Date: Jan 10, 2021 12:35 pm Title: Chapter 37: Saturday, December 9th
Aha! I finally got another chapter read. I was tickled when Brian found out Bob - wasn't Bob - but was Eric. So who's BOB???? LOL...If he only knew it was an acronym. (And Eric needs to take a hint and go - buh-bye!) And he'll be lucky if his old and skinny comments don't get a hit out on him! LOL.
And at least Brian just got 'tar' for coffee, and not something so hot it burned him. He should be greatful for small favors. BTW - Have you ever had coffee in the south? I literally could not drink the coffee down there. Thus my addiction to diet Pepsi now. I couldn't add enough hot water or half and half to make it acceptable.
I'm worried about Justin. How does anyone work three jobs, go to school, and tutor and NOT burn out? And I'm afraid when he crashes it isn't going to be pretty.
And I absolutely love Marvella! She's a doll!
And Mr. Kinney didn't go to Babylon and throw his tricking in Justin's face - I'm proud of him! But he also missed out on seeing Justin in his new dancing briefs. THEY might have given Brian some good fantasy moments.
And what's going on with Lindsay? Or am I reading something into this? I didn't like the way she talked on the phone.
Did you switch up canon? staggering into the loft with Mr Hotlanta and referring to Justin as an ‘out of town' guest. Because in the show - when Justin asked: Who's he? Brian said: He's an out-of-town guest. (not a biggie though.) Just curious.
Author's Response:
We're still having fun with BOB :D Even if Brian isn't :D At least we've deflected the danger away from Daphne, who was responsible for those "old and skinny" comments in canon.
I've (Karynn) had coffee in the South (my ex was from Alabama), but I think my palate must've already become inured to a thick brew. I even learned to drink Turkish coffee, although not on a regular basis.
It's definitely not "pretty" when Justin crashes, as you may have already discovered.
Yay! Marvella's a hit with you! We've been having a lot of fun with some of our original characters, as well as developing some of the minor characters from canon.
Brian will get an eyeful of those new briefs. Whether he'll manage to repress his possessive side (yes, Mr. Kinney, you are possessive) is another matter...
WASPy Lindsay sometimes gets snooty without realizing how she's behaving.
"Staggering into the loft with Mr Hotlanta and referring to Justin as an 'out of town' guest" is what is known as a Tricky Business blooper. :D :D Once I stop laughing, I'll have to fix it.
Thanks for the wonderful review, Cathy! :) We always enjoy your comments.
Hugs back atcha,
~ KaBrynn (Karynn & Brynn)

Date: Jan 27, 2019 10:27 am Title: Chapter 37: Saturday, December 9th
Ok..so finally got the time to read something ..the first one i chose TB ...had to refresh my memory so started from here...A jealous Brian is damn funny and adorable (don't tell him this 😉)
Justin looked over at Brian, who laughed, pretending to be amused by something Emmett had said.
The nelly queen raised his eyebrows. "Give the man an Academy Award," he joked. "That was some acting."
I could not stop laughing ..u guys are so ridiculously talented.
Author's Response:
Aw, we're honored that you chose to catch up on TB first, now that you have time to read. :)
Brian never hears any of the things we say about him. Especially in regard to jealousy, which he absolutely, never ever does.
We figure one of these days someone's gonna give us an Academy Award for our amazing writing. :D :D
Thanks for going back and leaving another review for chapter 37, Navneet. You know how much we hate receiving multiple reviews for the same chapter, right? LOL
~ KaBrynn
Date: Dec 24, 2018 5:52 pm Title: Chapter 37: Saturday, December 9th
Fantastic chapter !
I started cracking up from the Diner scene. You had us all from very start. Brian and Emmett laughing together to hide their evesdropping lol. "Give the man an Oscar" and other dialogues, Superb!
Poor Brian , thinking Who the hell is BOB taking over His Sunshine. I can just imagine Brian's face when he will came to face ,more like holding his replacement in hand the "Battery Opperated Brian" 😠oh God *squealing like Emmett.
