Date: Feb 16, 2018 2:26 am Title: At the zoo
At first I was so scared to read this story. It just too angsty for me (i do have anxiety problem). But I was so intrique with the summary. And I finally read this. I couldnt stop. Now I realize this story is kind of fitting with the Brian we know and love. He do have some kind of problem. Im glad he at least have Justin who love him and will be there for him no mater what. I also always love cynthia and ted for their loyalty to brian.
Im still affraid to find out what next ch is or is this have a happy ending? But this story totally worth to read so I wont stop reading it even im so nervous. Sorry english is not my first language. I hope you still understand what im trying to say
Date: Sep 10, 2016 3:18 am Title: At the zoo
'The way Brian's image as the stud, the asshole, the loner was constantly reinforced, even encouraged, by his so-called friends. How they seemed to need him to be erratic, to be the lost boy in order to cement their own identities.'
That was always Brian's biggest problem, Michael being the worst offender. Brian wasn't allowed to grow up and move on because of "the family" relying on him to be THE ASSHOLE, but at the same time, they all ridiculed him for not growing up. He couldn't win either way.
Date: May 14, 2016 2:09 pm Title: At the zoo
I'm glad Brian's getting help and that Ted's going to be let in on this. Somehow I think Emmett should be in too. I know I've read this but it's almost like reading it for the first time. You remember bits and pieces.