Date: Sep 14, 2020 3:01 am Title: Chapter 36: Friday, December 8th
Brian would totally double over: Brian is kinda old. Like, what?" she teased Justin. "Thirty-two?"
Having Wen visit is all fine and everything, but I still say the kids all need to start a petition again Dixon... and with signatures and complaints in hand, visit the schoolboard meeting. And also bring them all a nice styrofoam container of their school lunches.
until that blond brat came along. FUNNY! Brian Kinney ruined for other studs?!
Would you guys PLEASE have Brian tell Michael - LOUDLY AND IN PUBLIC - to put a sock in his mouth and shut the hell up?
And David needs to be told about Michael's play for Ben... hmm.. maybe Ben could innocently ask David if they're monogamous?
Hobbs better watch out. It looks like Justin has a better support system now... and as for Michael's GRAIN of kindness... yeah... I remember Christmas decorating time. One INCH forward - Ten FEET back!
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Jul 14, 2018 5:30 pm Title: Chapter 36: Friday, December 8th
Poor Justin! He has quite the audience tonight. I was hoping Hobbs wouldn’t be quite the ass that he was in the series. But it’s not looking that way. Sydney is proving to be quite the ally. I so don’t want Justin to suffer that bashing. Love that Michael was protective in the confrontation. I’m also happy that Justin is playing somewhat hard to get with Brian and turning the tables a bit on him by acting casual. When is Brian or someone going to notice poor Justin’s threadbare jacket and his decaying sneakers and gift him with something new? Hehe!
Author's Response:
Did brash Sydney slip a bill under the band of Justin's tighty-whities? :D The blond boy needs to share the details. :D
You wouldn't want a story without any angst, right? Hobbs provides it in spades. We can't predict what he'll do next, now that his status as a macho jock has been threatened.
Michael does show his good side occasionally. :) Maybe he's starting to be a protective older brother toward Justin? Okay, that may be stretching things a bit too far. :P
If - when? - Brian succeeds in seducing the blond, matters may not proceed exactly as he expects. After all, Justin has grown to enjoy his independence.
"The kid has no appreciation for fashion," Brian gripes, "and I'm not about to waste my money on off-brand crap. A computer on the other hand..."
Thanks for reviewing, Karla! :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jul 13, 2018 3:35 pm Title: Chapter 36: Friday, December 8th
They definitely are getting closer! That kiss and the last scene! They almost agree on a "friends with benefits" status. Let's see how long Justin will last before he gets to the loft.
Another amazing chapter!
Author's Response:
"Please let the blond give in soon," Brian pleads, "before my balls fall off and I turn into a lezzie." :D His complaint about blue balls aside, Brian is guardedly pleased with the progress he's made. :D
Thanks for being such a faithful reader and reviewer, Claire! :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jul 13, 2018 1:36 am Title: Chapter 36: Friday, December 8th
Hello, my loves.
I loved the picture of Wren - reminds me of Mulan. And like Justin, I would love to see his attempts at drawing her. And can I say, I hate Dixon? Like... I need to think up a sadistic way for him to die. Better than what I have come up with for Michael, in any case - I'll think on it and let you know. What a prick!!
I just want to cuddle Ted. Poor man. But I love how you guys have him, Brian and Cynthia interacting, the way they are building their business together. It's awesome.
Again, the interaction between Ted and Brian at the diner was great. I really like Ted and Ben - and was ultra glad that there was no nausea-inducing conversation between Michael and David.
Loved the kiss - hotly sweet - but the reality of it was a little sad. Justin hesitant to overstep, and Brian unable to voice what he wants.
That scene with Hobbs was great and I loved Sydney stepping in.
Brilliant as always, girls. *Squishes you both*
Author's Response:
What a wonderful review, Kerri!
Aw, Dixon has replaced Michael in your affections. :D Since our idea for revenge on Dickhead was partly inspired by you, we'll offer you the opportunity to help take him down a peg. Sort of a personal sneak peek way ahead in our story. Interested?
