Date: Apr 12, 2018 5:10 pm Title: Chapter 33: Monday, December 4th
What a chapter!!! Great job!
Poor Brian: you are so mean with him, mocking him with his inability to use his coffee maker and his brand new microwave, making him fall and have a near-miss in front of the bank, making him witness Justin kissing another guy, having a bad hair due to a solo session, having another person stealing his parking karma... Apart his new acquisition, he doesn't have lots to be grateful for and he is still waiting for Justin to come back and "release" him.
Justin one the other hand is doing well and is getting closer to Carl who id getting really close to Debbie. The scene at Debbie's was delightful. Carl is fitting well in this family. I hope Wen will like Justin's drawings.
I have one request: could it be possible to have more frequent updates, but smaller?
Author's Response:
Thanks so much for being such a faithful reader, Claire. :) We appeciate your comments.
You caught us. We love to torture Brian. :P Brian still has rather a steep learning curve ahead of him if he wants Sunshine back in the loft. Btw, incidents like the one with the microwave have happened to people in real life, even to one of the authors. :D
Geesh, we wish would could promise more frequent updates and shorter chapters, but... Back at the beginning of Tricky Business, we did break a couple of days down into two chapters each. We really prefer to post a full day (= one chapter) at a time; there's just so darned much happening that it leads to lengthy installments. With a little luck, the next chapter will be shorter. Anything under 20,000 words is good by our current standards. :P
Now that real life is cooperating (somewhat), we're working on the next chapter. :) Check out the teaser - it's a real 'tease' - in the FanDoc.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Apr 12, 2018 9:05 am Title: Chapter 33: Monday, December 4th
Hi girls; I am so freaking tired - I've already done 40 hours this week, and am only four days in. But I wanted to let you know that I read it, and I loved it. I'm just too tired at this point to leave a huge review. But I will reread on the weekend, and give you the review you both deserve. xx
Author's Response:
At least you got it together to write a comment, Kerri. Karynn's, what, 7-8 chapters behind with The Butterfly Effect? Shame on her! :D
We're chuffed that you enjoyed the last chapter. Have you checked out the teaser, emphasis on 'tease' for the next one? :P
~ KaBrynn

Date: Apr 11, 2018 9:28 am Title: Chapter 33: Monday, December 4th
I will keep this short...this chapter was *fabulous* like always ..i *loved* it...( wide smile on my face)..hope to see Brian in better mood soon matter how funny Brian's condition is right now ...😠and no matter how happy justin is without brian in the picture.... we STILL want them together...STOP TORTURING US(Screaming loudly) ...gosh...sorry about that...ok..yah ..soooo thats it..Good work ladies...hope u both have a great day..mine u just made great...bye(waving frantically )...👋👋👋
Author's Response:
Soz, nope, can't stop. We love torturing our favourite readers. :D Brian too, of course. :P
You've already discovered the teasing teaser - cue the authors cackling evilly - so you'll just have to wait patiently (yeah, right, sure) for us to finish the next chapter.
Thanks so much for your amazing support of our story, Navneet. :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Apr 11, 2018 9:27 am Title: Chapter 33: Monday, December 4th
Brian has a crappy day, he misses his Sunshine so much. Except at the bank. It was funny! I loved Justin's day especially with Carl the librarian and surely Debbie and Vic, they are a great family!
Thanks for the update Ladies!
Author's Response:
Poor Brian! It's amazing that he can even walk with those balls so blue. :P
Justin has an amazing circle of supporters. :) We're made up that you're enjoying our take on him.
Thanks so much for commenting, Marie-france, and our apologies for the belated reply. Go check out the teaser for the next chapter, empasis on 'tease'. :D
~ KaBrynn

Date: Apr 11, 2018 3:07 am Title: Chapter 33: Monday, December 4th
Love reading the Justin parts. His conversations with the librarian and Carl are great. Poor Brian, his dreams of Sunshine didn't help the start of his day and catching Justin with Eric didn't help. Why do I think that Eric's sister is named Syd?
Author's Response:
Thanks so much for your support of our story, Phyllis. :) Our apologies for the belated response.
That's an interesting connection you've made between Syd and Eric. TBH, we didn't have that in mind when we wrote the convo in the diner between Deb, Justin, and Eric, but who knows what might happen now? :P
Since real life has finally decided to cooperate, we're making good progress on the next chapter and a teaser has been posted in the Fandoc. Beware, 'tease,' the word within a word, truly applies. :D
~ KaBrynn