Date: Apr 25, 2022 6:09 pm Title: Invincible
It must have been so hard for the rest of the family as well, and their nagging only shows how much they love him

Date: Sep 07, 2018 11:31 pm Title: Invincible
I THOUGHT HE'D WANT TO MOVE - and now we know how much he likes the city!!!!!
This was really heartbreaking reading Michael and Deb's experience after the accident, you wrote Deb PERFECTLY.
I just want to cuddle Brian so much in this. Not because of his accident, but the way he's coping and trying to discover who he is now he isn't the stud!
Author's Response:
Thank you! I knew that watching the series way too many times would come in handy someday! ;) I am loving your reviews. I can't wait to see what you think of the rest.
Date: Aug 31, 2018 2:41 pm Title: Invincible
Yes!!!! I’m not a Michael fan, but I actually LIKE this Michael lol... I definitely want Brian to move to NYC
Author's Response:
Haha...I’m so glad I was able to win you over with my Michael. ;) It was risky to bring in his POV because so many people don’t like him, but no one else could tell that part of the story.
Date: Aug 23, 2018 6:01 pm Title: Invincible
This is an amazing story and I'm wondering if this isn't somehow a situation you are familiar with. This feels so real: I have been there, even if I had the chance not to become paralyzed. The pain, the despair, all that Brian is getting through at the hospital, the sudden disruption of life... It does ring a bell and it's wonderfully written, full of hope.
Author's Response:
Ack, I accidentally deleted your last review while trying to fix a typo in my response! Anyway, what I said was that you’re right on the dangers of the “what if”...and we will get more into that in Repercussions. ;) Thanks so much for reading and reviewing.
Date: Aug 18, 2018 1:25 pm Title: Invincible
You did a great job showing things from Michael’s POV. Very refreshing take on this difficult character. Thanks. TAG
Author's Response:
Thank you! I know Michael isn't a popular character, but I really liked he and Brian's relationship in the series.

Date: Aug 07, 2018 8:05 am Title: Invincible
You can feel Brian's pain in this chapter. What will be Michael's reaction to Brian's move to New York? Great chapter thank you.
Date: Aug 07, 2018 2:29 am Title: Invincible
big bomb- wow- loving the story
Date: Aug 07, 2018 12:01 am Title: Invincible
Wow, what a powerful chapter. Could just feel all the pain and anger that Brian was going through. Great writing.
Author's Response:
Thank you! I felt like this was a risky chapter because it was Michael's POV, but I really wanted all of this out on the table and he was the only way to get it. After this we'll go back to Brian and Justin POV. ;)
Date: Aug 06, 2018 7:24 pm Title: Invincible
Michael didn't think to call Justin not because he didn't want to worry him but because if Justin showed up Michael would no longer be in charge or learn what was going on with Brian first. You know he's Brian's bestest bud.
Once Brian accepted this new life he begin to become his old self, bad as new. Justin and him going to NY by himself put that sparkle back in his eyes.
Oh no however is Michael going to do if Brian moves away? Will he fight him? Probably. Can't wait to see how Michael handles that bit of news.
Author's Response:
Interesting perspective! I hadn't thought about it from that angle, but it's true as well, that Justin showing up would undermine Michael's importance in the situation, which he might not have been willing to give up. Perhaps another subconscious motivation there. Brian is going through a pretty significant shift right now, and there will be another one later. But yes, the taste of independence, knowing that he could still manage fully on his own, and people not having this before-and-after view of Brian was definitely something he needed. Will Michael fight him? Maybe. ;)