Date: Nov 30, 2019 5:03 pm Title: Chapter 3: 5150
What a heartbreaking but wonderful written chapter. I like your writing style so much. And in spite of this very serious and painful issue, I love, that there is also a sense of humor... „They're going to think I forgot to water you" - That sarcastic humor is one thing I love so much about Brian. Depending on the situation, he could be very hurtful in the show, but often also affectionate. Like in this case. In my opinion, you characterize him so well!
Poor Justin. I can‘t imagine this situation, to be hold in a locked unit for at least 72 hours not knowing what will happen. And I‘m also afraid about Brian‘s reaction when he gets more information about this „risk to others". And again, there are also so many beautiful and cute moments... the boyfriend-partner moment... the CMU hoodie moment... or Brian‘s behavior at the end of the chapter!
Author's Response:
I love Brian's sarcasm and I always think that it's possible for him to be loving, in a way Justin understands if no one else does, and still maintain that sense of humor. I hope throughout the story it's clear that both Brian and Justin grow and develop as characters but also retain who they are at the core. I love them both so much so I want to keep them in-character while still allowing for character development, which can be a hard balance to strike!
Date: Nov 19, 2018 9:25 am Title: Chapter 3: 5150
So far, spot on. TAG
Author's Response:
Thank you!!
Date: Nov 06, 2018 11:54 pm Title: Chapter 3: 5150
You literally confused me. How did it go from Justin having "thoughts" of getting images of something terrible, something violent, happening to Brian. Or to Gus. To it becoming a reality that Justin wanted to carry out these "images"? That's quite a different concept.
Anyway, what was Brian talking about when he said, there was no way to know that they don’t know everything. I’ve never figured out if going to the hospital and Justin’s experiences there were a mistake and took us further away from where we had to be or ultimately helped get us there. I presume this will be explained, but it sounds like the 72 hour hold was a bad idea. I'm kind of surprised that Brian didn't automatically call his old pal, Alex Wilder, before going to the hospital. Either to ask his advice, or to ask him to meet them there.
Brian is TOTALLY wrong to not call Jennifer, regardless of what Justin says. I'm afraid there will be hell to pay. Besides, who would Jennifer tell anyway? She's his mother. She wouldn't just blab something like that around. She's a WASP. She knows discreet.
Author's Response:
You're picking up on some of the foreshadowing here! Yes yes yes, there is such a difference between having thoughts and wanting to carry them out. Justin is confused though because often our thoughts are taken to be truth and so he's not the best reporter to the psychiatrist. The psychiatrist is not asking ALL the questions they could (Brian says this "except the one or two that would make a difference"). So great that you picked that up!
What helps and what hurts Justin is not so easily divided into black and white, but yes, there's some good that comes from the hospitalization and some not so good.
I think Brian right now wants to do whatever he can to help Justin and is trusting Justin when he says don't call Jennifer. Remember, Brian wanted to go through cancer treatment without telling he can understand why Justin is asking this.
I hadn't thought to bring in Alex Wilder... that's a good idea and maybe I can start to weave him in. I know he's an important character in many other fics but I haven't figured out what role, if any, he's going to play here.

Date: Nov 05, 2018 2:23 am Title: Chapter 3: 5150
I take it that all this is a prelude to what happened, what Brian learned? I hope things work out so hurry with the next chapter.
Author's Response:
More is coming! Thanks for reading!
Date: Nov 04, 2018 8:46 pm Title: Chapter 3: 5150
I understand Justin feeling embarrassed by being in the psych ward, but to keep IIT from his mother,?
It seems Justin told the doctor more than he told Brian. Brian needs to remember that even feeling lost as to help Justin, getting him to the hospital was the best way to help at the time.
Long road to healing for our guys.
Author's Response:
He will eventually tell Jen - he just needs some time to understand if for himself. Also, he doesn't want to worry her.
The doctor was asking much more specific questions. But yes, Brian just wants what's best for Justin and he did the right thing in going to the hospital.
Date: Nov 04, 2018 9:07 am Title: Chapter 3: 5150
I hope 3 days will be enough, though I don't think it will be. It seems to be too deep to heal this quick. Jennifer will be out of her mind and angry towards Brian when she will find out.
Author's Response:
A 72 hour hold is what folks are usually held on. The criteria for release are just that they are no longer a risk - insurance won't pay for in-patient treatment much beyond that. True recovery takes much longer but treatment is usually outside the hospital.
Date: Nov 04, 2018 1:09 am Title: Chapter 3: 5150
Great update. So sad, but thank goodness Justin is willing to get treatment. Terrific writing.
Author's Response:
Thank you! The process of him getting treatment will be a big part of the plot so stay tuned!