 2018 2:13 pm Title: Comfort Food...Stay at Home for Frog's Sake
I love the frogs!!
Justin has it BAD and Big "Green" Bad will hopefully figure it out.
Date: Jan 17, 2018 1:24 pm Title: Comfort Food...Stay at Home for Frog's Sake
Amazing what can be done. He actually got Brian to obey instructions and in a way that he had an alibi.
Date: Jan 14, 2018 5:58 pm Title: Fight Fire with Fire
What a chapter! Mel is on the war path and she's so right.
I laughed so hard when Daphne "primed" for the third time and when Mickey got hit because he was touching Lindsey.
I loved Ted's quote "Coffee, tea, water, hemlock?".
Date: Jan 14, 2018 5:17 pm Title: Fight Fire with Fire
I always love a Novotny/Peterson smackdown and that was a classic!
So Good!
Author's Response:
Tnaks Deb for reviewing.
Believe me, Miss Merlot, Midgardsnake and me had loads of fun thinking all this up.
Glad you enjoyed it.
Date: Jan 14, 2018 12:07 pm Title: Revenge Is Not In My Plans, You'll Fuck Yourself On Your Own
Ha ha ha, this last part is awesome: “Take note, Lindsay. Ben’s very Zen and he did this. I’m a grade A bulldyke bitch lesbian. What do you think I could accomplish? Change your behaviour or else!”
Ben and Mel finally grew up a pair and the effect is amazing! It was long overdue, but Ben has the Novotnys out of his system and his life if everything goes well.
Date: Jan 14, 2018 10:48 am Title: He Doesn't Want Comfort, He Only Wants Joy
Hilarious the car that Cynthia booked for Brian; fortunately it's the new Mini, which is bigger than the original one.
Michael was so nasty about Ben's medical condition and how he was "so worried about his health" while Ben was actually thinking about Jenny.
I'm so glad Ben took this decision and was moving to Canada.
Lindsay is starting to feel that Brian's bank account is closing and it doesn't suit her very well. I bet she also feels that Mel and Brian are getting closer.
Not that I thought often that Brian was an asshole, but how Deb could think that about him while he brought ice-cream for both Gus and Jenny as it could help soothing his cold and her gums.
Date: Jan 14, 2018 8:40 am Title: Fight Fire with Fire
How interesting. I'm glad to see that Lindsay, Mikey and DQ were spiked. Go girl.
Author's Response:
Yep, got to love Daphne and her "funstick". Let's hope she will have to use it some more.....
Date: Jan 14, 2018 8:25 am Title: Revenge Is Not In My Plans, You'll Fuck Yourself On Your Own
So nice to see the bad uns spiked. Will they listen?
Date: Jan 14, 2018 8:16 am Title: He Doesn't Want Comfort, He Only Wants Joy
Wonderful, Ben's got a back bone. Wonder what Brian's dilemma is?
Date: Jan 14, 2018 5:29 am Title: Fight Fire with Fire
I knew Lindsay wouldn't like Mel's dark side lol
Yes Bliss got to meet Lindsay!!! <claps>
Michael is such an idiot or else he really likes that taser <smirks> Probably the most excitement he's had since his hands went on strike rofl
Ben had me cracking up when he helped Michael up then called him a cab before letting go, Michael knocking himself out on the table made my side hurt.
So Lindsay went looking for dick again since Brian's isn't on the table Ever Again, how many men were there and won't her lawyer/sex buddy be in a whole lot of trouble? (His Wife Will Ripe His Balls Off When She Finds Out!!)
So they tried to have Brian declared incompetent so they could get their greedy paws on his money huh?
Good thing Brian has smart people around him who are twenty steps ahead of The Greedy Three Stooges.
Justin handled Brian beautifully and he got an actual apology, Bravo!
So Mel is moving back with the kids and Lindsay has lost the only card she had to play.
What New Plan Will They Come Up With Next?
Author's Response:
Ooh I'd llike to see Lindsay getting a taste of the Bliss Stick.
Who knows what might happen?
Date: Jan 14, 2018 5:20 am Title: Fight Fire with Fire
So so good.
Date: Jan 14, 2018 5:07 am Title: Revenge Is Not In My Plans, You'll Fuck Yourself On Your Own
" Ben and Mel kick ass " should have been the title of this chapter.
Date: Jan 14, 2018 5:03 am Title: Revenge Is Not In My Plans, You'll Fuck Yourself On Your Own
Carl has the deed to Ben's house in Pittsburgh and he is in charge of Brian's estate? Genius!!
Zen Ben and Smelly Melly are taking their balls and.
Mel has finally opened her eyes and saw that Brian is not her enemy, but Lindsay is because like Deb and Michael she enjoys inflicting pain others.
Besides money they enjoy the power they have to get people to bend to their will.
Too bad that power is crumbling and it is crumbling fast, Deb has alienated and continues to alienate everyone that she will soon be out on her Ass and off the avenue along with Michael, and with their continue treatment of Brian (Which The Avenue Does Not Like) it won't be much longer before The Avenue strikes back.
And Lindsay has as much control over Brian as she does with the home they are currently residing in.
Brian was smart to put it in Gus name and put Carl in charge until Gus's eighteenth birthday.
Lindsay keeps pushing and she will see Mel's dark side and she is not ready for that.
Wow What Awesome Updates!!! :)
Author's Response:
Thank you so much for your lovely review.
Glad you enjoy it so much. It is awfully fun to write the downfall of the Troublesome Trio.
The Avenue strkes back!
Star Wars reference in QaF fanfiction! It makes my geeky heart jump for joy.
