Date: Jul 11, 2018 1:15 am Title: WHERE'S A GOOD MALLET WHEN YOU NEED ONE?!
Glad I'm a little behind as I would hate to be left hanging with the cliff hanger you put out there. Michael is real idiot and making the type of call he is making is going to get him into more trouble.
Date: Jul 09, 2018 5:43 pm Title: WHERE'S A GOOD MALLET WHEN YOU NEED ONE?!
This story is amazing and I want to kill Michael......and I want the next chapter right now...LOL
Date: Jul 09, 2018 3:24 pm Title: WHERE'S A GOOD MALLET WHEN YOU NEED ONE?!
I can't even imagine the trauma for Gus if Michael were his father.
Mel going to be pregnant with Brian and Justin as fathers: the world is upside down. Furthermore, Brian is suggesting she moves in with them; I hope the walls and windows will be sound proofed because she wouldn't like hearing them, at all.
Author's Response:
LOL! Good Morning, Claire!
True indeed on all fronts! Michael as a father is...yeah, that's one of those things that never should have happened on the show, IMO. Just the thought that he would have charge over someone else- much more a member of the next generation- is blood chilling! I was really happy with Lindsay disabusing him of the notion of having access to Gus. She may be incapable of love, but she at least, put the baby's needs above her own.
As for Mel, Brian and Justin, they are establishing a family unit. It was a point I had always hoped they'd get to, especially in terms of Gus. With this variation of them, it just seemed the most natural step to take- same as in SOWK. It will also make co-parenting between them all a bit easier since it's not in terms of a divorced couple. Should create a very interesting dynamic between them!
Stay Tuned, Darling!
Date: Jul 09, 2018 1:28 pm Title: WHERE'S A GOOD MALLET WHEN YOU NEED ONE?!
Hell hath no fury like a weasle scorned except that this weasle is so delusional he can't see the padded cell awaiting him. Does he truly believe all his plans are actually going to damage Brian Justin and Mel and not backfire on himself? Ha!
Lindsay was no help to him. Good. Lance, well I would feel a bit sorry for him see how his obsession with Brian got him involved with Michael to begin with, but I won't. We all have free will to make our own choices. He chose Michael.
Mel, Brian, and Justin are going to make a baby? Mel living on the grounds of the estate? Do all of Thorne Industries advertising? Great news, but why didn't Michael's head explode? Did they know he was there and just spoke a bit louder for his benefit? Damn I hope so.
Once Deb gets the strongbox back from the police, she has every right to clear out the safety deposit box. She damn well better.
I am loving this story. As stupid as everyone thinks Michael is, he really is clever. Needs to be to come up with all his blackmail, extortion, abd embezzlement schemes.
Author's Response:
Good Morning Sherry! I'm so happy you are continuing to enjoy this story! It's really become more than I expected when I first set out writing it, and for that I'm truly grateful!
Mel, Brian and Justin are definitely on an upward swing both professionally, and personally. They are creating a family in more ways any of them thought they could. Sure Brian and Mel's antagonistic relationship often got laid to the side when one of them were in trouble, be it legal or emotional. But now that Mel has seen the inner workings of the B/J dynamic, there is not only respect, and's almost like she's found a place where she can just freely be herself and feel accepted. It's a valuable lesson for Mel, and a much needed one after dealing with all of Lindsay's passive-aggressive bull jinky.
Michael is very good at flying under the radar, and making people see only what he wants them to see in order to get what he wants. And he's learned it from all the women in his life; Deb, Lindsay and Claire are also chameleons whenever the mood suits them. So yes indeed, he's a clever little thug in more ways than anyone could ever imagine. But it's all going to come out, especially when/if Deb goes to retrieve that box from the police station.
Side Note: It was really hard to forget Brian's comment in S5 about Michael's ability to play the dewy-eyed innocent. Ironically, I had thought that even from the first episode. So with his characterization here, it wasn't hard to find out just how far this variation of him was (and is) willing to go to have what he wants, and all the while others are thinking 'Nooooo, NOT Michael!' Hell, he even continues to surprise me, and I'm the author! LOL
Stay Tuned Darling!
Date: Jul 09, 2018 12:44 pm Title: WHERE'S A GOOD MALLET WHEN YOU NEED ONE?!
I'm thrilled that I did not need the brain bleach after reading the scene with Michael and Lance. It actually struck me as funny in some respects. I felt for Lance. He certainly needed the brain bleach. I was really rooting for him picking up the pillow. Damn, I hold onto that thought.
Michael, Michael, what did you say to CPS? Well, The three of them don't need one other thing, so I'm hoping whatever Michael said blows up in his face and doesn't amount to anything but pain for Michael.
