Date: Jun 28, 2017 1:04 am Title: Chapter 27
Well, that was easy.... Or was it? Will money be enough to get rid of her??? O don't know.
Ted, yes that was flirting.
Date: Jun 28, 2017 1:00 am Title: Chapter 26
Oh no. I'm afraid.
At least Brian and Justin are smiley.
Date: Jun 28, 2017 12:29 am Title: Chapter 28
So Mel thought to go into Kinnetik and rule the roost, did she? Ha, little chicken died, got fried and laid to the side with the revelation of all of the information Brian had been gathering on her! I would feel sorry for her but... yeah, my feelings just aren't set up that way. Not only has she lost her career, but now thanks to Lindsay- that ever present trick- she's about to lose everything else too, including her freedom. I hope she chokes on that bitter pill she now has to swallow!
As for Ted, YAY!!!! Teddy's BAAAAACK!!! And just in time to deal with the demon called Michael! Lindsay must have sounded the alarm of where to find them all, probably having a talk with Sam. Hopefully he put Trickzilla out to pasture. In any event, it worked well because Michael is now being carted off to the big house! He'll probably be in the holding cell right next to Mel. That would be punishment enough for her, LOL
As for Lindsay, where is she?! Something tells me she's probably somewhere stalking Justin. I hope that while she is, The Sisters and Daphne are near him. I worry about Gus though. He's not strong enough to deal with her and her suggestions that she is going to reclaim him. It would be just like that BITCH to scare her child into believing that which would undo all the good progress Gus and everyone has been making. I wonder if there are any open manholes in the middle of Times Square that she can be accidently-on-purpose pushed in. With two of her partners-in-crime currently in holding cells, there's no telling who else she will find to align herself with. BTW...where is Debs dumbass in all of this...and Ethan? Let's just hope that she and Ethan don't there is a match made in Hell!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Date: Jun 27, 2017 11:54 pm Title: Chapter 28
I'm so proud of Ted! I love how Blake is already falling for him. Can't wait for their date to the opera.
Ok...where was Lindsay while all this was happening. Where are Justin and the kids????
Date: Jun 27, 2017 10:20 pm Title: Chapter 28
My heart is HUGE right now! Oh so happy for Teddy! teddy is coming back to the real world! thank goodness for Blake. Blake enable him to see himself worthy. He's become strong enough to rebuss michael. Did such a happy dance reading that!
Mel Mel Mel. she thinks she's just so smart but shin is in a major bind right now. I'm guessing Lindsey wrote those emails? I doubt Michael would be able to make them sould legible for anyone to take seriously. He may be devious, but he's also kinda stupid. doesn't have the smarts to do something like that. that she was stupid enought to just walk through the doors without any thought to the restraining order...Like was said, how the hell did she get through law school? No wonder she lost her job. sheesh.
Definitely looking forward to what happens next with all of those guys!
Really enjoying the developing relationship between Brian and Carl. Growing ever closer and Carl is really taking on the mantle of being his dad. between him and the new family, Brian is going to heal so quickly I'm sure. And with Justin thrown into the mix as well as's going to be wonderful to really watch them all heal.
Date: Jun 27, 2017 10:16 pm Title: Chapter 28
I'm just loving this story so much!

Date: Jun 27, 2017 9:40 pm Title: Chapter 28
If Mel didn't send out those e-mails who did? Hmmm, Lindsay sounds that devious and she has access to Mel's computer. I'm so happy to see Ted back same as Emmett is. Blake is making a lot of difference. Loving this story.
Date: Jun 25, 2017 1:39 pm Title: Chapter 27
Yayyyyy Blake
Date: Jun 25, 2017 1:00 pm Title: Chapter 27
Glad Brian got things straight with Sam...this should be good!
So happy that Ted is finding other support from Brian's new family. Go Blake, go get him!
Date: Jun 25, 2017 10:54 am Title: Chapter 27
Poor Em. We need to get him a man.
I think Carl is so damn cute. I hope things work out for him and Joan.
I'm glad Ted is finding new friends in Brian's family. And hello Blake. ;)
Date: Jun 25, 2017 6:24 am Title: Chapter 27
I hope Ted will be there next time Blake bends over to stretch...
Maybe Sam is a nice guy after all; wait and see if he sends the bitch back and doesn't tell anything about Justin and Brian.
Date: Jun 25, 2017 5:26 am Title: Chapter 27
Love this story.
* hugs *

Date: Jun 25, 2017 2:13 am Title: Chapter 27
I didn't think anyone could make me like Sam, but you did. Love how Diane is helping Ted and that Blake showed up. Now we need to find Emmett someone.
Date: Jun 23, 2017 6:10 pm Title: Chapter 26
That was perfect! I'm as I glad they are moving forward and Brian isn't afraid of his emotions.
Date: Jun 23, 2017 4:02 pm Title: Chapter 26
I hope Lindsey never will connect the dots otherwise it will be "Hello disaster".
Maybe Sam will break up with her since she doesn't understand what he wants.
Date: Jun 23, 2017 2:45 pm Title: Chapter 26
Just finised the last two chapters you wrote. Looking forward to the next chapter. As you can see I' hooked.
Date: Jun 23, 2017 2:16 pm Title: Chapter 26
Awwwww that was awesome! Their in love and they said it! Their gonna be unstoppable!
As for crazy Linds...Jesus! What a cunt! So self absorbed, it's unbelievable...

Date: Jun 23, 2017 12:59 pm Title: Chapter 26
Wow. Lindsay there with Sam and I bet she didn't realize who Justin was or does she? Justin has Brian's back and CJ will be there too. Love the improvements of Gus and Teddy.

Date: Jun 23, 2017 1:15 am Title: Chapter 25
Nancy has all the money and while she is controlling the purse strings Ron will abide by her rules or Get The Hell Out!
And if he leaves he better be prepared to deal with the consequences can Nancy won't waste time destroying him.
I actually want Lindsay and her idiots to show up so she can get her Ass handed to her by Daphne this time lol
I agree with Justin Vicky, Diana and Daphne would be quite the triple threat and it would be Hilarious ;)
Nancy shows that she sees Lindsay for who she really is and that Gus and Brian deserve better.
Mel became everything she once despised including a pathetic clone of Brian who is still making stupid choices, who she gonna blame now that she has once again got involved with someone who enjoys sex with men?
Lindsay can gloat all she wants about the vibrator crack but if she knew her way around a dick or pussy her partners wouldn't need new bedmates, I mean come on even ice is warmer than Lindsay Peterson.
And Sam wouldn't need a new muse every hour just to get it up rofl
Date: Jun 22, 2017 11:36 pm Title: Chapter 2
This story make me cry in some parts and I needed to cry. So thank you very much for this story. I know that it is a testament to your writing. Thank you so very very much. I love all of your writing.
Date: Jun 22, 2017 9:01 pm Title: Chapter 25
Very interesting to read about Nancy's views about Brian, Mel and Lindsey!
Date: Jun 22, 2017 8:30 pm Title: Chapter 24
This new family is shaping up nicely and smoothly. I hope they will get stronger before the storm arrives from the Pitts.
Date: Jun 22, 2017 4:37 pm Title: Chapter 25
I'm so happy Brian and Justin are getting closer.
Finally Nancy doing something good for a change.

Date: Jun 22, 2017 1:44 pm Title: Chapter 25
Now that Brian has backup, what kind of trouble can you get Lindsay in. All her lies are not helping her.
Date: Jun 22, 2017 1:36 pm Title: Chapter 25
Well I have to say, I'm glad Nancy has her eyes wide open. Will the girls make it to NYC?