Date: Jun 08, 2019 7:50 pm Title: YOU HAVE THE ATTENTION...NOW WHAT Part 2
Love it
Date: Jun 30, 2018 3:01 am Title: YOU HAVE THE ATTENTION...NOW WHAT Part 2
Another AMAZING, FABULOUS, FANTASTIC, AWESOME chapter! I love how they took down Michael and Debra after the AWESOME takedown of Lindsay! This just keeps getting better and better with each chapter!
Date: Jun 29, 2018 1:54 am Title: YOU HAVE THE ATTENTION...NOW WHAT Part 2
Go Justin!!! Loved that he took a swing at Justin. I don't condone violence, but in this situation, I was cheering him on. Now for the fallout. Should be interesting.
Author's Response:
LOL! Sandy, I always say that I may not condone violence, but I DO support self-defense! There is definitely a lot still to come, Darling.
Stay Tuned!
Date: Jun 28, 2018 8:27 pm Title: YOU HAVE THE ATTENTION...NOW WHAT Part 2
Wooooooooosh. I'm actually a bit drained emotionally reading these last 2. HEart is BREAKING for Brian. Not only were his biological family abusive, but so were those he considered family. His "Ma" and his "brother" both are just the dregs.
Wish I could've seen Justin hit Michael in RL . lol What a sight to behold. I enjoyed the visuals I had just reading it.
I liked that this one was in Jen's POV. Good choice.
So the smackdown was brilliant!! I think however that we haven't heard the last of Deb and Michael. Even Linds may rear her fugly fake blonde head once again. Hmmmmm. Curious as to what Michael chooses to do. What will Deb say about it all? Will she forgive Michael screwing her over or will she also smack hom down since it's actually directed at her now.
Gawd....So good!
Date: Jun 28, 2018 4:25 pm Title: YOU HAVE THE ATTENTION...NOW WHAT Part 2
Did Michael keep any of his collectibles at Lance's place, the House in California, Claire's place, along with Debra's????
Michael is smart when he is being sneaky so they should think about having those places searched too?
Will Deb have to payback the money Brian gave to her over the years?
Plus what about any money Ted, Emmett and Mel loaned to Debra and Michael???
Brian should get a restraining order against Lance and Jennifer should have cameras around her building just in case.
Now with all the trouble Michael is facing would he and Debra be stupid enough to try to have Justin arrested for assault???
Date: Jun 28, 2018 3:45 pm Title: YOU HAVE THE ATTENTION...NOW WHAT Part 2
Justin just showed Michael he isn't weak and that kicking Ass is easy when you're dealing with a coward who expects everyone to save him.
Michael gave himself away with all his stupid actions no one besides Debra will side with him, and Debra has lost her family in her quest to cater to Michael.
Debra now knows that everyone knows her part in Michael's machinations and still she defends him, but what will she do when she finds out that forgiveness won't come by her red fingernail in the face or her bullying, Brian now sees the truth and no way is he or Justin going backwards anymore, they are moving forward to make both of their dreams come true.
Debra is such a Hypocrite!!!
She doesn't like when everyone doesn't jump for Michael every time he whines or pouts, but the moment Michael's happiness effects her then she stands her ground.
For years she and Michael abused Brian and now that he is standing up for himself she wants to get mad <eye roll>
Claire should be getting scared cause there has to be a chill running down her spine right now Brian is coming.
I was kinda hoping Debra would take Jennifer on, I so can see Jennifer taking Debra and beating a couple pounds off of her lol
We All Know Michael Is Going To Fight That Is Pretty Much A Given smh
You Are Such A Fantastic Writer :)
Date: Jun 28, 2018 3:06 pm Title: YOU HAVE THE ATTENTION...NOW WHAT Part 2
Debra will defend Michael no matter what. Such a shame. We know how Mikey took their asking for everything, but do we have to go to court or will he give in? Can't wait to find out.
Date: Jun 28, 2018 1:50 pm Title: YOU HAVE THE ATTENTION...NOW WHAT Part 2
That was epic! Bravo! I totally felt Justin & Brian's pain though...oh my God...hopefully the idiot squad will heed their words but probably not. I thought Ben & Hunter were going to get their justice too at this meeting or is that another chapter?
Date: Jun 28, 2018 1:27 pm Title: YOU HAVE THE ATTENTION...NOW WHAT Part 2
Wow wow wow what a fabulous chapter I loved the smack downs they were brilliant
Date: Jun 28, 2018 1:08 pm Title: YOU HAVE THE ATTENTION...NOW WHAT Part 2
What a chapter! Debra dares saying that Justin is like an animal and that he took that from Brian! Well, she really deserves the son she got. After all she heard, she still sides with him. Too bad for her, they won't let go.
Date: Jun 28, 2018 10:46 am Title: YOU HAVE THE ATTENTION...NOW WHAT Part 2
So so nice, but a week is too long. A week to make up his mind, two weeks yo hand it all over? One day to clear out the above store apartment of all his 'toys', two days to burn the building down and skip town.
Lovef the element of surprise. Justin knocking that fucker on his ass.
Jennifer can really see the care Brian gives Justin. Does she know how Justin takes care of him?
What is going to happen with Claire. I hope Brian goes after her ass too. It will be painful, but closure.
Author's Response:
Don't worry, Sherry! A lot can happen in a week or two. Michael won't be getting away with anything he can think of. And remember, Brian and Justin have some pretty influential friends working behind the scenes on their behalf.
Stay tuned!
Date: Jun 28, 2018 10:15 am Title: YOU HAVE THE ATTENTION...NOW WHAT Part 2
Wonderful chapter. Just what we have been waiting for to see whiney weasel get what's coming to him and Ma. Great writing. I love that no one messes with Mother Taylor who looks so prim and proper, but with the ability to turn into a heavy weight boxer when needed. Having this chapter posted so soon makes me hope that you are indeed feeling better. More HUGS being sent your way.
Date: Jun 28, 2018 8:29 am Title: YOU HAVE THE ATTENTION...NOW WHAT Part 2
Wow first Lindsay and now the Novotny's you .Cynthia and Jennifer are very great. I can't wait for the next update. Thank you wonderful stort!
Date: Jun 28, 2018 5:50 am Title: YOU HAVE THE ATTENTION...NOW WHAT Part 2
I really hope Debbie lets what has happened sink in and truly make her see what she has lost. Hopefully this is her wake-up call in regards to her son....maybe now she’ll start letting him fall on his face when he fucks up