What are you going to do now? Can't wait to see.
Thanks again....
Author's Response:
LOL! Darling Sandy, try 'watching' as you're writing. Talk about willing your fingers to fly faster over the keyboard!!! LAWD HAM TURKEY it was scarier than any horror movie. We all know how I prefer to think of Michael as an asexual plant when it comes to the matters...LMAO
Michael's report to CPS will certainly have results he never anticipated. He should start hoping that the police find out it was him before Brian does.
Stay Tunued Darling!
Date: Jul 09, 2018 11:44 am Title: WHERE'S A GOOD MALLET WHEN YOU NEED ONE?!
Okay first of all...ew ew ew sex bewtween Michael & Lance...EW!!! But thanks for the warning...yuck! Question: Can someone's asshole really be loose? IDK but could it really be? Seriously, I have no idea. And secondly, is he for real?? Calling Child Protective Services on them? Yes they do have to investigate every case that's reported but this has GOT to fall back on shit for brains right? He's just diggin himself in deeper right? What a total dick....can't wait til he goes to jail!
Author's Response:
Good morning Shine! Believe me the specter of that scene reminded me of the 'Nightmare on Elm Street' series, where the original Fred Krueger aka the fabulously talented Robert England, came up with some funny lines even while he was scaring the hell out of you. Sleep? Yeah right! Couldn't sleep without someone watching over me for ten days after I saw the 1st one...LOL Consequently, it was a similar experience being tormented with that scene until I just had to write it. And here it is, the day after, and I'm still wishing for Morpheus' little blue pill! LOL
As for your question, let me put on my medical hat for a moment. YES, an anus, just like a vagina, can be termed as 'loose' for a number of reasons, primarily due to stretching. Think in terms of a rubber band. What happens when you continue to constantly stretch it out? Eventually, it begins to lose its natural elasticity, and just becomes loose. Muscles, especially those which serve as both an organ and a muscle (the vag and anus are such organs), work in a similar manner. It's why pelvic floor muscle exercises, or Kegels, are so very important. Not only do they help with continence issues and the like, but they also help you and your partner to attain and maintain pleasure during intercourse.
Okay, now putting away Dr. Nik M.D. and pulling 'Chelle the traumatized author' back out of hiding, LOL Michael is somewhere laughing like a hyena in heat right now, but trust me, he won't be for long. All I will say is that he'd better hope the police figure out it's him before Brian does. Michael can do pretty much whatever he wants to Brian (and he has), but go after his child? Oh no, Sir Asshole, I think NOT!
Stay Tuned Darling!
Date: Jul 09, 2018 10:27 am Title: WHERE'S A GOOD MALLET WHEN YOU NEED ONE?!
Michael has lost his mind again. I hope the whole thing blows up in his face.
Thanks for the update.
Author's Response:
Good morning Jessica!
Don't worry, Darling! All of Michael's dirty little secrets will come to the surface.
Stay Tuned, Darling!

Date: Jul 09, 2018 8:49 am Title: WHERE'S A GOOD MALLET WHEN YOU NEED ONE?!
Michael is such a nasty shit. I can not wait to see how everything will fall on him. He is not even able to accommodate Lindsay's warning. Thank you this story is exciting.
Author's Response:
Good morning Darling!
Michael....what can I say about the little ingrate except that he will pay dearly! The most important thing though is that he can never say he wasn't warned. Hell, even Lindsay, who LOVES to see people suffer tried to tell him what's coming to him. But that selective hearing always makes a hard head become a soft behind.
Stay Tuned Darling!
Date: Jul 09, 2018 8:20 am Title: WHERE'S A GOOD MALLET WHEN YOU NEED ONE?!
Omg he is a mean spirited whiny little prick! I hope he has to share a cell with ‘big bubba’ or the like. Yeah definitely had to go read some happy rainbow fics to rid my albeit warmed brain from that yucky sex scene lol
Author's Response:
Good morning, Chris!
LOL! My fingers rebelled at writing THAT scene, but finally gave into the demands of my mind just for some P & Q, as in peace and quiet, LOL. Trust me when I tell you that I prefer to think of Michael as an asexual plant, and would have been more than happy to forget he has male parts <shivers>
As for the pest himself, mean-spirited is about the best 'compliment' you could give him. He is more than a little toxic here. But rest assured, he's going to get his sooner than he thinks. In fact, he doesn't think so at all; preferring to believe his actions are more than a little justified. But all his dirty little secrets are about to be exposed in the most public way, and there is just no coming back from that.
Stay Tuned, Darling!

