Date: Feb 25, 2018 4:23 pm Title: CHAPTER 4: SIGN OF THE TIMES
Loved the entire chapter.
Deb's smackdowns are great, a thing of beauty at times, but get Jenn riled up. Her smackdowns are epic. So mild mannered then all vinegar. Justin learned well as you can tell by the show in the office.
Yay for Brian finally doing something about Lindsay. No money if no Gus. And there ain't gonna be Gus for her no more.
Date: Feb 25, 2018 3:46 pm Title: CHAPTER 3: HERE COMES THE DUD
Brava for Deb. About fucking time. Nice of Ethan to take her advice. As for the other two, let them drown in their misguided want.
Author's Response:
Sorry I'm MONTHS late in responding. I've been super busy and am now recovering from surgery.
I definitely agree with you about Deb. She was really in an ass-kicking mood. I'm actually sitting here reviewing the story to write more on it and finding myself cheering for her. How weird is that?! LOL
As for the numbskulls, it's going to be interesting to see what they do now without Michael's supposed 'Ace in the Hole'. Ethan's decampment is just going to add to the desperation...SMH LOL
Happy Reading and HUGS,
Date: Feb 25, 2018 2:54 pm Title: CHAPTER 4: SIGN OF THE TIMES
Way to go, Jen! She really kicked ass! Can't wait to see what happens next!
Date: Feb 25, 2018 2:47 pm Title: CHAPTER 4: SIGN OF THE TIMES
Looks like Brian has had it with Lindsay, getting her away from Gus legally with no money coming to her is genius. Michael doesn't see the writing on the wall. Will they listen to Jennifer? I doubt it.
Date: Feb 25, 2018 10:43 am Title: CHAPTER 4: SIGN OF THE TIMES
What a delightful Sunday treat! Thank you for the update and for the fireworks!
Date: Feb 07, 2018 10:59 am Title: CHAPTER 3: HERE COMES THE DUD
I'm loving this sequel. I had always wanted the first one to continue.
Lindsay and Michael are in for a world of hurt.
I'm glad Brian and Justin got "married" before he went to New York.
Cannot wait to see how this all plays out.
Author's Response:
Hello Darling! I figured since Michael was trounced during the first one, but as per usual doesn't learn, he would most assuredly call in his partner in idiocy. After all, misery certainly does love company, and when has Michael ever been one to suffer in silence? LOL The antics will definitely be astounding!
Happy Reading and HUGS,
Date: Feb 05, 2018 7:54 pm Title: CHAPTER 3: HERE COMES THE DUD
Damn! I love this fic! Deb was so spot on with how she handled Michael and Lindsay as well as being almost gentle in handling Ethan. Hopefully Ethan was being honest when he said he would only wish Justin well when he contacts him. I certainly hope so. And I'm so glad he got rid of the rat on his chin! LOL!
Author's Response:
Hey Deb,
I'm sitting here reviewing this fic so I can write more on it and I have to tell you, I was so freaking PROUD of Deb here! I think with Ethan's decampment of 'Idiots Anonymous' things are about to get very interesting indeed!
Happy Reading and HUGS,
Date: Jan 12, 2018 2:45 am Title: CHAPTER 3: HERE COMES THE DUD
Yes Deb definitely needed to have her own chapter! Awesome how she laid into the terrible twosome, you go Deb! Thoroughly enjoyed that! BRAVO!
Author's Response:
Hey Shine! I'm sitting here reviewing the fic in order to write more on it, and DAMN! Deb went OFF! LOL I can't wait to get started on it again.
Happy Reading and HUGS,
Date: Jan 11, 2018 7:30 pm Title: CHAPTER 3: HERE COMES THE DUD
Whoa! You were on fire for this one! What a treat with Deb's speech! For once, she sees the light and doesn't mind letting her dear son know it.
Ethan is almost lovable here.
Date: Jan 11, 2018 4:59 am Title: CHAPTER 3: HERE COMES THE DUD
This may have been short, but it was oh soo sweet. Love how Deb told Michael and Lindsay off. Waiting for more.
Date: Jan 11, 2018 1:13 am Title: CHAPTER 1: THE AFTERMATH
Michael's and Lindsay's POV made me want to vomit by all their misguided rightousness.
I can't help but smile when either of them get smacked down. Ted and Mel both delivered well. Miranda too. Lindsay's head must be spinning by that one two punch.
Mel and Leda were always more suited to each other.
Date: Jan 11, 2018 12:37 am Title: CHAPTER 1: THE AFTERMATH
First of all WOW😂 I am loving the Deb in this chapter. Glad to see her balls dropped and stood up to the 2 want a be Mrs . Kinney's
Love all your stories. Thank you for taking the time to bring us these wonderful stories💕💕💖
Date: Jan 10, 2018 7:15 pm Title: CHAPTER 3: HERE COMES THE DUD
Loved a full on Debbie chapter! this was great! I like how she admits to her faults with how she raised Michael, the hope she has of him growing up but still having the knowledge that it just may not happen. She's facing the reality of things.
Everything she said to Ethan was perfect and even better that she said it infrom of Michael. Once again Michael and Lindsey are thwarted. I just find it so amusing when they put so much effort into these schemes of theirs and they all fall apart. If they put half that effort into their own lives, careers, families etc, they might find a bit of happiness. Not that I'm suggesting that mind you. They way you write these two is always so entertaining. lol
Thank for the break I needed at work.
