Reviews For Tricky Business
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Reviewer: BritinManor Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 14, 2020 12:53 am Title: Chapter 34: Wednesday, December 6th

Hey, girls! I had partial reviews written up... so I'm skimming through the chapters to remember everything!

PLEASE SHUT THAT F-ING MICHAEL'S MUG UP! I'm so sick of him. He's puke-worthy! And so help me if Michael is behind the robbery, then saying all that stuff to Justin, I'm going to round up a lynch mob!

Will Brian strong arm Emmett into revealing just who Bob/Bobs are? hehe...

HUGS  ~Cathy

Reviewer: sophiesmom Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 05, 2018 3:28 am Title: Chapter 34: Wednesday, December 6th

Bummer, am caught up. Want more as soon ad possible.

Author's Response:

We're working on it, Sherry! Have you checked out the teaser in the FanDoc? Feel free to leave comments in the FanDoc - it's there for our readers - and to share your opinions in the discussion section. :)

Many thanks for all the reviews. :)

~ KaBrynn

Reviewer: sophiesmom Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 05, 2018 3:25 am Title: Chapter 34: Wednesday, December 6th

Ok. First, why is Brian being a complete idiot in every facet of his life? Awkward at the gym, the diner, even at Deb's. The only time he was himself was when he was talking to Justin out back behind the diner?

How much longer is Dr. Dave going to put up with Michael and his gross childish ways? And what's with Brian letting him get away with verbally bashing Justin? That fool should never see a comic book made by him and Justin. NEVER! Isn't worth Justin's time.

Sydney is a riot. Beginning to like her. Love the way she handles Dixon. Getting really tired of that asshole too.

Almost caught up.

Author's Response:

Brian's still a stud, and his usual sarcastic self, but he's missing the blond boy he foolishly threw out of the loft (even if he did think he had good cause at the time) and it's affecting his behavior. And no one's so perfect that they don't have awkward moments, Brian included; we're sharing some of the ones CowLip would've excised. :D Plus, with Ted meeting the hunky professor and developing some self-confidence much earlier than canon, he's more than able to hold his own with Brian. We're proud of our favorite brunet for actually talking to Justin and issuing an apology - that's progress! :)

Dr Dave is completely enamored with Michael, and Brian quite likes it that way - the doc keeps his childhood friend occupied. We'll have to see whether Brian will take Michael to task or not; he's so used to Michael criticizing Justin that he tends to ignore it. You probably don't have much to worry about as far as Justin creating a comic book with Michael; he has neither the time nor the interest.

Sydney seems to be growing on everyone. :D We love the way she keeps wrong-footing Dixon. :D

It's horrid to be caught up with a WIP and waiting for the next chapter. :( We'll try to have a new installment for you soon. :)

~ KaBrynn


Reviewer: kerri240879 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 01, 2018 12:49 pm Title: Chapter 34: Wednesday, December 6th

I adore how you girls write Emmett and his friendship with Justin. Em was probably my favorite character on the show, after Justin of course! The imagery of the pair of them doing damage with stilettos had me snickering *Side note - I have learned!! No coffee in sight!!* out loud, and hoping that the intended victim was Michael. lol!!

Loved the toll that Justin had to pay, and the fact that Brian was pouting afterward due to Justin's lack of reaction. But his reaction to Michael/David was mirrored by me...ugh. Seriously? I almost revisited my dinner, girls!

I really liked the conversation between Brian and Justin out the back - I liked the honesty between them, and the fact that they (read - Justin) wants to take it slow. 

Now onto the fun stuff!!

I'm ambidextrous, uh, I mean versatile.

LMAO!!! Seriously? I don't know what made me laugh more during this - Justin's stumbling, or Briand and Emmett trying not to laugh.

And he wasn't jealous. Absolutely not.

Liar, liar, Prada on fire. 

Some people should've been ejaculated into a pillow.

LMAO! *Side note - Ty told a kid he was fighting with a couple of weeks ago that considering she didn't believe in abortion, that his mother should have swallowed.  I told him about this line, and he pissed himself laughing and said to tell you that he'll have to remember that one.*

*Second side note - Ty said to tell you, Karynn, that he agrees with you on the fact that having man-flu as a teen gave him the right to flake it on the couch, and because of that firm agreement he agrees with me on you and Brynn moving to Oz. He doesn't care that we'd spend our time laughing our asses off - he just likes the fact that you were in his corner!!*

I adore my prize girls - and I can't wait to see what Emmett has to say to Brian about BOB. Love to you both. xxx

Author's Response:

We figured by this point that we didn't need to provide humor warnings - liquids and reading do not mix! :D :D

Em's a wonderful character: flamboyant, tough as nails, and a genuinely caring friend. It's often hilarious, how he dispenses his folksy pearls of wisdom. If he can convince Justin and Ted to wear those lethal stilettos, will he be able to teach them all by himself, or will he enlist help - and, if so, whose?

