Date: Jan 26, 2022 6:47 am Title: Chapter 25
The scene you describe with Mel is absolutely beautful! All those little positive encounters will hopefully help Justin to have trust again, in himself and in his friends.
While reading this chapter I got the impression that Brian and Justin again heading in the wrong direction, because they are heading in different directions. Brian told Justin that he wanted to be his friend. Sure, we all know that he loves Justin madly and is working on himself to finally allow these feelings, fighting hos own demons and he has already taken some steps in the right direction. But like I said... How is Justin supposed to know that or how is he supposed to believe that. It's even worse at the moment because he thinks Brian "just" wants to be his friend since he doesn't believe in Brian's love or in love itself anymore. They have to finally talk. Sure, maybe actions speak louder than words, but Justin needs words now because he hasn't had them before and Brian's actions weren't exactly glorious either until a few weeks ago. There were a few positive actions but there were also so much more hurtful actions - any normal person has to get depressed and start doubting themselves or break. They need to talk! And I hope Justin agrees to a therapy session with Brian and Alex soon.

Date: Jun 10, 2018 12:28 am Title: Chapter 25
I wish Justin could see how much Brian has changed, how he wants him for more than just his ass, but he is so damaged from EVERYTHING that it's gonna take time. I just hope Justin allows Brian to show him he's changed, and to see he's being genuine. This story makes my heart hurt LOL
Author's Response:
*Hugs you*
Gonne hurt more soon hon. But Justin will eventually open his eyes.

Date: Apr 29, 2018 5:16 pm Title: Chapter 25
Mel explaining her side to Justin was very much needed for both of to heal in some way.
Brian will have to work really hard, harder than he ever has before to win Justin's heart.
Justin is still carrying around fear of being tossed aside for something better and until he can trust that Brian wants him and only him he won't accept anything.
Justin wants to be able to live his life by his own rules not others, if he isn't allowed to make his own choices and mistakes then he will never be sure.
I want Justin to get better and I want Brian to be with Justin but they aren't ready for a relationship just yet, Brian has to say it and mean it and Justin has to be confident enough to believe it and feel it.
Justin wasn't made to close off his heart he was made to shine brighter than Sun and his heart was made to be as open and free as sky.
Thank You :)
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.
Date: Apr 29, 2018 2:39 pm Title: Chapter 25
Holy shit......that scene with Mel had me in tears...I think in a way, it was good for Justin that he was all business there for a little bit, he was thinking clearly, taking care of himself properly, legally while reconnecting with Mel. Omg though, I'm so glad he's accepted her again! But then... he's become so cynical & closed off from love or even the very thought of it. Brian has a lot of work to do, convincing Justin of his true intentions, motives & feelings. I hope Justin actually tells someone of his plan to leave the Pitts...
God I love Daphne so much! Keeping it real, telling Brian like it is and always having Justin's back! Awesome!
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. And, yeah, he is cynical now. It'll be hard to convince him of any version of the truth that doesn't line up with his own.

Date: Apr 29, 2018 2:00 pm Title: Chapter 25
Justin is taking control of his life. I think that now Brian won't push him to go to NY. But it would help if he said he wanted to be more than friends with Justin.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.
Date: Apr 29, 2018 12:12 pm Title: Chapter 25
Another great chapter. Glad that Justin is going to get better. Now he and Brian just need to get things straightened out. Great writing.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.
Date: Apr 29, 2018 11:40 am Title: Chapter 25
Yay! So good to see Justin taking back a little control. TAG
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.
Date: Apr 29, 2018 8:57 am Title: Chapter 25
It's a new step for Justin, and Brian, but the hurt is still very present. At least, Justin knows what he wants; the only touchy part is that he knows he wants the love of someone, but he can't love the person back; his heart is a useless organ: that's so sad.
Daphne is a little less distrustful towards Brian; she let him pick up Justin and get him back home. She's like a pit bull and she won't let go until she is sure it is safe for Justin.
Brian can see that Justin didn't have a home before and didn't even have part of a home to expose his art, to clutter one room with his possessions.
There is so much more for him to discover and to accept before being able to have a relationship with Justin; at least, he feels it's still a possibility.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.
Date: Apr 29, 2018 6:52 am Title: Chapter 25
I don't know why, but daphne is kinda making me angry. I know that she means well. And i get that she was the one who had to go through all of it. But, i just get emotional reading her parts. I don't understand why myself.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.