Date: Jan 27, 2022 8:49 am Title: Chapter 32
Ah, what a wonderful liberating chapter! A real turning point for Justin! At first I was scared, because you portray his conflict so wonderfully. The conflict to keep believing in the positive things, to believe in yourself or to let yourself fall back into the negative depressive thoughts. And one thing has also become clear, he can only do this himself. Of course, seeing how others saw things that happened can also help him. Hearing that other way of looking at things. But he himself must have the will to get out of it, to find himself again. And it seems he has that will now! love this story so much and thanks for sharing it with us!
Date: Dec 13, 2018 8:45 am Title: Chapter 32
That refreshing little glimmer of hope. The moment you realize ‘I’m OK with me’. Quite the Revelation... TAG
Date: Nov 17, 2018 7:32 am Title: Chapter 32
When I saw the latest update, I figured that being it had been a while, I was going to just read the first couple chapters to get a feel for the story, but dammit, you have a way with words and the concept of the story just drew me in again. After chapter seven, I mentally berated myself with, "Why am I still reading this?" Why? Because it is so damn good. But after I read chapter fifteen, I told my daughter to get over here and shut my laptop down, which would force me to quit. So, I took a break, and later thought I'd read thirty-one before I read the new update. Strangely, the words weren't registering, so I went back to thirty and read that, then realized I somehow missed the last update. So I had virtually two new chapters to read. I am so happy you were able to finally update. All I can say after reading that much of the story in one sitting, is this must be a very taxing story to write. The subject matter alone must be hard, but the depth of the character's mental state, well, all I can say is I'm very proud of your writing. All that said, I want to sum up this chapter in one word. What this chapter gave me is: HOPE.
Thank you for honoring us with this story. Did you happen to notice the start date and the update date? November 15th. Both of them. Looking forward to your next chapter.
XOXO ~ Cathy
Author's Response:
Thanks, Cathy; yeah, it is a hard story to write - I've always said, write what you know. And having lived this before, it makes me hyper-vigilant on my own kids, especially my son, who is open about the fact that he is anti-social, and doesn't know where he sits sexually. Ty lives inside his own head, so we have a very open door policy in our house, and nothing is taboo - not faith, not mental illness, and not sexuality. So when it comes to this story, there are days where I sit there with the document open, and just stare at the screen, before I close it down and simply walk away. I'm glad this chapter gave you hope - I've had a couple of people ask me when Brian is going to "fix" Justin - as Alex said, he can't. It has to be Justin who opens his eyes, and now that he has, he can fix himself. Thanks for sticking with me hon - I appreciate it. xx
Date: Nov 16, 2018 8:28 pm Title: Chapter 32
Wow, fantastic chapter. What we have waited for that Justin would start to move forward. Terrific writing.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon, and yeah, this is his step forward.

Date: Nov 16, 2018 6:06 pm Title: Chapter 32
Justin is finally fighting back and is ready to stop fighting against Alex helping him overcome his demons, just saw the dawn and e isn't afraid to start a Brand New Day and a Brand New Chapter of his life.
I think Brian wasn't there cause h didn't want to give Justin a shock after their emotional talk, when they see each other later it should be interesting how they react.
Brian and Justin had their confrontation perhaps Justin will be ready to confront the others.
Yeah Justin and Brian ruined their relationship but others jealousy and slide comments didn't help either, the behavior and words of The Family contributed to the doubts, fears and avoidance Justin and Brian did.
Love This Story, Thanks for the Update :)
Author's Response:
I think Brian wasn't there cause he didn't want to give Justin a shock after their emotional talk, when they see each other later it should be interesting how they react.
Nope. But all will be revealed in the next chapter.
Brian and Justin had their confrontation perhaps Justin will be ready to confront the others.
*Grins* Oh yeah.
Yeah Justin and Brian ruined their relationship but others jealousy and slide comments didn't help either, the behavior and words of The Family contributed to the doubts, fears and avoidance Justin and Brian did.
Very much so.
Date: Nov 16, 2018 5:32 pm Title: Chapter 32
Positive change in Justin' mind: could it be the end of his downfall?
Author's Response:
*Little smile*
Date: Nov 16, 2018 3:27 pm Title: Chapter 32
Holy shit! What beautiful self realization! Well done Sunshine! I am very surprised Brian wasn't still there with him. Why did he leave? Doesn't he want to make sure Justin understands he's ready to be there for him, really be there for him....I was disheartened when he woke up alone. So happy to see this update Kerri, thank you hun!
Author's Response:
Thanks, baby. Yes, it was a moment of self-awareness, something he had been missing. As for Brian, you'll find out in the next chapter.

Date: Nov 16, 2018 2:28 pm Title: Chapter 32
Things are looking better for Justin, but where did Brian go?
Author's Response:
You'll find out in the next chapter.