*hugs In love with this story, Kudos for your writing.
Merry Christmas! 🙂
Author's Response:
Welcome! We're thrilled that you're reading our story. :)
BOB is one of our most popular original characters. :P
Thanks for all the lovely compliments - and for taking the time to leave a review. :) Comments are the best motivator ever.
Happy New Year! :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Aug 02, 2018 2:38 am Title: Chapter 37: Saturday, December 9th
Omg that ending was perfection!!! I am glad Brian and Justin are legitimately starting to work their way back to each other.
Author's Response:
:) :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jul 30, 2018 9:22 pm Title: Chapter 37: Saturday, December 9th
Omg that ending was perfection!!! I am glad Brian and Justin are legitimately starting to work their way back to each other.
Author's Response:
We're made up that you enjoyed the chapter and the super hot ending, courtesy of Brynn. :)
You're right. Justin and Brian are getting closer. When that will eventuate in real-time sex, though, is hard to say. * evil authors cackling *
Thanks for leaving a comment, LaChelle. :) RL has delayed the next chapter, but we are working on it. In the meantime, a teaser is available in the FanDoc if you'd like a sneak peek.
~ KaBrynn (Karynn & Brynn)

Date: Jul 21, 2018 8:48 am Title: Chapter 37: Saturday, December 9th
Oh wow..how surprising ...a great update...thank u for the early update...i sure enjoyed it a lot... i could not stop myself laughing out loud here...😀😀😀
***Justin looked over at Brian, who laughed, pretending to be amused by something Emmett had said.
The nelly queen raised his eyebrows. "Give the man an Academy Award," he joked. "That was some acting."***ROFL😂😂😂
Brian and Em was hilarious .... Interaction between Bj was Kinda Sweet ... All in all...it was a Fantastic chapter.
Thank you ladies..have a great day.
Author's Response:
We're chuffed that we made you laugh at Brian and Emmett's repartee. :D
The boys are getting closer; they're actually kissing in every chapter. Let's hope that doesn't change...
"This Bob crap is confusing," Brian complains. "Could you give me a clue as to who that Bob fucker is? It's bad enough having to contend with that Podrick-Edrick-Garrick twit."
Thanks for commenting, Navneet. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jul 18, 2018 3:46 pm Title: Chapter 37: Saturday, December 9th
It's great that Justin is going to spend quality time with Gus; the only problem is the way Lindsay is asking.
Ted, Ben and Brian at the gym: hilarious! Then Emmett and Brian, one of my favorite pair. The way Emmett is poking Brian with his "non-jealousy". Then Eric entering the scene. At least, Brian knows that Bob isn't Eric; who is Bob?
The whole dinner part is amazing.
The end is burning hot!!!
Author's Response:
Brian isn't very believable when he claims not to do jealousy. :D He really can't get away with that shit with any of his friends; they're all on to him. :D
We're glad you enjoyed the long diner scene. Brian may still be recovering from drinking Wen's swill.
Karynnn will say it again - Brynn gives good porn. She writes pretty well otherwise too. :P
Thanks for commenting, Claire.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jul 17, 2018 7:48 am Title: Chapter 37: Saturday, December 9th
You have posted this chapter quickly. Thank you. Ben has to understand the game between Ted and Brian otherwise he will be very upset. but it's good that he takes the defense of his boyfriend. Damage that Brian does not see Justin dancing tonight he would have liked the blue! Justin should stop dancing this boy is too tired. And Emmett wow he reads so well Brian who is so jealous of Eric and the customers who get closer to Sunshine, it's funny.Thank you again ladies for the update. See you.
Author's Response:
We may have sent our readers into shock by posting so soon. :D We suspect some haven't even realized there's a new chapter. :D
Ben is lovely with the way he defends Ted. And we expect he'll adjust to the snarky dynamic between Brian and Ted soon enough.
Hmm, maybe Brian will hear about those sexy blue briefs via the gay grapevine... What will happen then? More jealous, possessive Brian? More opportunities for Emmett to rib him?
