Date: Apr 25, 2022 6:15 pm Title: Let Go
His life is in NYC, not just with Justin, but because he can be himself there. No one knows him and it is more accessible.

Date: Jul 19, 2021 11:37 am Title: Let Go
Brian needs to do this, for himself, to feel like he's in control again.

Date: Sep 07, 2018 11:42 pm Title: Let Go
Brian and Ted's friendship has always been a huge love of mine, so reading their little talk made me SO happy. Even though Ted hasn't gone through what Brian had, he's had a lot happen to him and I think he understands why Brian needs and wants to move. I hope Justin is okay with it. Argh, I need to go to bed soon lol
Author's Response:
I love their friendship too, and that's why I wanted to invoke it here. The way their relationship turned out by the end of S5 was great. "Anything...for a friend?" Apologies for keeping you up too late. ;) I know the feeling well! haha
Date: Aug 31, 2018 8:45 pm Title: Let Go
I need to cancel all plans I have so I can read this and only this until it’s done.... realistically I am reading it every chance I get!
Author's Response:
This makes me so happy <3
Date: Aug 23, 2018 7:36 pm Title: Let Go
Another great chapter: Brian is struggling towards his new goal, but it won't last long; as soon as Ted gives the "go", Brian will start the rolls. Is it something he discussed with Justin while they were together or is he weighing the feasibility and then, he will talk about his idea.
It's obvious it's a logical choice, for many reasons, which you explained; he must break free in order to move forward. He must "become" anonymous to build a new life.
Author's Response:
He doesn't want to mention it to Justin until he knows he can make it work. Thank you so much for taking the time to review -- I really appreciate the feedback.
Date: Aug 18, 2018 1:55 pm Title: Let Go
Its like Justin’s return to Brian’s life has transformed him all over again. Woken him up from the post-accident haze he was in. Brought him back to life again. Go, Brian! TAG
Date: Aug 11, 2018 1:54 pm Title: Let Go
Great update. A peek into Brian's thought process. I like the man he's become. Him and Ted, love the friendship that developed over the years. Can have an adult conversation. Brian's right about Michael, always comes back to him no matter the subject.
Brian needs this, this move. This new road. This journey to happiness and acceptance.
Date: Aug 10, 2018 3:00 am Title: Let Go
I love stories that are so well written they take you from everyday life and transport you right into another place. This is definitely one of those stories! After a life altering experience it is wonderful to see Brian consider moving to NY, and even moreseo openly express his love for Justin again and realize they "need each other" in so many ways. Expressing Brians thoughts of how the gang in the Pitts saw him now versus the old Brian, and how in NYC he was virtually invisible to the stares, the pity, will indeed give Brian a chance to be his own man once again with Justin by his side! I hope you will add many more chapters to this wonderful story. Candy
Date: Aug 10, 2018 2:56 am Title: Let Go
Another great chapter. I really like the friendship with Ted and Brian

Date: Aug 09, 2018 8:05 am Title: Let Go
Go there Brian jump! Great chapter.

Date: Aug 09, 2018 12:58 am Title: Let Go
Like how Brian discusses things with Ted and expects to get truth. He's come to a decision and if Ted can make it work he'll be in NY with Justin.
Date: Aug 09, 2018 12:12 am Title: Let Go
Great chaper. Love the idea of Brian & Justin living in NY. Terrific writing.