Date: Jan 25, 2022 10:34 am Title: Chapter 23
Thanks for another little break, some light-hearted stuff. I'm happy for Tommy and I'm glad that it was the second thought I had about Roman ("of course it would be great if there was just someone normal who just had feelings for Tommy..."). Ah, so cute, those messages between Roman and Lucas. Reading this, comparing it to his Highschool time I feel so sorry for Justin. I mean, of course, I will always want Brian and Justin being together, but... I feel sad for him that he didn't experienced something like a Highschool crush...
Date: Jun 28, 2019 11:34 pm Title: Chapter 23
so glad for Tommy and Roman

Date: Jun 09, 2018 11:50 pm Title: Chapter 23
I know I am in love with a story when I can read an entire chapter where Brian or Justin isn't in it... or where it's about two completely original characters. I honestly usually don't like to invest too much of my time into reading about OC, which makes me sound bad, but I find I never warm up to them that much... but these boys, It's like I needed to know what happened and whether or not that guy was winding Tommy up etc <3
Author's Response:
Lol, I'm glad you like my o/c's. They are important, as you now know, to the fic as a whole. ;)
Date: Apr 13, 2018 10:58 am Title: Chapter 23
Holy shit....I'm still so pissed at Jennifer! She caused Justin to withdraw, she should be banned until Justin can decide for himself whether he wants her there or not. Love how he responded to Tommy's touch.
Roman & Tommy were completely hot & I enjoyed them but I wanted more Brian & Justin....
Author's Response:

Date: Apr 12, 2018 6:11 pm Title: Chapter 23
Whew!!! So Happy Tommy's encounter with a jock turned out much better than Justin's.
Tommy is a sweet guy who deserves a Hot, Sweet Guy Out Guy in return :)
They were very hot together on and off the dance floor so I hope it works out for both of them.
Lucas is a good friend too.
Justin is still locked inside himself and even though he responds he still isn't talking.
Justin needs to confront Jennifer and Craig but until he is ready to com out they will have to wait.
Just so mad and sad that every time Justin starts to make progress, someone stupid comes along to cause roadblocks and hampers his progression.
Brian can't confront Jennifer or Craig it has to be Justin or he won't feel like he has taken another part of his life back.
Thanks for the Update :)
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.
Date: Apr 12, 2018 5:47 pm Title: Chapter 23
For a moment I thought it was a kind of "Chris Hobbs" episode, but it seems Roman is sincere. Some light in the dark period.
Justin is responsive to Tommy's touch in a good way; let's hope it will happen more often.
Emmett is great when he is in protective mode.
Author's Response:
I adore Emmett; he was always one of my favorite people on the show.

Date: Apr 12, 2018 11:46 am Title: Chapter 23
Poor Justin is still out there and Tommy has had the scare of his life. But it looks like it just might work out.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. x