We're chuffed that the business-building details are of interest to our readers; it's a bit of a challenge not to veer into dullsville territory. Karynn's personal experience with computers at the end of the twentieth century came in handy. Age rules! :P
Ben's a clever fellow - he's got the man he wants. For some reason, there's no contest between Ted and Michael in his estimation. LOL
At least the boys have progressed to kisses, even if they are rather poignant, with Justin and Brian not quite syncing communication-wise just yet.
Sydney is giving both Dixon and Hobbs fits. :) Neither man stands a chance against the blonde cheerleader.
* squishing you back *
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jul 10, 2018 7:12 am Title: Chapter 36: Friday, December 8th
Okayyyy...finally got some time to read this freaking long chapter....so Justin is turning into a detective himself ...hmm...let's see can he discover something which others can't find...HIS blond...really Brian...u should make him YOURS in realty too...😉😉
Dickson needs to have a daily dose of Wen..lol...brian does get lots of Heartburn these days...he needs to see a doctor ...a very special one...damn u guys..brian was so happy after the kiss...for like 30 seconds maybe..but u had to ruin in it....pure torture for brian and us...lets see where this new attitude of justin goes.
Excellent chapter like always...loved it ..I dont know where u sent BOB...but i hope u guys are taking GOOD care of it..wink wink.
Gratias ago for the splendid chapter.
Author's Response:
What do you mean 'freaking long'? It's under 20,000 words. :D
As we told one of the other reviewers, the only surprise is that Justin didn't turn detective sooner. He's extra motivated now, though, with Brian halfway to believing in his innocence. The blond's unlikely to uncover new evidence on the Internet, however, since that's information the police have made available to the public. Wen’s rewarding Justin's efforts with a miniscule quirk of one eyebrow.
A daily dose of Wen... yeah, that would lead to the 'attitude adjustment' sophiesmom recommended for Dixon. Maybe she'll encounter the maths teacher if she has to make another visit to St James.
Quit complaining! :P At least Brian's getting kisses now. Not that his blue balls couldn't use some relief as well. :P
We're entirely blameless in regard to Battery Operated Brian. You believe us, right?
Nihil sous. :) We love providing our readers with new chapters.
~ KaBrynn
Btw, you're the first one to venture into Latin territory with us. :)

Date: Jul 08, 2018 9:34 am Title: Chapter 36: Friday, December 8th
Wen needs to go see Dixon again. I love the girls and the origami girl must be part of the group !! The friendship of Brian and Ted becomes really interesting. And Brian and Justin who are getting close good news. Thank you again for a fabulous chapter.
Author's Response:
Wen has the expectation that Perkins will keep his faculty under control. She hasn't encountered Dixon yet, but she might if she has to pay another visit to St James. Dickhead had better watch out! :D
We're made up that you like Origami Girl. Not only is she a bit of a loner, though; she's also a few years younger than the others, so she wouldn't necessarily fit into a group with the other girls and Justin.
Thanks for being such a faithful reader and reviewer, Marie-france. We hope to have a new chapter up soon. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jul 07, 2018 3:42 pm Title: Chapter 36: Friday, December 8th
Adored this nice long chapter.
Brian and Ted, what a great relationship they're developing. Brian feeling uneasy at Ted's awkwardness is so telling. He really cares for his friend.
Is Dixon hiding something besides letting Chris slide through his class? If so Justin will find out. Would love to see Dixon come up against Wen. Maybe she could give him an attitude adjustment. If the man hates it so much, why go into teaching? Sydney's becoming quite the fag hagand with Chris now threatening Justin, if anything happens to jim she'll be the first to point Chris out. I'm beginning to like their dymanics a lot.
Does David not see what a true idiot Michael is? Did he really have to be at the Ironman's game? I think not.
Over the Rainbow, if a gay bookstore, can go with something like Printed with Pride.
Ok now that kiss is the beginning of things getting back to normal. Fuck buddies is a good start too.
Author's Response:
And we adore your detailed review, Sherry. :)
We're so on to Brian. :) He's given himself away in regard to Ted.
