Date: Jan 27, 2022 6:21 am Title: Chapter 30
At first it seemed like Michael had finally learned his lesson and he was on the right track. Why he then runs straight to Brian with this "new" information...no idea. I think it would have made more sense to go to Alex and tell him... But at least he's finally respecting Brian's privacy and using the doorbell instead of the key. I never understood that. I don't want people just walking into my apartment, even if they're my best friends. While I don't like the way Michael behaves here, as if he knows Justin, I do agree on one point about: "You don't use tricking as a form of punishment against them. You don't use their feelings against them". And I've written this many times, Brian has often used sex as punishment or to show Justin his place - and that is in my opinion an absolute no go. I'm curious how Brian will react when he finds out what this experience has done to Justin.
Date: Jun 29, 2019 2:39 am Title: Chapter 30
OMG your poor Mom, those are painful injuries, that will take a long time. She will need physical therepy. This is hard for you too. Please keep me posted
Date: Jul 14, 2018 4:50 am Title: Chapter 30
Ouch.... TAG
Author's Response:
Painkillers coming - promise. ;)
Date: Jul 14, 2018 1:07 am Title: Chapter 30
First of all, so sorry to hear about your Mum. Hope that she gets home and is improving daily. Will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. As for this chapter, it is amazing. Finally Michael is taking blame for his part in this, but is it too late. As much as I loved Brian's character, there were times when he hurt Justin that I wanted to smack him. I love happy endings and hope that there is a chance they can repair the damage that has been done, but only time and your wonderful thoughts will tell. With so much in your RL, just take care and we will wait patiently for new chapters.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.
Date: Jul 13, 2018 6:24 pm Title: Chapter 30
Another punch in the guts, but for once, Michael was not out of limits and got to hear part of what Brian is feeling. Maybe their relationship could be restored, in a long long time. There still is a connection.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.

Date: Jul 13, 2018 5:16 pm Title: Chapter 30
I just feel so all over the place cause I want Justin to get better, but how can he when he can't heal.
So far no one is healing it is just a lot of going through the motions without any really healing, cause every time a wound is open it's another ten steps back.
Brian and Justin are trapped in this cycle that so far has no end cause they are avoiding issues that they just face.
Michael may have grown some insight into himself but he is still in a way looking for a way to save Brian for himself.
Perhaps Brian and Justin need some place away from everyone to deal with all this pain that is never-ending right now??
Glad you're back ;)
You and Your Family Stay Strong and You're in my Prayers :)
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.
Date: Jul 13, 2018 3:37 pm Title: Chapter 30
Oh my God...so much pain...everyone is in so much pain...when I first started reading this I hoped that it wouldn't all be about Michael but it had to be said. So much more has to be said from Michael's POV. Your writing Kerri is so poignant, so moving, so completely mournful at times, so tragically heart-rending...you have the ability to touch so many people with your words and your gift. I am in awe of you!
I hope your mom gets better soon hun! You & your family will all be in my thoughts & prayers...much love!
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.

Date: Jul 13, 2018 1:05 pm Title: Chapter 30
It's good to have you back! This chapter had Michael looking at himself and not liking what he saw, but even after all that when he finally saw Brian he once again said something that hurt Brian to the quick. The same way when he told Brian, in the series when Justin went to stay with him and Ben.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon, and I am so glad you picked up on that thread because that was how it was intended - Michael thinking he knows all, but not knowing a damn thing.
Date: Jul 13, 2018 9:26 am Title: Chapter 30
Well Michael did something right in listening to Brian and making Brian see more of his fault and actions that has contributed to Justin’s current state of mind. However I am concerned dropping this bombshell on Brian and then leaving him alone when he knows Brian’s penchant to maybe kill himself is risky
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon, and yeah, Michael's a twit.
Date: Jul 13, 2018 8:00 am Title: Chapter 30
OK, I don't know what to say. I've missed this story and I'm glad your back, but this chapter was fucked up. This started out as Michael semi taking some blame for what he did to Justin and Brian, even though it still seemed as more for Brian's benefit than Justin's. Then the next thing you know, it's Michael talking as if he knows Justin better than Brian. Then talking about Brian or Justin having a daddy kink and than acting as if he is superior to Brian because of how he treated Justin. I'm sorry but I still think someone wishing you were dead, is worse than any thing Brian or anyone else did. Your story always makes me cry, but this time I think it was more from frustration at how it ended then anything else. Can't wait for the next chapter.
P.S. I'm glad your back and that your Mom is doing better.
Author's Response:
I'm so glad you picked up on this because Michael was way out of line here. Remember when I said in your last review that Justin would soon start to open his eyes? This chapter is the reason why. Michael thinking he knows everything, when he is in fact, ignorant to what is real. xx