Date: Jan 27, 2022 7:25 am Title: Chapter 31
What a beautiful chapter! Finally they talk to each other, listen to each other, understand each other, accept each other. And after all these events, the only way for them is in my opinion to get to know each other again. And I love that thought that "I love you" isn't enough to describe Brian's feelings for Justin. I agree, but even that Justin needs to know first to understand it. ;-) "He'd caused that smile. He'd caused the laughter he could see dancing in Justin's eyes." - Beautiful! I wish them lots of such moments together! But... somehow I felt like Justin downplayed his experience with this trick. He has a really serious problem here and I think at some point he has to deal with it, it will come up. and after all, Brian still doesn't know the full extent....

Date: Aug 10, 2018 1:02 am Title: Chapter 31
WARNING: I will be catching up with this, this weekend. So, be prepared for lots of waffling reviews. I am so excited to read the updates, one of my all time faves x
Author's Response:
lol, no worries, babe. Looking forward to your thoughts. xx
Date: Aug 04, 2018 12:30 pm Title: Chapter 31
So good! God, I loved it! Well done boys well done! Real progress...hearing each other, accepting what the other needs vs wants. Brian is a lot braver than he thinks he is. And that ever so gentle kiss Justin gave him...perfect!
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. ;)
Date: Aug 04, 2018 6:31 am Title: Chapter 31
Amazing chapter! They finally talked about what hurt them and they, I hope, understood each other. I see that as a key point in their relationship and I hope they will move forward and stop sinking. Justin did smile and that's a huge step forward.
Author's Response:
and they, I hope, understood each other.
Understanding has finally been heard and understood. ;)

Date: Aug 04, 2018 3:33 am Title: Chapter 31
When they lock everyone else out and just talk to each they see that their love is dead it just dimmed for awhile, now that they are both really talking and making some gentle promises the glow is slowly starting to come back.
Justin isn't ready for fast and neither is Brian but slowly getting to know one another and seeing their true selves is a good start.
Once they take away the expectations of The Family and just focus first on themselves then each other then those petty opinions don't matter.
Brian get Justin to laugh and smile! Now That Is Beautiful!!!
Michael is butting in again he needs to work on growing up and leave Brian and Justin alone.
His advice while interesting was not needed I think Alex was trying to point that out to Brian put the pain and despair got in the way.
Michael is still trying to move all his toys into the places he desires so he can gain forgiveness while not really working or earning it.
Brian and Justin need this time to away from the family to breathe and mend their damaged hearts so this it never gets this bad again.
Because if it hadn't been Justin it could've been Brian he was seriously skating the edge of falling into the abyss, the others mocked, praised and condemned his destructive behavior but no one thought to try to save him.
They needed Brian to be the failure so none of them had to look at how their lives weren't any better.
It's Easy To Gloat When You Ignore The Real Face In The Mirror.
It Feels Like Real Progress For Both Of Them....This Time
Thanks for getting me all teary-eyed ;)
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. x

Date: Aug 04, 2018 3:06 am Title: Chapter 31
I am so glad to see more of this. Love that Brian is wanting to talk and more he's listening. I think both Brian and Justin realize that Michael is the one who caused their problems.
Author's Response:
Yes, he was, but it is also their fault, too. ;)
Date: Aug 04, 2018 2:32 am Title: Chapter 31
What a wonderful, powerful chapter. They are trying to work it out and that is so important. Your writing is amazing.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. xx