Date: Jul 09, 2018 3:44 am Title: WHERE'S A GOOD MALLET WHEN YOU NEED ONE?!
Michael is such a whiny, delusional imbecile. I can’t wait for his plans to backfire. I can only hope he hangs himself with his own jockstrap. Thanks for all the new chapters I can hardly keep up...
Hugs Kathleen
Author's Response:
Hey Kathleen,
LOL Just when even I as the author didn't think Michael could sink any lower, he manages to surprise even me! It will be interesting to see if he has any allies left after this latest foray into the Land of Boo-Boo the Fool. I mean, even Lindsay tried to warn him, and she's usually all for watching the idiot self-destruct. That should have said something to him, but with that poor gerbil in his head dead from overexertion, nothing of import gets processed; only endless rounds of stupidity. If I was that gerbil, I would have filed a class action suit of mental abuse long ago, LOL
Stay Tuned Darling!

Date: Jul 09, 2018 3:34 am Title: WHERE'S A GOOD MALLET WHEN YOU NEED ONE?!
Using Gus to get back at Brian, Justin and Mel is pretty much a guarantee that you are signing your own death warrant.
Before they just wanted him broken now they will want him Destroyed Beyond Recognition!
And of course a false report will not look good but an arrest will certainly help the cases Brian and Justin have against him.
Can he also be sued for for slander?
Lance is really going to regret meeting Michael and Ewwwwwwww <gags> My nightmares are going to have nightmares <shudders>;)
Author's Response:
Hey Blue!
I know right! Don't we all just want that damn 'Blue' pill right now to forget THAT?! EWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! It will be a long time before I look at a carrot without and bit of suspicion and trepidation....SMH! Where is that dangblasted mental Holy water for my mental eye...FORGET the Visine, honey! LOL
Anyway, yes Michael is playing a VERY dangerous game, but for whatever reason, he's arrogant to believe that he will get away with it. I think he'd better start praying that the police find out first that it was him, and not Brian. Mel and Justin will probably somewhat reasonable with their reactions, but Brian....yeah, he's the wildcard.
As for Lance, I guess we have to wait and see if he takes Lindsay's advice. At least, he appears to be thinking about it, which is more than we can say regarding Dumb the First.
Stay Tuned Darling!

Date: Jul 09, 2018 2:47 am Title: WHERE'S A GOOD MALLET WHEN YOU NEED ONE?!
Looks like Lance has gotten a clue. If Michael think he's getting away with his shit he's sadly mistaken.
Author's Response:
Hey Phyllis,
Like Lindsay, we can only hope Lance takes her advice. If nothing else he should listen to her because until her mess caught up with her, she was the reigning queen of self-preservation.
And you're right...Michael might be laughing like a hyena in heat right now, but I think he's forgotten just who his pissed off. A Lawyer, a Father, and a WASP, all with something against him, and at this rate, it's just for breathing. But nope...he's just arrogant for no good reason.
Stay Tuned!
Date: Jul 09, 2018 2:47 am Title: WHERE'S A GOOD MALLET WHEN YOU NEED ONE?!
First of all, 2 chapters in one day made my day. You know I love your writing and this story. Now as for this chapter, I am willing to buy the gun, pull the trigger and bury Michael's body for you. Cannot wait for him to get his. Everytime I think I can't hate him anymore, you have even better ideas. Fantastic writing. By your writing I know that you have to be feeling better. Thank goodness that prayers are heard.
Author's Response:
Hey Marilynne!
First, I MUST thank you for the review you left me last chapter. Yesterday was a weird one, where I was down most of the morning, but got myself together by late afternoon. Your comment really motivated me to push through the doldrums, and I so appreciate it in more words than I can say! Writing for me is like breathing, and when there's a disconnect between my mind and the will to get writing, it presents for very difficult situations. But on the plus side, I'm back in my saddle and slowly reconditioning myself to sit in my chair for longer periods. I've put myself on a schedule for now, so hopefully that will mean more productivity.
Again, I have to publicly thank Lorie, who serves as my beta and has been editing at some of the oddest times day and evening for me. Usually I have her all over the place because of all the WIPs I have open, and were working on frequently until the last two and a half months. I'm thinking about adding another in rotation very soon. Or more accurately, I hope to be able to do that. I know everyone is anxious for the restart of BILG, so that would be amongst the first to get a new update when I'm able.
As for the chapter itself, I LOVE the idea that you feel the same about Michael as I do at this moment. Just when I think he can't get any worse, he surprises me...and I'm the one writing it! LOL! But don't worry, Michael is going to get his comeuppance much sooner than he bargained for. I'm already in the middle of the next chapter so hopefully it will be up tomorrow.