Date: Mar 09, 2018 2:17 am Title: Chapter 15
I'm crying again, Debbie.... that was so fucking beautiful. She behaved exactly the way I wanted her to, the way she should have. Sometimes she was so obsessed with her kid, she never saw his faults. She always made excuses, for Brian too. But she is going to prove to Justin just how much she and Vic love him. And HE NEEDS IT!
Author's Response:
Yep, he does. :)

Date: Mar 09, 2018 2:00 am Title: Chapter 14
And the award for the best line in fanfiction goes to YOU.
“You’re right, I don’t fuck my friends. But if you look up the definition of a friend, Justin, you’ll learn that it means someone who is a buddy. A pal. A fucking companion. Try looking this word up instead; venerate. Let me know when you know what it means.”
That was so perfectly Brian, and urgh, I just love this so much. These boys are both hurting, I need to comfort them, i want to jump through my computer and hug them both :(
Author's Response:
Wow... that's one hell of a compliment, hon, so thank you!!

Date: Mar 09, 2018 1:28 am Title: Chapter 13
Holy Jitterbugs, I was NOT ready for them to meet like that, but my GOD, they needed it, and that was so effing perfect. Every time one of them said something, I was like, mmhmm, YEP!!! They need to help each other, Brian needs to prove he's changed, but Justin needs to learn to trust again. It's gonna be hard, but like Brian said, he's Justin fucking Taylor!
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon; and yes, Brian has a very long road ahead of him in regaining Justin's trust.

Date: Mar 09, 2018 1:11 am Title: Chapter 12
As sly as it was using Gus to get to Justin, he needed it. He needed to see that little boy again and remember what it was like to love and feel loved. You're killing me with this, but I kinda love you for it.
Author's Response:
LOl, I get that a lot, too. But I agree - he needed Gus.

Date: Mar 09, 2018 12:53 am Title: Chapter 11
Alex is amazing, the way he's getting Brian to open up like this, and so much os making sense, stuff I saw on the show and never really thought about. Bravo, lady :)
Author's Response:
Thanks, honey.

Date: Mar 09, 2018 12:33 am Title: Chapter 10
I hope Alex can help them. Brian knows he fucked up and he'll continue to hear all the shitty things he did wrong, but he wants to make them right, RIGHT? I love how fiercely protective Daphne is, she's like an angry mama bear, and he needs someone like that on his side. Same with Ethan and Sam, but Daphne, she's got him. He's safe with her.
Author's Response:
Yes, he is safe with Daph. ;)

Date: Mar 09, 2018 12:06 am Title: Chapter 9
This story gives me tummy aches, ahhhhhhhh!!! My heart hurts so much for Justin, he needs to believe that Brian loves him and that he fucked up. And that Michael is a twat and nothing he said meant anything. GOD, I CAN'T DEAL!!!!!!
Author's Response:
*Squishes you*
You know by now that apparently I keep ramping up the angst-o-meter.
So.... *Squishy hug*
Date: Mar 08, 2018 5:05 pm Title: Chapter 18
The family will have to work on how to manage to get close to Justin again.
It's great that Gus' influence was the key point for Justin to get close to someone, to initiate the touching and not reject it.
I hope Justin will hear what Brian told him at the end.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. xx
Date: Mar 08, 2018 2:32 pm Title: Chapter 18
Holy shit! What a group therapy session! So good! That was wicked hard for them to hear but at least they can all, most of them anyway, come together & help Justin & heal themselves too. This fic is my latest addiction, hey it could be worse ya know! At least it's not drugs Lol
Author's Response:
lol, you could do worse...chocolate chip cookies, for example???
Date: Mar 08, 2018 1:45 pm Title: Chapter 18
I think you have made me experience every emotion humanly possible with this story but especially this chapter. And, I want more. Excellent chapter.
Author's Response:
Thanks, Tena. x
Date: Mar 08, 2018 5:05 am Title: Chapter 18
This story is just so beautifully written. The emotion your words convey is so palpable it jumps right off the page and grabs your heart! While reading this chapter, I found I had to pause three different times to catch my breath! Ethan relaying Justins words about not having a home, about not having anything left to give, and Brian sitting with him were so emotionally charged, so well played! Candy
Author's Response:
Thanks, Candy! This is why it was so important to establish Ethan early on, as Justin's friend. He can deliver this type of news and have it sink in in a way that Alex can't.

Date: Mar 08, 2018 1:55 am Title: Chapter 8
FUCKING, MICHAEL, seriously. He is so self-righteous. He was told to stay away, but nooo, he knows better.
Author's Response:
He's learning - at the pace of a freaking turtle - but he's learning.

Date: Mar 08, 2018 1:40 am Title: Chapter 7
So proud of Justin for sticking up for himself against Michael. That must have taken a lot out of him.
Oooh, Aussie, what part? I may be going to Perth in October. I WILL MELT.
Author's Response:
Aussie - I'm in Victoria - Melbourne. I live on the South/East coast, about ten minutes from the beach. Perth is uber hot and remote, but beautiful; I hope you enjoy it. Hotter come Jan/Feb, so you'll enjoy a lovely spring.

