Date: Nov 29, 2018 11:54 am Title: Well That's Your Boat Sunk!
I can't believe, (or maybe I can), that Michael is still trying to peddle a comic he wrote when he was 11! Jesus, man! Get a New Life! Did I read it right, that although Michael has been trying to get Brian to draw the comic, he never showed, or told, Brian that Barney did artwork for it? What an Idiot! Why did he want Brian so bad, if there was already good drawing done for it? I know Michael, at least in the beginning, wanted Brian sexually, (does he still?), but why does he want him to do it?
Okay, back to the watch. Barney was trying to use it for collateral, but said he didn't want to loose it, because of who he thought his friend was. I'm assuming that's Michael, but why the Hell would Michael have had Brian's watch? You are apparently gearing us up for the fall of whoever shot Brian.
Okay, so first Mercy said that Brian's talent far outshone Barney's, now they are falling all over themselves to include hm. What gives? Then at the end, Michael wonders what the look is that passed between Mercy and George? Are we going back to when Caleb said to keep your enemies closer? Is that the real reason they want to include Barney?
Another thing I'm wondering about is, what else does Michael have up his sleeve, as he was thinking about playing his coup de gras, once he's let in? And him and Lindsay working together? I don't think I need to say what a train wreck that will be. And Lindsay can be persuasive all she wants, they aren't going to join forces with her. Unless... OMG! She can't have plans for Justin, can she?
Well, I'm not sure if I trust or like Barney yet, but I have to give it to him for his Mikey jab... at least he was better at fucking me over, than he is at fucking.Touché
{{{Big Hugs}}} Cathy =^..^=
Date: Nov 20, 2018 8:36 pm Title: Well That's Your Boat Sunk!
Great update. Oh the evil twins just never give up, and what a great storyline it makes. Happy Thanksgiving.

Date: Nov 19, 2018 5:52 pm Title: Well That's Your Boat Sunk!
Michael directing with Lindsay should be a Laugh Riot he knows as much about directing as Lindsay knows about being Kind, Considerate and Thoughtful.
Their masterpiece should receive a standing ovation of Boos lol
Barnaby working with them should make it easier to find out what his story really is and if he is tied to what happened to Brian two years ago?
Lindsay may think she is persuasive but she has Never Met a force like this group who will crush her while also laughing at her feeble attempts.
Superb Update :)

Date: Nov 19, 2018 2:58 pm Title: Well That's Your Boat Sunk!
Straighten me out. Michael did a comic on his own? Doesn't sound good. Barney must be the key to who shot Brian.
Author's Response:
Yep, he did indeed and no it was not good at all! And that will be revisited as well - as you have just given me an idea - again!