Date: Sep 17, 2017 1:17 am Title: Chapter 19
I've read this chapter before.
I think Wes is wasting his time talking to the whiner baby. It's sad really. Maybe he'll take Wes' advice and look for someone who just might want him for him.
Date: Sep 17, 2017 1:02 am Title: Chapter 18
Even after Michael's told Jeff is doing to him what he does to Justin he still doesn't get it. How dense can he be.
I'm glad the girls are on their side and feel the same about a child that's all their own.
Date: Sep 17, 2017 12:35 am Title: Chapter 19
Love this. Don't know if Michael gets it, but one can always hope.
Date: Sep 06, 2017 5:47 pm Title: Chapter 19
Glad Wes and Daphne were there for Justin as he and Brian move forward with their lives.
I do wonder if what Wes said while penetrate through the stubborn, petulant child inside of Michael??
Love when Brian gets Ridiculously Romantic for his Sunshine :)
Love this chapter.
You and your family Stay Safe *BIG HUGS*
Date: Sep 06, 2017 3:40 pm Title: Chapter 19
Brian does romantic...
It's great that Daphne was able to visit and surprise Justin, and hug Brian, tightly.
Maybe Wes' advice will have an effect on Michael.
I hope Irma won't hit Florida too badly.
Date: Sep 06, 2017 3:28 pm Title: Chapter 19
Loved Wes telling Michael off and putting him in his place but he actually seemed like he was trying to help him too. Hmmmm
Of course Brian is ridiculously romantic! Love it!
Date: Sep 06, 2017 4:25 am Title: Chapter 18
Sending good thoughts that you and your family are safe.
Date: Sep 06, 2017 4:25 am Title: Chapter 18
Sending good thoughts that you and your family are safe.
Date: Sep 06, 2017 3:43 am Title: Chapter 19
Love how Wes told Michael off. Brian was waiting for Justin and now he has him.
Date: Aug 25, 2017 3:23 pm Title: Chapter 18
The news is not getting thru Michael's thick skull.
I'm glad Mel and Lindsey are supportive and not too angry that Brian doesn't want another kid with them.
Date: Aug 25, 2017 2:10 pm Title: Chapter 18
I agree with YumYumPM, Michael fathering a child with Mel was a big mistake, huge! Will he ever learn & accept Justin? Probably not but it'll be his loss and he will lose a lot.
Date: Aug 25, 2017 11:56 am Title: Chapter 18
Michael will never see things differently. Good thing everyone else sees that he is being treated the way he treated Justin. Love how Gus took the news. Just promise me one thing, you won't have Michael fathering a child with Mel. Biggest mistake in the series IMO.
Date: Aug 22, 2017 4:45 pm Title: Chapter 17
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! they're married! And boy oh boy are the yever celebrating!! Woohoo! Hot hot hot! Hope they enjoy themselves while they can. I get the feeling that other people may try to chill the air a bit around them. We all know that Michael is going to run whining and stomping his feet to Brian. that should be worth a giggle. Pretty sure Brian is done with putting up with petulant and childish behavior.
As for the absolutely ridiculousness that was Byron, Jeff and Michael...I was in a fit of giggles! I could actually picture. Oh my goodness. I'm with Emmett and Blake. I'd bed standing right with them giggling at the school boy behavior of those guys. LOL. Byron certainly seems to think highly of himself. He's nothing like Brian, as much as he probably thinks he is. Oh the days ahead are going to be entertaining I'm sure.
Date: Aug 22, 2017 11:46 am Title: Chapter 17
This was so darn funny. I'm with Emmett on that. Michael needs to see Alex Wilder, maybe he can get Mikey to see reality. Wait until he finds out Brian and Justin are married! JP vs wedding like the girls? You made the right choice.
Date: Aug 22, 2017 3:58 am Title: Chapter 17
Once or twice, they will need to get out for fresh air: they are so hot together, they will burn the room down.
The preschoolers at the dance club: Justin should create a comic with "what to do and not" with Michael as the "hero".