Date: Mar 08, 2018 1:29 am Title: Chapter 6
I love Alex, and omg, you're making SO MUCH SENSE. I am glad he admitted he loved Justin, of course, he does, and Alex is right, Justin will need to get to know the sweet, unselfish Brian that lurks within. The one he doesn't let people see.
Author's Response:
*Grins* I've had that a lot - people saying that they had never looked at a particular scene the way I have. I'm really glad you are enjoying this, hon. xx

Date: Mar 08, 2018 1:27 am Title: Chapter 18
The family meeting was instructive. I'm glad that Michael wasn't allowed to attend but it would have been nice if Ben had gone. Emmett and Ted are becoming the friends that Michael thinks he is. Hopefully Justin heard the words that Brian said and meant with all his heart.
Author's Response:
Thanks, honey; Ben appears later. x

Date: Mar 08, 2018 1:12 am Title: Chapter 5
This was beautiful. I so want to go to sleep right now as it's so late, but I am making a cup of tea and I am going to keep on reading. I may regret this in the morning LOL.
I love how you have Debbie being there for Brian, she knows he needs someone right now. And Mel's gesture at the end was so lovely. My heart is aching, and it's all because of how Michael was a DUMB ASS in this. Don't get me wrong, Brian isn't innocent in this, but Michael made everything 100 times worse.
Author's Response:
I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who reads and reads and reads and then looks at the clock and goes "oh, shit, it's 3 am!!" And yes, Michael will continue to be the definition of 'insert foot here...mind you teeth'

Date: Mar 08, 2018 12:41 am Title: Chapter 4
Jesus CHRIST, Debbie consoling Brian makes my heart hurt so much. Both our boys are hurting. MAKE IT STOPPPPPP.
Author's Response:
Lol, no! But I will hand out cookies and tissues. ;)

Date: Mar 08, 2018 12:32 am Title: Chapter 3
I'm so happy he has Ethan, Sam, and Daphne. And so angry the family just forgot about him so easily :(
Author's Response:
I'm glad you like his little family. ;)

Date: Mar 08, 2018 12:05 am Title: Chapter 2
Well, you may have just broken me and I am only two chapters in. Please tell me this ends well and that Brian can prove himself and show Justin he isn't the asshole he made himself out to be? That Justin can recover from this???
Author's Response:
*Grins* Wait and see.

Date: Mar 08, 2018 12:03 am Title: Chapter 18
Justin admitting he needs help and checking himself in the hospital is a start, a slow start but the start of Justin finding himself and becoming stronger.
Alex did good by letting Brian have that moment with Justin, it was what they should've had before when everyone kept Brian away and blamed him for Chris Hobbs' anger and jealousy.
Deb would do good to not push Michael on anyone right now cause he is Persona Non Grata as far as Justin and Brian are concerned.
Brian should continue his sessions with Alex so he can be ready for Justin when he asks to see him.
Perhaps Alex might want to have one on one sessions with Brian and a member of the family, they continued the abuse his parents already started??
Good Chapter it got me all teary-eyed. Thanks :)
Author's Response:
Thanks, doll; and yes, it is a slow start, but this wouldn't punch as hard as it did, I think, if it was all over within two chapters. Real life doesn't work that way.

Date: Mar 07, 2018 11:37 pm Title: Chapter 1
Staring this again, like I promised ages ago, and HOLY CUPCAKES... Justin is depressed, he's not with Ethan... ahhh
Author's Response:
You've made my day yesterday and today - I was grinning like a loon each time you left a review.
Date: Mar 07, 2018 11:14 pm Title: Chapter 18
Thank goodness it is a start toward Justin becoming himself again. This better have a happy ending. I am running thru boxes of tissues. Your writing is amazing.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon, that means a lot. xx
Date: Mar 02, 2018 3:31 pm Title: Chapter 17
Legitimately brought tears to my eyes. Too sad to review. TAG
Author's Response:
Date: Mar 01, 2018 8:51 pm Title: Chapter 17
Another punch in the guts, but Justin is on the way up now; it will take time and some bumps, but he is going towards the light.
Great chapter!
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. xx
Date: Mar 01, 2018 4:25 pm Title: Chapter 17
Everytime I think this story cant get any more heart wrenching, you up the level another notch! To hear Justins words as to what sent him down that dark spiral tunnel is so painful, an equally hard part is knowing who sent him there! No one is immune to blame; Brian, the family and most of all Michael!
Alex is the pertfect choice to be there when he hit rock bottom, as he is the only one at the moment that can truly understand and relate to what he is feeling from both a professional and personal prospective.
Your writing style delivers everything I love in a story, so thank you for creating The Butterfly Effect. 17 chapters in and it is already a masterpiece in my book!
Author's Response:
Thanks, sweetheart. You're right - the blame is shared equally, and it could only be Alex that was there. I'm really glad that you are enjoying the story. xx