Date: Jan 26, 2022 6:58 am Title: Chapter 26
"he knew him well enough to trust him with what Gardner considered to be his most beloved creation" - At that moment it was clear, that Gardener is Tommy's father, but the name Vance hadn't caught my eye before. Ah, that was a wonderful idea of ??yours! And what a great father he is... Jeez, how sad somehow allthough I'm happy for Tommy. But comparing Tommy to Justin, he has everything that one would wish also for Justin. A loving accepting father, a loving and sincere friend in Justin and maybe even a "normal", kind and hot boyfriend with a "normal" best friend!

Date: Jun 10, 2018 12:43 am Title: Chapter 26
TOMMY IS GARDNER'S SON????????? I didn't see that coming, but I bloody love that that little twist you threw in there.
I worry about how little Justin is trusting Brian. Like I get it, but my heart is worried he will never trust him again :(
Author's Response:
LOl, I got that reaction a lot. But as I have said before, if you go back over certain chapters, there are hints or seeds as I call them, planted in every chapter as to what is to come. In this case, it was in the chapter that introduces Tommy, and also in the chapter where Emmett offers to find Tommy for Justin - Justin gives you his full name - Tommy Vance. ;)
Justin will eventually trust Brian, and it will because of Tommy and Gardner - think about what era the fic is in, and why Tommy and Gardner are so important. ;)
Date: May 17, 2018 8:41 pm Title: Chapter 26
I dont know how but you keep penning chapter after chapter that is just as powerful and compelling as the ones before it. Maybe even more so. This one was no exception, to bring Gardner front & center and move him into a positon to become a povital cahracter was a twist I didnt see coming. And yes, Im annoyed with myself that I missed the "seed" you planted earlier, Im determined to go back and read through again and find it!
Also thanks Kerri for working through the computer fiasco that you were dealing with to bring us a new and moving chapters. I went through a kleenex or two on this one! I figure by the time the story is finished, I will own stock in the Kleenex Company! Candy
Author's Response:
*Squishes you because of the kleenex*
I'm a bad girl with leaving seeds; you'll smack yourself when you recognize them, because I was pretty open with who Tommy's Dad was without having to say his name, lol!!
Really glad you continue to enjoy this, Candy. xx
Date: May 12, 2018 6:55 am Title: Chapter 26
Nice twist adding in a kind Gardner Vance. TAG
Author's Response:
Thanks hon
Author's Response:
Thanks hon

Date: May 12, 2018 2:51 am Title: Chapter 26
A very beautiful chapter full of surprises cause Gardner realized that gossip isn't what makes a person and that from now on he won't judge someone by the cover but get to know the Real Person not the reputation.
Brian and Justin being in the same place but leading separate lives is good it shows Justin that despite Gardner being Tommy's dad he got this internship based on merit, and it will ease Brian's mind that Justin is near by and for a few hours he is somewhere Brian can help him if he is needed, plus they can work on building their friendship.
Superb Chapter :)
Author's Response:
Thanks, sweetheart. xx
Date: May 12, 2018 1:25 am Title: Chapter 26
Holy shit....that, I did not expect. Wow, Gardner has a heart, I could have really liked this version of him. AND he's Tommy's dad! What a twist, very nice! Bravo my friend!
Author's Response:
Thanks, baby; but to give you a giggle, if you go back over the chapters where Tommy is introduced properly, and when Justin is talking about him to Emmett, you can see where I was leading this back then. lol! I told you....tiny little seeds, planted in every chapter. ;)
Date: May 11, 2018 8:22 pm Title: Chapter 26
Whoa, just whoa!
Gardner is quite impressive here; OK, Tommy is his son, so it could explain a lot.
As for Brian, I could feel his pain and desperation when he started talking about Justin' brain damage. I didn't think he would be able to tell Gardner all what he did.
Great update!
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon, and as for Brian spilling his guts, that was actually my beta's suggestion. ;)

Date: May 11, 2018 6:38 pm Title: Chapter 26
This is a different side to Gardner then the one we saw. That Tommy was his son was a surprise, but in the case a welcome one.
Author's Response:
I had always known that when I created Tommy, that Gardner would be his father. This enables me to tie it together strongly in later chapters. ;) And as I said to Gloria, I had actually left little hints as to who Tommy's dad was in earlier chapters. ;)
Date: May 11, 2018 6:16 pm Title: Chapter 26
Oh, Lord, I love this chapter. The surprising connection here between Tommy and Gardner, the underused 'niceness' of the character of Gardner in the show, and my absolute adoration of Carlo Rota just makes this read like a book of the Apocrypha for me! Hidden truths revealed that flesh out some sticky spots. More Gardner, please! (I'm working on a totally AU - and perhaps non-QAF - story with Justin, Brian, Gardner as my models for a trio of good-hearted and perversely quirky contract killers. LOLOL)
The surprise here for Brian when he realizes just how much his private and public worlds converge is almost painful to think about, that he was that oblivious to exactly how interconnected the aspects of his life are. He wants so badly to compartmentalize and control every aspect of being Brian Kinney. The world just doesn't work that way, does it? The world is truly a small town. Thankfully, in this case.
Author's Response:
(I'm working on a totally AU - and perhaps non-QAF - story with Justin, Brian, Gardner as my models for a trio of good-hearted and perversely quirky contract killers. LOLOL
*Slow blink* And when can we read this? *Waits patiently*
Lol!! There will be a lot more Gardner to come; like Tommy, he plays a pivotal role. Righting wrongs and all that jazz. ;)
I've said before, that I tend to seed my stories. Hidden facts in every chapter; I'm surprised that no one picked up on the relationship between Tommy and Gardner before now, to be honest, haha!!
Date: May 11, 2018 2:42 pm Title: Chapter 26
WOW, what an amazing chapter. Out came the tissues so you know how good it was. Totally different look on Vance and Brian and you did a fantastic job. Just love how this story changes constantly. Great job.
Author's Response:
Thanks, honey. xx