Date: Aug 22, 2017 2:10 am Title: Chapter 17
Brian and Justin are either going to break stuff in their hotel room or put each other in traction with all the sex they are having? lol
Yes They Got Married!!!
If this was another story I could see Lindsay preening because Brian and Mel were actually physically fighting over her, or Michael smiling with happiness because it was Brian fighting for him.
If Jeff were smart he would open his eyes and see Byron for the loser he really is and drop him like a bad habit.
He wasn't trying to defend a friend he was trying to make sure his trick didn't get injured so he could get off later.
I mean he was willing to let Jeff lose his membership just so he could continue to play in his hunting grounds<shakes head>
I snake is more loyal than that creep!
So what is Michael going to do now cause I doubt getting Byron's nose broke will continue with him being the one Byron takes him anymore? lmao
Glad Emmett is giving Blake a chance and considering how they are giggling over Michael's stupidity they are going to be Great Friends :)
Can't Wait For The Next Chapter!
Date: Aug 18, 2017 12:19 am Title: Chapter 16
Brian and Justin talking is good because they are really listening to each other and not the opinions of the family who saw Brian and Justin as a joke and not love.
Ted and Blake are doing well to talk about the past and embrace the chance at a future.
Michael is stuck in a world of his own making and probably thinks irony means he either needs to get an iron or more iron in his diet lol
If it wasn't for Deb we all know Justin could eviscerate Michael and kick the ashes in garbage can. ;)
Date: Aug 17, 2017 7:42 pm Title: Chapter 16
Am all caught up now thank goodness. Again, had to go back and reread it all to see what I've missed. I am so enjoying this! Loving how B&J are really talking and opening up to each other. Justin came to logical conclusions and Brian is really seeing things from Justin's perspective. I like how he admitted that he wouldn't have wanted to stick around if roles were reversed. He's relly seeing how his inactions caused Justin to believe what he did about michael.
gotta say, Michael's behaviour, adn his reactions about byron is aboslutely freakign hilarious! Irony at it's very best. curious to see if he ever sees the correlation between Jeff and himself. doubtful as he only sees what he wants to. I've had massive giggles reaing those parts though.
Absolutly LOVE the friendship between ted and Justin!! that Justin and Wes had such a positive influence on Ted to the point that Ted up adn nearly quit on Brian! He really developed a backbone and decided where his loyalties lay. I can somewhat understand Emmett's "jealousy", but at the same time, nobody really did anything to help Ted except Justin. Justin shows what it means to be a true friend.
Oh how I love this one!! Can't wait to read more!!
Date: Aug 17, 2017 4:22 pm Title: Chapter 16
What an idiot! Is Michael truly this stupid? Guess so...
Date: Aug 17, 2017 3:50 pm Title: Chapter 16
It's great Brian and Justin as well as Ted and Blake can talk about their problems.
Date: Aug 17, 2017 12:46 pm Title: Chapter 16
Glad to see Brian and Justin talking. Ted and Blake too. Shame that Mikey doesn't see that he did to Justin what Jeff is doing to him.
Date: Aug 17, 2017 11:12 am Title: Chapter 16
Michael is Pathetic byron dump Michael already fuck hew
Date: Aug 15, 2017 11:58 pm Title: Chapter 15
Emmett wants to take it slow with while Brian is telling Justin he wants it all and it starts with a wedding in Vermont? And hopefully a little Ray of Sunshine of their very own??
Michael is getting exactly what he deserves and I hope Byron's Michael kicks his Ass!!!
Of course if Byron hits on Justin again he will be experiencing his own Ass kicking! lol
Date: Aug 15, 2017 2:28 pm Title: Chapter 15
Brian wants a little Sunshine. Partners in everything.
Date: Aug 15, 2017 12:47 pm Title: Chapter 15
Both couples are right on track.
Em wants ti take it slow. To get to know Drew again. Brian's already walking down the aisle with a baby in the wings. All as it should be.