Thanks for reviewing, Marie-france. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jul 16, 2018 12:26 pm Title: Chapter 37: Saturday, December 9th
Oh my oh my! Another chapter so soon? I didn't even have time to ask for yet another chapter cuz here it is! I love you guys! Now...will this be happening more frequently? lol Absolutely love how Em knows Brian so well and calls him on his shit! Some actor Brian! lol A man in love and Emmett knows it!
Ben has to realize that that's just the way Brian/Ted act with each other. I do enjoy his protectiveness of Teddy though...I'm still getting used to 'seeing' Ted & Ben as a couple. It's adorable & I'm all for it, just a little weird is all...
Glad Brian got some relief and with the scene...sweet Jesus, so did I! Now if only Justin/Brian could find some real relief with each other....hmmmm, how to make that happen...let me think now...oh wait, I'm not one of the writers...damn!
Author's Response:
Oh, no. We ruined your track record of coming up with inventive ways to beg for another installment, Glo. :D This may have been a mistake on our part, since you're already expecting more frequent updates. :D
Poor Brian. All his friends are on to him. When the fuck did that happen? he wants to know. They used to be such clueless clucks.
Did you want us to redirect Ben's attention to Michael? Hah! We didn't think so.
That relief came to Brian... and you... courtesy of Brynn. Like Karynn has said, she gives good porn. :D Nice effort at trying to finagle an invitation to our working doc, btw. Shucks, we're on to you.
Thanks for another fun review!
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jul 16, 2018 2:44 am Title: Chapter 37: Saturday, December 9th
Ben has to ease up a bit where Brian and Ted are concerned. They're good friends and Brian needs the banter he shares with Ted.
Brian still in the dark about Bob is hysterical. I have a feeling that Eric is going to be more trouble than he's worth. He doesn't want to just be friends with Justin no matter what Justin may say.
I thought Justin was going to find some of Brian's things at Second Hand Job,, but I'm kind of glad he didn't, but if he had then things between him and Brian could be moved along into getting back together. But I like Marvella.
Of course Brian would get Wen's coffee. I also liked how Em knows him and can read him so well.
Brian doesn't know what he missed by not seeing Justin dancing that night, but at least he finally got off and really enjoyed himself do it.
Author's Response:
We're confident that Ben will get the hang of navigating the friendship between Brian and Ted. :) We're enjoying Brian being all snarky on Ted's behalf; we find it much more entertaining than the way Brian interfered in David and Michael's relationship in canon.
Poor Brian... still scrambling to figure out who Bob is. :D At least he got to heap some sarcasm onto Garrick-Derrick-Podrick-Edrick. Eric was actually pretty darned brave, the way he stood up to Brian. No question he would like more than a friendship with Justin, but we'll have to see if he pushes that or not...
If any of Brian's burgled goods do show up at Second Hand Job, it's unlikely that Marvella would be a knowing fence. She wouldn't want to damage her standing as a reputable businesswoman.
Brian's always complaining about the 'motor oil' they serve the diner, so it kinda served him right that he got Wen's coffee. :P "It's really irritating," he complains, "the way all his friends are on to him. When did they stop being clueless clucks?"
There will probably be another opportunity for Brian to ogle Justin in his new briefs. Or maybe he'll hear about it through the grapevine... You're right that he most definitely did enjoy his evening, though - brought to him courtesy of Brynn. :D
Thanks for all the comments, Sherry!
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jul 16, 2018 1:31 am Title: Chapter 37: Saturday, December 9th
Oh my. When will Justin end up back at the loft? It's time to leave dancing on the bar behind him.
Author's Response:
He refuses to be rushed, Justin asked us to tell you. He'll go back to the loft on his terms or not at all. :D Hmm, how long will that resolve hold, as Brian steps it up with Operation Twat Retrieval? It's a good thing Justin hasn't heard the name for that particular campaign. :D
Even Justin is starting to think it might be a good idea to give up the dance gig. Stubborn little shit isn't ready to concede quite yet, however. * sigh *
Thanks for leaving a comment, Phyllis. :)
~ KaBrynn