Date: Jun 10, 2017 1:56 am Title: Chapter 14
What fortune to meet Vic and Rodney at the precinct. It's cool that Carl wants to know more about Brian. I'm so glad he busted the girls, such trash, lol. Now we need Deb locked up.
Date: Jun 09, 2017 8:58 pm Title: Chapter 15
It's great that Carl dared to come to meet his son; it's the best way to avoid a refusal and Brian couldn't just shut the door because Carl didn't know.
It's also great that Carl could meet both Gus and Lily.
It's wonderful that Brian kissed Justin as if it was natural.
Gus is absolutely adorable with Justin; he trusts him and that's a huge progress.
Carl was also right to talk to Alex and to look for what the girls have done and are still doing; be prepared is the best protection.

Date: Jun 09, 2017 4:39 pm Title: Chapter 15
Carl was smart to get some insight into Brian and Those Two Bitches it makes it easier for him not to stand back and let them continue to act like their actions don't have serious consequences.
It is time for Nancy to learn that covering for Lindsay has a snowball effect that will cover her and Ron to the point that they will never be able to dig out.
Mel and Lindsay should really get use to the police showing up at their house and perhaps anywhere else they are to spoil their fun, after a few more busts they will soon be Persona Non Grata on the party scene.
Now how to make Deb and Michael pay for their sins?
Brian kissed Justin I think Brian better be ready for that conversation.
Thanks to Justin Brian is going to give Carl a chance and that will be good for everyone I hope? <crosses fingers>
Date: Jun 09, 2017 11:50 am Title: Chapter 15
Wow...I hadn't expected Carl to just to show up without calling. Glad he got the background from Alex though.
Yeah Brian, hello! Ask Justin on a date!
Date: Jun 09, 2017 10:39 am Title: Chapter 15
I do hope Brian gives Carl a chance. He really didn't know anything about him and from the sounds of it he would have gotten him away from Jack.

Date: Jun 09, 2017 6:22 am Title: Chapter 15
I always look forward to another chapter on this. Carl is going all out to get to know his son. Justin thinks Brian should get to know Carl. I think Carl will be another protection against the Pittsburgh Bitches.

Date: Jun 08, 2017 6:52 pm Title: Chapter 14
Good for Ted slowly regaining his inner strength and confidence he finally seeing his worth and appreciating that his friends always saw it too.
I hope Brian does meet with Carl it will be good for him to see that he does have a strong father figure and to have another person who can love him on his side.
So what has the Pittsburgh Faction been up to besides sitting around and plotting, whining and complaining??
Date: Jun 08, 2017 1:16 pm Title: Chapter 14
Well I guess Carl being Brian's real dad is going turn out alright...if he ever gives him the chance that is...
And Brian has 'normal' siblings, that should be different!
Good for Ted! Moving on away from Michael, eating on his own, wanting to get back to work...huge steps.
Date: Jun 08, 2017 10:28 am Title: Chapter 14
I'm glad Carl was able to talk to Vic and Rodney. I think it helped him understand Brian a bit more.
Poor Brian. He is so torn up about everything. So much change in his life some good some bad. But he needs to move forward. Hopefully Justin and Alex can help with that.
Date: Jun 08, 2017 5:34 am Title: Chapter 14
Things are going smoothly, that's great, especially for Ted and Gus.
I hope Brian will be willing to meet Carl soon.

Date: Jun 08, 2017 2:39 am Title: Chapter 14
I'm so glad that Ted is doing better. That is such a relief. Carl and Vic talking was interesting. I think Carl would be good for Brian. Alex is going to be on hand to help as well.
Date: Jun 07, 2017 3:14 am Title: Chapter 13
It's great that Ted is starting to live for himself and seeing what was wrong with Michael. Brian sharing his feelings and questions is new.