A mere 365,548 words after the opening sex scene in chapter one, we reached a real-time kiss. Gosh, that was fast. :P

We probably should have added a chapter warning for atrocious table manners and a cringe-worthy PDA, but most of our readers did get a heads-up with the second teaser on FB. :D And the pet names, well, Michael and David are simply out of control, lol.

We're proud of Brian for finally issuing an apology to Justin. And both men communicated - wow! Even if Brian gets part of what he wants, it may not be quite as he expects. (Was that a vague enough hint?)

It was a total blast to work your reward into this chapter, and utterly irresistible to resurrect awkward, 'ambidextrous' Justin from the pilot episode. The questions from the girls really threw him for a loop. :P

Liar, liar, Prada on fire. :D :D We foresee that working its way into a future chapter. It's so Em.

The quote, "Some people should’ve been ejaculated into a pillow." gives you an idea of how our writing process works. Brynn heard the quote somewhere (have to check where, could be a good source for more material) and shared it with Karynn. Karynn immediately saw the possibilities, and the wheels started turning as to how it might fit into your reward. She was thinking of Brian possibly spouting the line, but then Brynn mentioned that it also sounded like Sydney. All that remained was to find the right spot. :D Can't wait to hear how it goes when Ty uses that quote!

Karynn may appear in Oz sooner than you'd expect. :) Brynn can join us when she completes her master's program. Oz will never be the same... and Ty may regret his decision, lol.

As Karynn was reading your reviews, ideas about what Emmett might say to Brian in regard to Bobby Boy started to germinate. :D Working on incorporating them now.

Thanks for the laughter-inducing comments, Kerri! We also know to avoid beverages when reading your reviews. :P

~ KaBrynn


Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 28, 2018 8:11 pm Title: Chapter 34: Wednesday, December 6th

This was well worth the wait and while parts were definitely ick worthy, we were warned, so I was able to braase myself for it. Was still gross though imagining some of it. David and Michael were never a pair I like much anyway. But good lordy....they way they are togther in one shivers. Had to laugh at the gang's reaction though. I could absolutely envision their looks of cpomplete horror. Gave me a few giggles.

Will Brian actually get info from Emmett or will Ems keep pulling his strings.

REALLY glad that brian made a few truthful confessions to Justin. It was a bit like pulling teeth, but was great to finally have it happen.

Brain was definitely hunorous in this chapter. With Ems, Ted and even cynthia giving him a hard time at the gym, and Ted and emmett continuing it at the diner, it made for some great chuckle worthy moments. It's nice seeing Brian not always on top of his game. Seeing him at a disadvantage. All his attempts at getting Justin back have been to no avail until this chapter. He still has a way to go, but I can see it starting to happen. Perhaps he's finally going to understand that he shouldn't be taking Justin or anyone else for granted.

Michael....I couldn't believe waht he was saying! Man...what an asshole! Accusing Justin of being behind the robbery!! Never mind everything else he said. I hope Brian at some point really goes off on him! It's going to be a much relished scene when it happens. (it will happen right???) How long is Dave going to put up with Michael's shenanigans? Is he that much of a pantsy that he doesn't see michael's attitude for jealousy and simply wanting Brian for himself? Ugh....

Anyway. great chapter!



Author's Response:

Wow! Thanks for the long review, Elaine. :)

The second teaser on Facebook did provide most of our readers with a bit of a heads-up about those nausea-inducing moments. The gang needs cast-iron stomachs and loads of humor to cope with all those mawkish endearments, Michael's atrocious table manners, and Dr Dave slobbering all over his boyfriend. The only thing worse is having to write it. :P

Emmett can be quite close-lipped when it concerns his friends, so we'll have to see if Brian has any success winkling information about BOB out of him. The brunet stud may have to suffer a while longer. :D

We're made up that you're enjoying the way Brian's friends hold their own and somtimes come out on top. :P Not even Brian can seem perfect and be in control all the time, and in this story, his friends are ever more on to him. We're proud of Brian - both for the progress he's made in forging deeper friendship and, especially, for actually managing to utter the words, "I'm sorry." You're right, he still has a ways to go, but he's taken a big step in the right direction.

