Date: Apr 21, 2019 8:48 pm Title: Chapter 1
I'm always surprised they weren't caught more often lol.
Author's Response:
That is so true and amazing! LOL! I'm glad you liked it! Thank you for reading and reviewing!
Date: Oct 01, 2017 1:29 am Title: Chapter 1
Excellent! Ted's always ready for some additional information. Good friend!
Author's Response:
Thanks! I always liked Ted; he became such a good friend to Brian later in the series. Thanks for the review!
Date: Sep 26, 2017 12:52 am Title: Chapter 1
I just love these.
Author's Response:
Thanks, Lorie! I'm glad you enjoyed them. They were a lot of fun to write. Thank you for reading and reviewing!
Date: Sep 23, 2017 1:41 pm Title: Chapter 1
That's funny I love Ted !
Author's Response:
Thanks! I love Ted, too! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for reading and reviewing!
Date: Sep 22, 2017 1:45 pm Title: Chapter 1
Way to Go Ted... and damn... way to go to Justin and Brian!
Author's Response:
I always liked Ted! Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Date: Sep 22, 2017 4:47 am Title: Chapter 1
I am also laughing so hard😀😂
Author's Response:
Yay! I'm glad I made you laugh and that you're enjoying my little scenes. Thank you for the review!
Date: Sep 21, 2017 7:53 pm Title: Chapter 1
I'm enjoying your "little scenes". Keep them coming!
Author's Response:
LOL! I'm glad you're enjoying these. I will try to keep them coming. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Date: Sep 21, 2017 4:07 pm Title: Chapter 1
Greatest!! ;op hehe!
Author's Response:
Thanks! :) I'm glad you're enjoying them! Thank you for the review!
Date: Sep 21, 2017 4:01 pm Title: Chapter 1
Maybe you should rename this series 'It Sucks' lol. It's nice of Ted to confirm what everyone but Mikey knows and obviously refuses to believe.
Author's Response:
LOL! I thought about naming it that, but then thought I might add some with Mikey discovering that Brian does bottom on occassion. :) I'm glad you're enjoying these little scenes. Thank you for reading and reviewing!
Date: Sep 21, 2017 3:37 pm Title: Chapter 1
These are just super cool and so funny. Keep them coming :)
Author's Response:
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying them. I will do my best to keep them coming! LOL! Thanks for reading and reviewing!