So grateful that you are updating these ones. It's been such a joy to get back into them again.
Date: Jan 10, 2018 7:09 pm Title: CHAPTER 3: HERE COMES THE DUD
Deb was smart to set Ethan straight and let him know that he stands no chance at getting back with Justin.
It's time for him to grow up and stop living in the past his Perfect Someone is out there and ready to make him forget Justin Taylor, he just needed a swift kick to the Ass to get him to move on.
Now Michael and Lindsay are stuck having to deal with the consequences Brian and Justin will heap on them, because everyone knows those two aren't going to stop.
Deb in front of everyone in the diner gave it to The Dumbass Twins with both barrels and now she is going to step back and let the chips fall where they may.
They have be warned repeatedly, now Actions Really Will Speak Louder Than Words.
Thanks for the Update, totally made my afternoon :)
Date: Nov 13, 2017 1:26 pm Title: CHAPTER 2: THE MEET and GREET
I can’t wait to see what happens next in this story- I’m loving this series, each part is definitely worth the wait and so much fun to read- im looking forward to the finding out what happens with the plans of the two wannabe Mrs Brian Kinney’s ;)
Date: Nov 03, 2017 1:55 am Title: CHAPTER 1: THE AFTERMATH
I love you. There's another chapter already waiting.
Date: Oct 29, 2017 11:01 am Title: CHAPTER 2: THE MEET and GREET
Whoa, Stacy is as determined as Lindsay to have a win. It will be interesting to see if she falls for Lindsay's plan or if Lindsay falls for her's.
At least, there are so many people in Justin's team.
Date: Oct 28, 2017 3:21 am Title: CHAPTER 2: THE MEET and GREET
Frist, I want to know where you find the time to write. I love your stories and I know you have like 5 going- I do good to write one and update once a month- Amazing.
I just love how Mel has left Linds and Brian and she is on good terms. Ben should leave michael- never understood that one at all. I can't wait to see their plan in action. Love that they won't be blindsided by the 2 bobsy twins
Date: Oct 27, 2017 4:44 am Title: CHAPTER 1: THE AFTERMATH
Wow. Way to go Mel.
Date: Oct 27, 2017 1:07 am Title: CHAPTER 2: THE MEET and GREET
Oooo Calling Mama Bear to help spank her baby bear that could be fun lol
Lindsay and Michael are a waste of air but anytime they get a smackdown is a party everyone wants to attend.
Stacey is the perfect scapegoat for the idiots because her jealousy will get the best of her.
Ethan is...not even worth talking about.
Michael must be high if he doesn't think Ben could find someone just as hot as him (I mean Ben, a stubby crayon is hotter than Michael lol) and with a brain too.
Brian coming up with their plan so quickly just goes to show they are as transparent as used plastic.
Mel realizing that she totally underestimated Brian and his generosity is a testament to her jealousy and resentment that Lindsay fed on every chance she got, with Leda she at least had a equal who supported her and cheered on, Lindsay just liked being in control and the center of attention.
Can't Wait For The Next Chapter :)
Date: Oct 26, 2017 9:35 pm Title: CHAPTER 2: THE MEET and GREET
This is so good. Mikey and Lindz can plan all they want, but with all the people backing Brian and Justin, it won't work. We know who Mikey and Lindz is going to pair up with. That should be fun.
Date: Oct 26, 2017 8:28 pm Title: CHAPTER 2: THE MEET and GREET
LOL Leda quote 'nothing like a fine man-meat sandwich with me as the mayo'. I'd volunteer to be the mayo.
Emenett comment about Michael's lack of endowment had me ROFLMAO I fell off my chair!!!!
Thanks Chelle for the visuals!!!
Date: Oct 23, 2017 5:32 pm Title: CHAPTER 1: THE AFTERMATH
Excellent! Leda is here, Mel is getting her life back, Brian and Justin are ignoring Brian's "best friends".
Ted really learned from the master: he got his witty and snarky remarks back.
Lindsey got punched 3 times (Ted, Mel and the agent) and she is still standing. Maybe she will start to crumble when she will find out for Leda.
Let's get Daphne and the battle can start.
Date: Oct 23, 2017 4:21 am Title: CHAPTER 1: THE AFTERMATH
What is Lindsay going to do without Mel and Gus since she won't be able to use him?
What is Michael going to do without Justin drawing the panels for Rage?
Is The Big W Hiring?? lol
Too bad Lindsay can't compete it would be nice to see her go up against Justin and other talented artists who didn't waste their gifts.
She is always talking about 'If Only She Had The Opportunity' and what a great artist she is if only she hadn't married Mel.
I am sure all of Liberty Avenue and the Art District would love to see her put her prove she has more talent than Justin.
So Lindsay wasn't born into Wasp Society but feels she is entitled to rule it with Brian by her side?
Bitch Please!!! You aren't even good enough to Candyland!! rofl
Date: Oct 23, 2017 1:58 am Title: CHAPTER 1: THE AFTERMATH
Yeah! More anti Lindsay and Michael!
looking forward to more 😊