Date: Jul 21, 2018 9:38 pm Title: 57th PRECINCT BLUES
Great chapter! Nice to see Deb and Carl's beginning and to read about Brandon in another kind of role.

Date: Jul 20, 2018 4:32 pm Title: 57th PRECINCT BLUES
Whatever is in Deb's lock box that wasn't revealed must be good line what us in the safety deposit box at the bank, you are saving it for the trial and it will be the final nail in Michael and everyone else's coffins right?
Deb was honest and knows that she just escaped doing time for her culpability and Michael's cowardice.
Michael was sitting on loads of money the whole with those precious collectibles and still he chose to steal from Brian and Justin....What An Arrogant RODENT!!!
So selling all those collectibles and repaying Brian, Justin probably Ted and Emmett too is first priority, then maybe some should go to Deb and Vic too.
Rage could do with a re-design and improved story anyway, Michael's ideas were too small and old-fashioned, has to be brought up and cater toothed kids at heart who love comics and to the ones who never read a comic.
Brandon and Vic knocked Michael down but it will only get worse after Michael is arraigned and they get closer to trial.
Cause then it will be a free for all as they all toss each other under the bus or off the boat for the last life preserver.
Deb is not ready for a relationship but hopefully after she has finished processing everything she might be ready for coffee ;)
Date: Jul 20, 2018 11:14 am Title: 57th PRECINCT BLUES
They never got to the wills. I wanted to know what was in them.
Fancy Brandon showing up. What's Vic trying to do match up him and Em? Can see that working. Besides trying to be the stud of the avenue like Brian was, he's beginning to want what Brian has with Justin. He could have that with Em.
No sympathy for the weasle. Having Deb testify against him is probably one of the worst things that could happen to him. Let's raise our glasses to that.
So Deb now knows that Mikey's "toys" are worth some money. What's happening with the boxes that Ted and Dale took from the basement? The ones Michael doesn't even know are gone. Please tell me they'll be sold and the monies turned over to Justin. If anything over the amount the weasle owes Justin is left it can go to Deb and Vic, as it should.
I really can't wait to see him and all his dreams go up in smoke at his trial. Let the show begin.
Date: Jul 20, 2018 10:10 am Title: 57th PRECINCT BLUES
Omg well done Deb she actually filled in the gaps against Michael so hard for any mother but for one totally blind Debbie Novotney amazing
Date: Jul 20, 2018 9:26 am Title: 57th PRECINCT BLUES
I do love the way your write. Update ASAP.

Date: Jul 20, 2018 3:02 am Title: 57th PRECINCT BLUES
Darn we didn't really learn what was in the lock box. Love how Vic looked after Deb so she doesn't fall back into where she's been. Nice seeing Brandon again. Deb and Carl may or may not get together. Who knows?
Date: Jul 20, 2018 2:38 am Title: 57th PRECINCT BLUES
Great chapter. Love that Michael just keeps getting worse. It makes my day. And, I can picture, Brandon the Cop. He won't give in to any of Michael's ideas which get funnier and funnier. Hope you are feeling ok.