Date: Sep 14, 2020 1:59 am Title: Chapter 35: Thursday, December 7th
You guys start those sex scenes off like they're really happening... then you throw a glass of cold water on us, waking us to the fact it was another dream!
But the guys sure had lots of sexual innuendos this chapter!
I'm very sick of Debbie's 'My Michael' like he's the second coming of Christ! Geez, wake up woman and smell the pile of shit your son really is!
I can't figure out why they wouldn't accept Canadian currency in Pittsburgh! Heck, even in our little town in MN we get it during the summers! There has always been conversion charts at checkouts from way back in the 70s! (Christ! Am I that old?)
Vic must have a blast with Harley during the day teaching him everything raunchy!
Lindsay is a sanctimonious BITCH! And who nurses until a year????!!! Geez! I hate seeing mothers doing that!
You go, Brian! Telling Ted about the shit Michael pulled with Ben... let's just hope it gets worked into a conversation with everyone present. At least hidden nuances.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Jun 24, 2018 10:55 pm Title: Chapter 35: Thursday, December 7th
Hi girls - I'm here, I've read, and my brain is a big ol' pile of mush. (Karynn, you and I have spoken, so you know what is going on.)
Key points - loved the interaction between Brian and Ted. You can really see the friendship between them building, which is something I wish they had done earlier than season 5 on the show.
- Loved the dinner, and how you girls have woven those meals into the story.
- Brian's jealousy of BOB still makes me giggle - but where is BOB? Has he been battery-napped? Enquiring minds want to know. (As does Justin)
- And I loved the dream that you ended on - poor Sunshine - all crusty and alone. ;)
You girls know I adore you both, and that I adore this fic. When my brain is less mush and more firing synapses, I'll drag the pom poms out. But big squishy hugs for you both. xx
Author's Response:
Thanks for leaving a review, Kerri. We're glad you could find a little time amidst all the craziness to read and enjoy. :)
The friendships between Brian and Ted, and also between Brian and Emmett, developed way too slowly in the show, so we had to fix it.
Battery-napped BOB... that's a new theory. :D We're all searching for Justin's companion - well, maybe not Brian. :D
Brian's not the only one with blue balls; he's in good company with his Sunshine. Lots of lonely crustiness going on. * snicker *
We adore you, too, Kerri! Hang in there.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jun 19, 2018 9:26 am Title: Chapter 35: Thursday, December 7th
Sunshine dreaming of Brian was hot!! Where is BOB ?? Thank you for this fantastic update ladies!!
Author's Response:
We're made up that you enjoyed Justin's dream. Our computers were smoking as we wrote that scene. :D
We're all searching for BOB... come out, come out, wherever you are.
Thanks for reviewing, Marie-france! A teaser for the next chapter will be available soon in the FanDoc.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jun 17, 2018 3:47 pm Title: Chapter 35: Thursday, December 7th
Oh yeah! You’ve given me hot flashes! I want to know what happened to BOB! Hehe.
Author's Response:
Hey, Karla! Yes, we picked up on the clue that you're also Lorma. :D We were disappointed not to have two readers suffering from hot flashes, though. :D
Yoo-hoo, BOB, where are you?
~ KaBrynn
P.S. Feel free to post duplicate reviews on AO3 and KD. It increases your chances of winning a prize. :)
Date: Jun 17, 2018 1:19 pm Title: Chapter 35: Thursday, December 7th
Ugh! Lindsay you're such a snob and so superfical at times! Who cares what other people may think, seriously? Plus, you fucked up Brian's whole day....poor Teddy! I'm so glad Brian finally told him about shithead making a pass at Ben....cannot wait to see what happens now! Go Ted! Too bad Emmett didn't stick around longer to maybe gve Brian a heads up on BOB lol "Did you two fuck or something" Bahahaha lmao
Now for the dinner of major flirting....wow! I thought Brian would have picked up that meatball off of Sunshine's crotch and lingered there....I am shocked that they didn't fuck...holy shit! That kiss, the touches, the visuals....Jesus! And I'm sorry but why would they meet at Deb's again when they clearly want to fuck each other's brains out?! In privite....God! I love toppy Justin! Even if it was a memory.....
Author's Response:
Brian recovered nicely from his breakfast with Lindsay and was pleasantly surprised to be entrusted with babysitting his son. Plus, he now has another arrow in his arsenal as he works to seduce Justin. :D He knows the blond can't resist Gus.
We'll have to see how Ted deals with Michael; the repercussions of his pass at Ben could be long-lasting.
Brynn takes a bow for Emmett's question to Brian and Ted. :D Brian is still deeply offended by the notion.
:D Brian and Justin clearly aren't the only ones feeling the sexual tension. :D Did your computer start steaming while you were reading?
Justin's not ready to concede yet - BOB to the rescue! or not, depending on how you look at it. :P
Thanks for making us laugh with your review, Glo. :) We're working steadily on the next chapter and should be posting a teaser soon.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jun 17, 2018 10:00 am Title: Chapter 35: Thursday, December 7th
That was hot! Their teasing is delightful! The entire evening was very entertaining as Vic and Deb are not in rest and know how to make Justin blush. Vic teaching the bird was hilarious and the bird found the best moment to show off.
The next week-end might be a top five... Can't wait for it!
Author's Response:
Yay! We're made up that you enjoyed what Navneet accurately described as a 'cat and mouse game.' The roles of the cat and mouse constantly switch as the boys tease each other. :D
Harley is such a show-off, and completely irresistible. He's vying with BOB and Sydney for our most popular OC.
You seem to be anticipating something big on the weekend. You could be right, but don't forget this is Tricky Business. :D
Thanks for reviewing, Claire. A teaser for the next chapter should be available soon.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jun 17, 2018 9:48 am Title: Chapter 35: Thursday, December 7th
Cat and mouse chase was going on in the whole chapter...lol...who is seducing who .??..they both were comfortable together ..it was like burglary never happened ...lovely.
Superb chapter...thank u for sharing.
Author's Response:
It's a mutual seduction. :D Will Brian triumph over Justin's resolve not to give in and have sex with his former lover? It seems inevitable... but, then again, this is Tricky Business. :D
We're enjoying the boys' togetherness as much as you are, and are trying to gently nudge them even closer.
Thanks for reviewing, Navneet. A teaser should be up soon in the FanDoc.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jun 17, 2018 1:24 am Title: Chapter 35: Thursday, December 7th
GGreat update. Funny and full of sexual tension. I hot the feeling though that Justin was just dreaming of Brian being there in the end.
Author's Response:
Thanks for reviewing, Sherry. :)
The sexual tension is always there between the two men, and it's ramping up on both sides. How long will Justin's resolve not to jump into bed with Brian last?
You're correct that Justin was dreaming of Brian in the last scene. He may have wished otherwise, though; we certainly did. :D
We're working on the next chapter and will soon post a teaser in the FanDoc.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jun 16, 2018 9:55 pm Title: Chapter 35: Thursday, December 7th
Tell me that last part was not a dream. Did someone help Vic out with the sno? What is Ted going to do about Michael. Deb is so delusional about her son. Where is BOB?
Author's Response:
Soz, no can do - it was a dream.
Since Vic was busy preparing the meatballs for dinner, it's safe to assume that either Michael or Debbie shoveled the snow, likely Debbie since she doesn't mention Michael stopping by. Proud mother that she is, she'd bring it up.
We'll have to see how Ted acts around Michael. Yes, the fallout from your prize is still happening, Phyllis. :)
Yoo-hoo, BOB, where are you...
Thanks for reviewing! We hope to have a teaser for the next chapter up soon.
~ KaBrynn