Michael does actually complain in canon that Justin should be in prison. It's in regard to his swiping Brian's credit card, not the burglary, but it works here too. Jealous Michael was such a shit to Justin for most of season one (and some in later seasons - the old 'best friend' excuse).

Dr. Dave is totally enamored with Michael. At least he's pretty much over his jealousy of Brian, since Brian supports his relationship with Michael. We'll have to see what Brian does in regard to Michael... he's still figuring it out, we suspect.

We're working on the next chapter now. :) A teaser is up in the FanDoc.

~ KaBrynn

Reviewer: marie-france Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: May 27, 2018 7:38 am Title: Chapter 34: Wednesday, December 6th

Thank you for the update ! The chapter is amazing!! Mickey is idiot and David well I have no words:: Finally Brian says  sorry and admitte his feelings. He is so jealous . I love the girls they are the devil and  Brian listens every word. Is Emmett going to talk to him about Bob ? it could be so funny!!! Later ladies.



Author's Response:

Michael and David do tend to leave us speechless... :P

We're proud of the brunet stud. He actually apologised and admitted to having feelings - major progress! But, not, he doesn't do jealousy. Nuh-uh. Riiight, Brian. Keep telling yourself that.

We had such fun planning the girls' interrogation of Justin, with Brian hanging on every word. :D

Emmett can be surprisingly close-mouthed at times, so we don't know whether Brian will succeed in winkling any info about BOB out of him. Stay tuned for the next chapter...

Thanks so much for the fun review, Marie-france. :)

~ KaBrynn

Reviewer: wellreadbunny Signed [Report This]
Date: May 27, 2018 12:05 am Title: Chapter 34: Wednesday, December 6th

At least Brian is being honest with Justin about his feeling, sort of. My goodness if he didn't have Ted and Emmett helping him he would get nowhere.

Author's Response:

Major progress for our favourite brunet, right? Brian has trouble admitting he has feelings - even to himself, poor guy.

Thanks so much for leaving a comment. :)

~ KaBrynn

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2018 7:46 pm Title: Chapter 34: Wednesday, December 6th

Michael is disgusting when he talks and eats; David isn't better with the pet's names; eww...!

Brian did dare telling Justin some important facts: good for him even if it doesn't get him what he wants the most: getting laid with Justin.

The questions' game is a dangerous one with girls like Daphne and Sydney; it was hilarious on their table and also on Brian's; the way he wanted to hear what was said and try to get Sydney to ask something for him. At least, he heard about "the face of God".

The parking karma is still angry with Brian.

Author's Response:

Oops! We forgot to add a warning to keep all food and drink away from computers and electronic reading devices. :D Fortunately, none of our readers seems to have hurled, despite Michael and David's best efforts. :D

Apologizing was a big step for Brian, right? We're proud of our favourite brunet. :) Will he figure out how to lure Justin back to his bed? It's hard to imagine things progressing as smoothly as the stud would like.

We're made up that you enjoyed the girls' interrogation of Justin. The lad held up remarkably well, although he probably passed out the moment he got home, falling onto his bed fully clothed.

Brian's plotting how to steal his parking karma back from Teddy. :P

Thanks for being such a faithful reader and reviewer, Claire. :) The teaser for the next chapter is up in the FanDoc.

~ KaBrynn

Reviewer: Glo Signed [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2018 11:37 am Title: Chapter 34: Wednesday, December 6th

Now why was everyone saying Brian was gaining weight? Impossible! And I have to say...all that Crazy English...every time I came across one, I was like....what? huh? It was messing with my flow lol

Now that's a little progess for the boys! Yes! A flaming hot kiss...thank you Emmett was a nice start. So glad they actually got to talk some too. Although yes, Brian should have definitely defended Justin when 'shit for brains' opened his mouth. What an asshole! Plus he's a pig while he eats. 

"Christ! I'm sorry I kicked you out okay?" Finally!!! I bet Justin was stunned! Working at Deb's table? So everyone & his brother can walk through & bother them? That should be fun...not! lol

Loved Kiki's line....that little howler monkey....perfect description! You gotta use that one more! lmao Adding Zen Ben was a nice, welcomed touch. And the girls drilling Justin about his sex life, hysterical! Of course Brian AND Emmett were eavesdropping, loved the knowing looks and winks Em kept giving Brian. That BOB, can't wait til Brian finds out it's a toy! hahaha

Nice that Brian ran into, quite literally, his two saviors, Donald & Raymond. Maybe they could meet again sometime and Brian could learn a few 'moves' to better handle himself. 