In Dixon's defense, he's very passionate about maths, especially calculus, and it drives him nuts that most of the students are so lackadaisical about learning. Teaching hormonal teenagers is a challenge! :D The man should've gotten his PhD so he could teach at the university level and get away from those high schoolers. Of course, he's still a homophobic prick, or he'd realize how lucky he is to have a student like Justin. * sigh *
I think everyone wants the scary Chinese detective to put 'the fear of Wen' into Dixon. Maybe she'll run into him if she pays Perkins another visit.
Dr Dave is blinded by love, lol. And, yes, he probably did have to be at the game since he has a contract with the Ironmen.
Brian thanks you for the possible new name for Over the Rainbow. It's significantly better than any of his ideas to date.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jul 07, 2018 2:13 pm Title: Chapter 36: Friday, December 8th
So Justin is playing little detective himself now huh? When are the police or Brian or Justin going to come up with something concrete on the burglary? Question: is each chapter going to be one day as far as your schedule is concerned? Cuz it's only Dec 8th right now and I can't stop wishing the kids were on break from school already. Hate me some Dixon! He really needs to get fucked and not in a good way and definitely without lube. Love all the company talk about computers & software, especially Justin's laptop. Dagwood sandwiches and canteen food?? Huh? Poor Vic, he needs someone... Love Emmett being so preceptive about B/J and if they were 'fucking'...not yet Em but I wish they'd get to it! Just sayin'...Ugh Hobbs on Liberty Avenue...another asshole. Loved Ben getting involved though.
Now...not that I don't enjoy or realize the importance of plot but...where's the sex ladies? Please tell us that their going to do it soon! Please.......
Author's Response:
Thanks for making us laugh, Glo. :D
The only surprising thing is that Justin waited this long to play detective. :D "Police business," Wen says curtly, slamming closed the file you're trying to peek into.
Um, yeah? :P One day per chapter has been the plan all along, although we recently skipped over an entire day. We can disclose that there's just one more week of school until the holiday break, if that helps. :)
Ew! Who would want to fuck Dixon? Oh, wait... there's always Hobbs.
St James might win the prize for the most inedible cafeteria food in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Why are we not surprised that you've jumped on the bandwagon with Emmett?
Are we the only ones supplying B/J porn? :P We can't tell you when the boys will stop dancing around each other and have real-time sex; what would be the fun in that?
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jul 07, 2018 11:08 am Title: Chapter 36: Friday, December 8th
Wow you really know how to put poor Justin through so much bullying and stress. He has Dixon and Hobbs at school and now that will ramp up badly for Justin I suspect. Brian and Justin circling each other is hilarious
Author's Response:
We have to put Justin through the wringer, since we can't leave out the angst entirely. :D What Hobbs will do next, especially now that his masculinity has publicly been threatened, is hard to predict... At least Justin has gained a valuable friend and ally in Sydney.
Sure, laugh about it, Brian complains. You're not the one with blue balls!
Thanks for leaving a comment, Chris. :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jul 06, 2018 7:12 pm Title: Chapter 36: Friday, December 8th
Fantabulous chapter. Love the origami girl. Would love to hear more on her. Also Detective Wen needs to have another go at Dixon. I am concerned about Hobbs, that's the last thing Justin needs. Ted, be still my beating heart. I hate to say it, but I think Vic knows something about BOB.
Author's Response:
Thanks for another lovely review and again being the first to comment, Phyllis. :)
It's a safe bet that you'll see more of Origami Girl and her creations.
Dixon hasn't yet had the pleasure of meeting Wen, since she's only had a 'mild' conversation with Perkins. :D We'll see if the maths teacher fares any better if he does encounter the scary detective.
It's difficult not to worry about Hobbs, right? We're trying to keep the bullying jock under control, but he's so unpredictable, especially now that his masculinity has been threatened.
Teddy is full of surprises. <3
We should find out soon if you're right about Vic and BOB. That really tells you a lot, doesn't it? :P
~ KaBrynn