Date: Jan 14, 2018 4:58 am Title: He Doesn't Want Comfort, He Only Wants Joy
Wow! Super awesomeness. Way to go Ben.
Date: Jan 14, 2018 4:51 am Title: He Doesn't Want Comfort, He Only Wants Joy
Michael and Deb make rabid infested bats look cuddly they are so disgusting with their self-righteousness.
And Lindsay is so dreaming hard if she thinks Brian is going to fail for her tricks to.
Michael being so cold about Ben's health just goes to show who Michael values, he isn't even concerned about Jenny getting sick.
Love Ben bulldozing over Michael and laying out the truth.
Not The Novotny version of the truth.
Gus loved the drawing and it seems Mel has mellowed.
That was an evil trick making them think Brian and Ben were kissing, but it was so what those idiots deserved lol
Date: Jan 10, 2018 4:24 pm Title: Backstabbing...The Knives Are Out
I bet Justin also fixed Brian's phone.
Deb is so mean, impolite, rude: how dares she take the call like she was at home.
It's great that Ben gave Brian the paper asking to call Mel, who is surprisingly quite nice to Brian.
Lindsey doesn't even think what is going to hit her, badly.
Author's Response:
Justin is omni present in Brian's life without Brian even knowing it (yet).
And believe me Lindz might be in for a big surprise
Thanks for your review. It's really appreciated.
Date: Jan 10, 2018 4:19 am Title: Backstabbing...The Knives Are Out
Of course it was Mr. Slim. He's the fix-it man. Lindsay lied but it came true. It appears her lies are coming back to haunt her.
Date: Jan 10, 2018 3:42 am Title: Backstabbing...The Knives Are Out
Poor Brian, the idiots just cannot leave him alone. But, it makes such a good plot that you deal so well with. Great chapter.
Date: Jan 10, 2018 3:41 am Title: Backstabbing...The Knives Are Out
Mel needs to seriously get over her animosity towards Brian because at the moment the problem is her Bitch Wife and her need for money.
I feel for Brian having to deal with Mama Loud-Mouth Wannabe Drag Queen and her Whiny Bitch Cub, then again maybe Ben needs more sympathy because he has to travel with them, or maybe the passengers need the sympathy cause they have to hear them through the whole flight and their voices can penetrate through steel <shudders>
Lindsay used a lie to get Brian to run to her with his checkbook and now Gus is really sick, but it won't save her from the Ass whipping she so deserves.
And since Daphne is coming with Brian I hope she brought her taser which I think should be called The Bliss Zapper.
One zap from that taser and Your World is Bliss, While They Twitch lol ;)
So Lindsay was getting pretty for Brian?
Going to take more than a shower to do that and paper bags are on strike ;) Hell her make up is hiding under the bed and her clothes are getting ready to jump in a landfill rofl.
Mr. Slim strikes again, that picture is adorable Gus will love it!
Author's Response:
Thank you for a most wonderful review.
It had us all in stitches. I;d love to see Daphne using The Bliss Zapper several more times in this story.
Let's see what we might come up with
Date: Jan 08, 2018 6:05 pm Title: Backstabbers.,,Who's Stabbing Who?
Of all the names I read for Debbie and Michael, these are amazing: "Drag Queen and Gimp".
Ben has finally opened his eyes and his humor is back.
What is Lindsey trying to buy with the money she wants from Brian? That's obviously not for Gus.
Author's Response:
I do agree with you The SNO, Miss Merlot has THE best ideas for nicknames. She's always surprising me with what she can come up with
Date: Jan 08, 2018 4:42 pm Title: Backstabbers.,,Who's Stabbing Who?
AS much as I should probably feel bad for Brian getting caught in the middle like that...I had to laugh. A lot. Daphne is a pistol! she's going to be great in this I can tell.
Glad Ben finally got his head out his ass, or should I say Deb's and Michael's asses. He was a major disappointment at the beginning. I mean that in a good way though. A part of me wishes he'd been ass kicked a little bit harder though. lol. Mind you, that cold hard truths about Michael I guess was enough of a kick in the gut for him.
How long before Deb sees things for what they are too or will she continue on with perpetual blinders on?
Lindsey is in for a WORLD of hurt!! If Brian drops everything and rushes off to Toronot only to find out that Lindsey lied....omg....I can't wait to see what you have up your sellve for this scenario! She is just unbelievably stupid!
Author's Response:
Thank you for reviewing.
Well, let's put it like this: I wouldn't want to be in Lindsay's shoes when all the shit will hit the fan......
And Ben? He defenitely has seen the light!!
Date: Jan 08, 2018 5:45 am Title: Backstabbers.,,Who's Stabbing Who?
Love Mr. Slim, it's a shame that Brian got caught in the crossfire. At least Deb now knows what it feels like. Yay, Ben's come around to the right side and Mel will be soon.
Author's Response:
Brian getting caught by Daphne's taser wasn't the best thing to happen. Mr. Slim is certainly leaving a lasting impression at Kinnetic.
Let's wait and see what me might come up with next.
Author's Response:
Brian getting caught by Daphne's taser wasn't the best thing to happen. Mr. Slim is certainly leaving a lasting impression at Kinnetic.
Let's wait and see what me might come up with next.
Date: Jan 08, 2018 4:21 am Title: Backstabbers.,,Who's Stabbing Who?
Michael & Lindsay just never give up and that is what makes the story so good. Can't until they get theirs. Great job.
Author's Response:
Thank you for your kind review.
And Michael and Lindsay getting their come uppance? I can barely wait either....