Date: Apr 25, 2022 7:15 pm Title: Desire
what Justin said makes so much sense, until Brian sees himself as worthy again, people will see he has doubts about himself. Once he's back to his usual cocky, confident self, people will come running.

Date: Jul 20, 2021 8:12 am Title: Desire
Justin showed him how he still thinks of him as strong and sexy. It's easy enough to say it, but to be shown it's true is another thing. Way to go, Justin.
Date: Nov 23, 2018 9:19 am Title: Desire
I think Brian just needs to take Justinalong with him on his business meetings so every time he starts doubting himself, Sunshine can give him a good ‘talking to’ *wink* TAG
Date: Sep 03, 2018 1:47 pm Title: Desire
such a tough road Brian has... I really like how you are weaving in what we knew all along... he was always insecure (ok not about work) and vulnerable, but he always was able to just put on the Stud persona and nobody looked behind the mask... I appreciate him actually seeing that now
Author's Response:
The complexity of Brian’s character is why I love him so much. There is far more beyond the surface than what he wants others to see, and Gale Harold portrayed that so well. There’s a broken little boy under all of that bravado.
Date: Aug 28, 2018 8:58 pm Title: Desire
Rochelle, I like her. Brian is going to get Brian back. She gave him a lot to think on.
Some people don't see the chair, he's right about that. As it should be.
Some people are afraid to find the person sitting in the chair for that's all they see. Those people aren't worth the time.
Date: Aug 25, 2018 10:35 pm Title: Desire
I'm all caught up. Can't wait for more. This story is so beautiful, heartbreakingly beautiful.
Author's Response:
Thank you so much! <3

Date: Aug 25, 2018 12:54 pm Title: Desire
This chapter was thought provoking. I sometimes wonder if Brian and Justin talked about how Justin felt after the bashing would help Brian see that his feelings aren't that much difference. Joining a gym might help Brian get back into the shape he was even if he can't use his legs for walking. How do you own a wheelchair.
Author's Response:
Good question - "owning it" here refers to his identity -- who he is as a person, disability included. Not letting it take over his life and leave him feeling powerless. Joining a gym wouldn't help his legs because he's not able to use the muscles at all, but it would help with others aspects, so that's a good idea for something to work in. You're absolutely right that their feelings aren't different -- Justin knows exactly where Brian is coming from and it gives him a unique perspective. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Date: Aug 24, 2018 6:22 pm Title: Desire
Rochelle seemed to be the person Brian needed to talk to; the first contact was successful.
Brian's night out could have been better, but he made a few contacts and it could help him later to get new accounts.
First shower together: that's a huge step!
Author's Response:
Yes it is! I've been loving watching out for all of your comments as you've made your way through the story. Thanks so much for all of your feedback and for taking the time to comment.

Date: Aug 24, 2018 8:18 am Title: Desire
Yes it's the start of the new Brian. Wonderful chapter. Thank you
Date: Aug 23, 2018 4:51 pm Title: Desire
Wow, terrific chapter. Seeing Brian start to move forward was great. It has to be so difficult to face what he is facing, but I think you can pull the old Brian back as much as possible. Keep up the fantastic writing.
Author's Response:
I agree, we are building new Brian from the old. :) Thanks for always taking the time to review!