Date: Jun 06, 2017 10:33 pm Title: Chapter 13
I do so look forward to this story. It's nice that Ted is coming around and that Brian wants to be in Lily's life. Of course you can't help but love Emmett. There is so much in this story to like. I even like the anti parts.
Date: Jun 06, 2017 9:41 pm Title: Chapter 13
Leave it to Emmett to cut right to the chase. Yes, he doesn't want Justin with anyone else.
Can't wait to see how this all develops.
Date: Jun 05, 2017 10:52 pm Title: Chapter 12
A Deb so bad she loses Horvath to Joan? Say it ain't so. Brian has a dad p, a dad who is normal... Yay!!
Deb, repent, the end is near, lol.
Date: Jun 05, 2017 7:47 pm Title: Chapter 12
Carl? Brian's father? I did not see that one

Date: Jun 05, 2017 4:39 pm Title: Chapter 12
So Carl is Brian's Real Father and Deb knows this is going to be bad, but could also be a way for Joan to find her own happiness and for Brian to have a real father. (Plus the more people on their side the better it is for everyone)
Love that now everyone knows that Lily is Brian's daughter and I am also thrilled that the four idiots don't know yet.
I do also believe that Justin and Lily should move in with Brian but they aren't ready for that yet.
The Next Chapter Should Be Very Thrilling :)

Date: Jun 05, 2017 3:03 pm Title: Chapter 12
Wow. What an exciting chapter! Now everyone in New York knows that Lily is Brian's. How big is his house? Gus has the right idea about Justin and Lily moving in with them. So Carl is Brian's real dad. That was a surprise. What mischief is Deb going to get up to, because you know she's not going to take this lying down.
Date: Jun 05, 2017 10:23 am Title: Chapter 12
So Carl is Brian's dad. I do hope they can patch things up.
I'm so glad Gus is happy about Lily. Now if we could only get his Daddies together. lol
Date: Jun 05, 2017 9:43 am Title: Chapter 12
This is a great idea to have Carl as Brian's father. I bet Deb will be so angry when he will side by his son. Maybe Joan will have a second chance with him.
Date: Jun 05, 2017 12:54 am Title: Chapter 11
I just love when everyone acts like the adults they are...well done Brian & Justin! This is soooo good! Kiss already!
Date: Jun 04, 2017 10:31 am Title: Chapter 11
That went well. Justin is going to need to bend a bit, Brian us going to do things for Lilly. Gus maybe be too young to understand, but when he doe he will be thrilled.
Deb, you need to learn to listen.

Date: Jun 03, 2017 11:53 pm Title: Chapter 11
Love that Brian told Justin that he is Lily's father and that they are going to work on building a strong family for Lily and Gus.
Rodney telling off Debra was good to bad she didn't hear a word but at least he got to have his say.
What Debra needs to realize is that if there was a chance Michael could reclaim his position by Brian's side he would drop her before she got a chance to open her mouth.
And Lindsay would do the exact same thing because in her mind all she wants is the life Mommy and Daddy showed her, so she used Brian's childhood to get to Brian's bank account and now that Gus is gone and there is no money she is coming.
Mel is just a bitter shrew who realizes that despite everything Brian has been through he will always rise above her.
Like Michael, Deb and Lindsay she wants everything handed to her on a gold platter simply because she is a lesbian.
What they don't want to hear is that Karma is a Bitch and when she comes they won't be able to handle it and the repercussions will last until the end of time.
Date: Jun 03, 2017 11:34 pm Title: Chapter 11
Well they know. Now we just have to work on them developing a romantic relationship.
I want to kiss Rodney. I love how he put Deb in her place. He was very protective of Vic.

Date: Jun 03, 2017 8:41 pm Title: Chapter 11
Love how Rodney told Debbie off. I love Sharon Gless, but the way they wrote her in the show has spawned many a fic that has her not so nice. You've done a great job. I'm so glad that Justin is willing for Brian to be Lily's dad and it's so cool that Gus, her brother, named her.