Date: Nov 20, 2021 4:43 pm Title: Chapter 6
This is a great story. Your readers would love an update.
Date: Jan 01, 2021 1:31 am Title: Chapter 6
Have read again. Still wishing for an update. Great story.
Date: Mar 20, 2020 5:03 pm Title: Chapter 6
did read it again
Date: Feb 14, 2020 2:00 pm Title: Chapter 6
Luved it plz update sssssssssoon
Date: Nov 02, 2019 3:09 pm Title: Chapter 6
In really enjoying the story. Any plans to update?
Date: Oct 28, 2019 7:50 pm Title: Chapter 2
Wish you could finish this.
Date: Apr 21, 2019 8:39 pm Title: Chapter 6
I am really enjoying this story. Excited to see where you take it from here :-)
Date: Apr 21, 2019 10:32 am Title: Chapter 6
Loving the story and the anti Michael. I hope you continue it
Date: Mar 18, 2019 10:37 pm Title: Chapter 6
This had me laughing: “You being there was nowhere near as important as Justin being there that night, He was the one who named Gus, if it wasn’t for him my son would have very nearly been called Abraham.” TAG
Date: Mar 13, 2019 11:10 pm Title: Chapter 6
looking forward to update
Date: Mar 12, 2019 11:12 pm Title: Chapter 5
Surprise. What an interesting announcement. What I can't get is why Michael feels that Brian owes him anything?
Date: Mar 12, 2019 11:03 pm Title: Chapter 4
I cannot believe that Michael thinks nothing of raiding Jenny's college fund. Especially since he doesn't contribute to it. Isn't that illegal?
Date: Mar 12, 2019 6:10 pm Title: Chapter 6
Very interesting. Michael is not taking Jenny's decision very well. Go girl!
Date: Mar 12, 2019 6:02 pm Title: Chapter 5
Loving this. Sophie isn't let Mikey get away with shit isn't she. Time for some men in little white coats to show up.
Date: Mar 12, 2019 2:37 pm Title: Chapter 6
Wonderful chapter! :)
Vic & Deb gave Brian shelter. Micheal didn't help Brian. Anti or not, It is the same Micheal behave in show too. He said what he wants without thinking. If Justin wouldn't have came along Micheal still be manuplating Brian now.
Love Jenny for standing up(Mel is strong in her), Micheal is not a father figure. Micheal never grown up past his 14 yrs image and his feelings for Brian.
Gus, Jenny & Sophia are gonna get along good.
Date: Mar 12, 2019 9:01 am Title: Chapter 6
Michael is really in his fantastic and immature world. How can he think he has anything to do with Brian's success? Without Brian or Debbie's money I would be surprised if he could afford a lawyer and he forgets that Jenny is old enough to say what she thinks about the situation and she was very clear. It's good to see an update, I love this story and the kids will make a perfect team !!
Date: Mar 12, 2019 8:03 am Title: Chapter 6
Wonderful chapter! :)
Vic & Deb gave Brian shelter. Micheal didn't help Brian. Anti or not, It is the same Micheal behave in show too. He said what he wants without thinking. If Justin wouldn't have came along Micheal still be manuplating Brian now.
Love Jenny for standing up(Mel is strong in her), Micheal is not a father figure. Micheal never grown up past his 14 yrs image and his feelings for Brian.
Gus, Jenny & Sophia are gonna get along good.
Date: Mar 11, 2019 11:50 pm Title: Chapter 6
So happy that you decided to update this wonderful story. Your writing is great and I hope you plan to continue the story. By the way, I can't stand Mikey and your portrayed him perfectly.
Date: Mar 11, 2019 4:29 pm Title: Chapter 6
Michael believing he has any way about how Brian lives his life is Hilarious!
He can't even manage his own life without adult supervision and he is hardly an Adult since he can't handle responsibility without asking Brian or his Mommy first.
How can Michael believe that he has anything to do with Brian's success when he can't even think his way out of a paper bag with directions.
Brian and Jenny out Michael in his place and as per usual he handled it with pure maturity by whining and stomping out.
Michael taking this to court is Foolish and without any money from Deb or Brian he as much chance proving his case as he does with growing another brain.
Plus Michael forgets Jenny will be allowed to testify too and she has no reason to lie.
It is sad when your child is more mature than you are smh
Thanks for the Update:)
Date: Mar 11, 2019 3:55 pm Title: Chapter 6
Good riddance! What a pest this guy!
Date: Mar 11, 2019 3:42 pm Title: Chapter 5
I'm surprised that Lindsey didn't say anything yet!
Date: Mar 11, 2019 2:05 pm Title: Chapter 6
Bravo Jenny and Brian for finally giving that little shit what he so desperately deserved. A swift kick in the ass smackdown. Who's he going to cry to now?
Brian likes a person who isn't afraid to speak their minds. He has two now in Justin and Sophia. Go Taylors!
Date: Oct 05, 2018 5:19 am Title: Chapter 5
I’m really happy to see you continuing this story. That was one hell of a dinner party, though. Lol. More, please. TAG
Date: Sep 26, 2018 9:03 pm Title: Chapter 5
OMGOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDD!!!! I really need you to update soon!!!!