Date: Sep 01, 2020 12:31 pm Title: PLAN AND REGROUP
I hope you are feeling better.
Date: Jun 13, 2018 7:23 pm Title: PLAN AND REGROUP
I love the fic! It’s just what I needed after my long absence from the fandom and reading fanfics... I can’t wait for more! Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen
Date: Jun 13, 2018 5:49 pm Title: PLAN AND REGROUP
So Michael does have a brain which goes to show he used Brian so he could slack and read his stupid comics!!
Deb might want to get use to be frozen out when it comes to Brian, Justin and everyone else, now that they now she can't be trusted they won't say anything in front of her anymore...Well at least not something that can be used against them but against her, Michael and Lindsay should be fun.
Lindsay is such an amateur and southern being sneaky it is actually good to be sneaky <eye roll> Mel already suspected she was cheating and now that Sam's wife is an inch away from finding out her name she might want to watch her back.
If Mrs. Auerbach sues for divorce and puts Lindsay's full name on the record than there will be nowhere Lindsay can hide from the press, not even Mommy and Daddy can pay to cover this up lol
Lance can be arrested as an accomplice be not only is he hiding the stuff Michael had stolen from the loft, but he also purchased some items aswell.
Hope Deb has room for Michael cause he will soon be moving in, Ben and Hunter are getting ready to clean house and the first thing to go is Michael Novotny <giggles>
Ooo I can't wait for the next chapter :)
Date: Jun 13, 2018 4:02 pm Title: PLAN AND REGROUP
Take that Lindsay and go hide somewhere only you know. Nobody will try to find you. It must hurt to see Brian with Justin, but Brian being friend with Mel is the worse. She can't play one against the other anymore.
Date: Jun 13, 2018 2:54 pm Title: PLAN AND REGROUP
Just love the delusions of Mikey & Lindz. Are they not the two stupidest people ever born????? You capture their personality so well. Great chapter.
Date: Jun 13, 2018 11:59 am Title: PLAN AND REGROUP
Such joy to wake up to another chapter. Mikey and Lindsay actually think they can come out smelling like roses once everything is said and done? I don't think so.
Date: Jun 13, 2018 11:30 am Title: PLAN AND REGROUP
Lindsay and Michael share the same affliction. Delusions of grandeur.
Lance will eventually screw up. His feelings for Brian will make him careless. Deb is going to screw her son over to save her own ass, and Sam isn't going to want Lindsay for longer than it takes to screw her.
As least I hope that happens and I can't wait if it does.
Date: Jun 13, 2018 6:24 am Title: PLAN AND REGROUP
Michael is a total scumbag! He and Lance are perfect for each other; maybe they can share a jail cell!
Lindsay sure did screw up, didn't she! And she never could have imagined that Brian and Mel would become friends and join forces against her to protect Gus. I hope they give Sam's wife her name, she deserves it!
Looking forward to more!