Date: Jan 26, 2022 6:32 am Title: Chapter 24
Hi! And, another great chapter! Okay, we don't know from QAF how Craig was during Justin's childhood. It always seems as if he were a great Dad, but to be honest, how could a Dad or a parent change from one moment to another so much just because the son is gay? I will never understand... So, yeah, somehow it makes sense that Craig was they way you describe him here... Sad, but true...
"Where else would I be" Oh, Brian, that's not enough. Justin can't read minds and how should he understand or believe after everything that happened. "Im keeping the monsters away" - Beautiful!

Date: Jun 10, 2018 12:11 am Title: Chapter 24
So many feels, the end of this chapter just gave me such warm fuzzies. Brian is so patient with him and I love that he is willing to do anything to prove to Justin just how much he's changed and what he'd do to get him to see that they're friends.
I loved that Jennifer came in and saw how well Brian was taking care of Justin, but also how well he was responding to him. She needed to see that herself I think, to know that Brian may have been a complete dick at one time, his heart and brain are now in the right place.
Author's Response:
They are in the right place, hon. But does Justin know that?
Date: Apr 19, 2018 12:42 am Title: Chapter 24
Holy shit....Justin is back! Thank God! They were sooooo adorable together and really communicating. That scene when Justin was finally looking at Brian for real....magic!
I'm still pissed at Jennifer! Of course Justin doesn't trust her. I wonder how long it'll take for mother & son to be good again.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.

Date: Apr 18, 2018 7:54 pm Title: Chapter 24
You chose a story that breaks my heart and pisses me off cause it is about lies and unearned forgiveness.
Brian and Justin's story is about facing truth and earning forgiveness, not to absolve oneself of wrong doings but to bridge a path towards a new way of love and friendship.
Jennifer sees how her actions keep forcing Justin to keep her at a distance, she expects Justin to excuse her behavior because she loved him, but since she didn't fight for him Justin can't trust her.
Deb always believed that if Michael had a father he would have been better, Justin had a father in name only and still he got hurt repeatedly, and yet Justins still believed that Love Is Stronger Than Disdained and Hate.
Now Justin has to relearn to embrace what love means and it is also a lesson Brian has to learn too.
Justin came out of the darkness he talked, cried, allowed Brian to hold him, kiss him briefly it is one of their best beginnings.
A new day begins and perhaps a new start to Justin and Brian writing a new chapter in their lives.
Why do you enjoy making me cry? ;)
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.
Date: Apr 18, 2018 4:55 pm Title: Chapter 24
Wow, another powerful chapter. The way the Brian takes care of Justin shows that action more than words shows just how much love a person has for another. And, Brian does love Justin. A million "I love yous" don't show as much. Words are cheap, actions priceless. Great writing.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.
Date: Apr 18, 2018 3:03 pm Title: Chapter 24
Amazing chapter, once more.
Your view on Craig's behaviour could explain so much why words matter to Justin. I hope they will raise a restraining order against Craig and sue him for abandonment as well.
Brian is now on the "accepted" side while Jennifer is not. That's a huge step; one more.
Jennifer's testimony and the "cleaning" scene were very moving. Brian is so not used to act this way, except with Gus maybe, while Gus certainly is responsive.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.

Date: Apr 18, 2018 1:12 pm Title: Chapter 24
Brian could tell Justin the truth, but would Justin believe him? That is the question. Love how you wrote this chapter, actually I love every chapter.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.