Reviews For The Start of Something New
Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed 

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Date: Mar 27, 2020 5:26 pm Title: Chapter 7: We Meet Again and For the First Time

Date: Mar 27, 2020 5:26 pm Title: Chapter 7: We Meet Again and For the First Time
Whoa I Am So Hooks On This!
So Many People Are About To Have Their Lives Permanently Destroyed As They Tried To Destroy Brian and Justin.
Deb, Michael, Lindsay, Craig, Jack, Joan and Claire are about to get the full meaning of Payback Is A Bitch!!!
Deb should be arrested for hitting Matthew.
What A support system Brian and Justin are acquiring right now and they will need it for what lies ahead.
Thanks For the Update 😃
Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed
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Date: Apr 06, 2018 8:20 pm Title: Chapter 7: We Meet Again and For the First Time
Author's Response:

Date: Apr 06, 2018 8:20 pm Title: Chapter 7: We Meet Again and For the First Time
Love that Justin has a cat. Not so sure that Brian does. Looks like the Kinney's are going to get what they have coming to them. Goody!
Author's Response:
Not Justin's cat. In the show, Glee Hunter has a cat named Mr. Puss. It's his cat