Fabulous chapter! Now how about a little sexy time or at least another hot memory of Justin topping! 


Author's Response:

Brian's been freaking out all on his own about gaining weight. Love handles and a whole extra pound. Yikes! And then Emmett had to go and bring up Aunt Lula's prized sow for the second time... :P

Didn't you know that Pittsburgh is a very cosmopolitan city with a limitless supply of good-looking fags, including British expats? The expats have a hidden agenda - infiltrate the Pittsburghers' American English and turn it back into proper English. :D

Progress at last! After the opening sex scene in chapter one, it took a mere 365,648 words for us to reach a real-time kiss. Maybe that was too fast? * scratches head *

Brian cautions you not to expect too much of him all at once. This self-awareness shit is a royal pain! he complains.

We will take note of your appreciation of the 'little howler monkey' moniker. :D

Yeah... BOB is gonna be quite the surprise when Brian finds out. It makes us chuckle just thinking about it. :P

Thanks for the amazing review, Glo, and making us laugh in return. :D You've highlighted pretty much all of our favorite parts of the chapter.

We'll see what we can do to comply with your wish for another sex scene... Have you asked for that before? * scratches head again *

If you haven't checked yet (very unlikely) there's a teaser for the next chapter in the FanDoc.

~ KaBrynn

Reviewer: Qaf_Freak Signed [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2018 10:37 am Title: Chapter 34: Wednesday, December 6th

I always love reading the next instalment. Cant wait for the next one 😁

Author's Response:

Thanks for commenting and letting us know you're reading - it's great to have you on board. :)

We're working on the next chapter now. If you haven't checked yet, a teaser is available in the FanDoc. :)

~ KaBrynn

Reviewer: nkaur550 Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2018 6:41 am Title: Chapter 34: Wednesday, December 6th

Let me say this first....THANK YOU VERY MUCH LADIES...FINALLY guys stopped torturing us with ur teasers...finally a update...what a freaking update it was....ABSOFUCKINGLUTLY AMAZING.. Mikey is nasty and an idiot ..and also FINALLY brian admitted his feelings and said sorry...Brian is super jealous from Bobby boy lololololol..i loved how justin handled everyone and talked to brian last...they are on same page now...lets see where u evil ladies take this now.

Spectacular Chapter...Superb Writing...splendid work.

Enjoyed it a lot..lots of love to u wonderful ladies...xoxo.

Author's Response:

Tease? Us? What are you talking about? :D The ultimate tease: After the opening sex scene in chapter one, it took a mere 365,648 words for us to reach a real-time kiss. * patting selves on the back and cackling happily *

Brian is finally starting to get it together, huh? Don't expect too much of him too soon; it's inch by laborious inch. :P Now he just has to get Justin over to the loft... and get rid of that BOB fucker. What evil person came up with BOB... hmm...

We love your reviews. You always make us laugh, Navneet, as you altnerately cheer and curse us, lolol.

In case you haven't discovered it yet, the teaser for the next chapter is available in the FanDoc.

~ KaBrynn

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: May 25, 2018 10:25 pm Title: Chapter 34: Wednesday, December 6th

I wonder what brought up the exercising of Kinnetik?  Love the diner parts, especially when Mikey showed up and everyones stomach more or less turned with his eating habits.  Justin's two study mates were live wires this chapter.  Will Emmett tell what he knows about Bob?  I kind of wish he would, Brian has had a hard time of it after all.

Author's Response:

You were the first to review our new chapter - thanks, Phyllis! :)

Brian decided to drag Ted and Cynthia to the gym with him in chapter 31, when he started to freak out that he was developing love handles and that there wasn't enough time in the day for an essential exercise routine. :D He figrued they could use a workout too. :D His 'generosity' backfired just a tad.

Everyone who's commented on this chapter seems to be fighting off Mikey-induced nausea. :P Soz, we just had to share.

Emmett can be surprisingly close-lipped when it matters most. We'll have to see what kind of persuasion Brian can bring to bear.

A teaser for the next chapter is up in the FanDoc, and we'll post the new chapter as soon as possible.

~ KaBrynn

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