Date: Jan 25, 2022 10:24 am Title: Chapter 22
OMG, one step forward, two backwards. But I really didn't expect that. I was really hoping that things would slowly, slowly go uphill. Jeez! Jennifer. How could she? She should have spoken to Alex first. He would have known if Justin was ready to hear this or how to proceed. How stupid!
Ethan really is such a great friend! After talking to Brian, he knows that he really loves Justin and hopes that Brian can help Justin.
"you can't fix him. Justin has to be the one who fixes himself" - totally agree. I don't have a lot of experience with depression, but it's not so unsimilar to addictions. You can't help a person addicted to alcohol, they have to take the step on their own and live with the disease for life.
"you showed me..." ahhh, my heart breaks... Justin also showed Brian so much more...
Date: Jun 28, 2019 11:18 pm Title: Chapter 22
Jennifer was always stupid like that. Toomy is so pretty

Date: Jun 09, 2018 11:40 pm Title: Chapter 22
That picture was so worth it. now I know who I am picturing in my mind, and what is scary is, I was pretty damn close to how I saw them.
I knew the moment Jennifer mentioned Craig that something like this would happen. Justin isn't ready to even think about his father. Ethan was right in getting Alex to call Brian. He knows how to look after his boy, it may have taken him long enough, but he knows what Justin needs now.
It's great that because of all of this, Brian has found a friend in Emmett and Ted. That he's changed too. He had to.
Author's Response:
Change is good and in this case, good. And I'm glad you like the pictures. ;)

Date: May 11, 2018 7:31 pm Title: Chapter 22
I CAN'T WAIT TO READ THIS TONIGHT. I am so behind eeeep <3
Author's Response:
lol, I look forward to your thoughts on it. xx
Date: Apr 05, 2018 8:13 am Title: Chapter 22
Brian (sorta) to the rescue? TAG
Author's Response:
Sorta... kinda?...not really. ;)
Date: Apr 05, 2018 12:26 am Title: Chapter 22
Holy shit....I am SO PISSED at Jennifer right now! What the fuck was she thinking mentioning shit for brains Craig?! Everyone knows what a trigger Craig is for Justin. Seriously ,why doesn't she clear things with Alex first? Christ I'm so pissed! So sad that Justin's trio of buddies no longer trusts Alex....Oh Teddy....you're such a good man & friend. So glad Brian came 'to the rescue', as it were and instinctively knew how to help Justin & just what to do. I think Alex is learning a lot about our boys connection.
Author's Response:
Alex is learning, but then, so is Brian. ;)

Date: Apr 04, 2018 6:02 pm Title: Chapter 22
I so want to kick Jennifer's Ass!!!
And Beat Craig Until He Can't Think Straight!!!
She is still playing the weak willed little wife who let's Craig use her to keep the kids in line.
Did she really think telling Justin that Craig wants to see him after two years of ignorance was a Brilliant Idea??!!
Craig treated Justin like Crap, because he wouldn't conform, gave him an Ultimatum, didn't even show at the hospital to see Justin and dropped him from the insurance as soon as he turned eighteen and has made NO EFFORT TO REPAIR THE RELATIONSHIP with Justin.
But he does feel the need to send Jennifer in as the messenger to destroy what little equilibrium Justin has regained.
If Jennifer really loved Justin she would have told Craig to Go To Hell and spent her sessions trying to repair her relationship with Justin.
Ethan was right to suggest Brian coming in to see Justin, Daphne needs to be a friend not his warden right now.
Ted's session with Justin was good Emmett still has some work to do, Sam and Ethan are just the friends Justin needs and Daphne needs to learn to forgive.
I got all teary-eyed when Brian fed Justin and talked to him about Gus.
If anyone needs help it is Brian and Justin.
Jennifer and Craig might need new A-Holes after Brian finishes with them.
Wonderful Update :)
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon. xx
Date: Apr 04, 2018 3:10 pm Title: Chapter 22
Whoa! Another punch in the guts!
Wonderful chapter, very difficult to read without tears in the eyes.
If I had Jennifer in front of me, I would slap her hard: how could she tell this crap to Justin while he is still in therapy? Does she have no respect for his feelings? She knows what he went through with his sperm donor and how Craig feels about Justin. If she ever let him go near Justin it will be the end: total shutdown.
The end is heartbreaking, but Justin allows Brian to help him and that's huge.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.
Date: Apr 04, 2018 2:43 pm Title: Chapter 22
Wow, another powerful chapter. You amaze me with your writing. Definitely another tissue chapter. Can't wait to see where you go with this incredible story.
Author's Response:
cheers, hon.

Date: Apr 04, 2018 12:51 pm Title: Chapter 22
This has not been a good week for Justin or was it just a day? I love that Ted said and did all the right things. Emmett still has a ways to go. But then Jennifer comes in and ruins it all. I think she should have talked to Alex before she told Justin what she did. As much as Brian wants to fix Justin, Alex is right. He's got to fix himself first.
Author's Response:
As much as Brian wants to fix Justin, Alex is right. He's got to fix himself first.
^^^ This.
And yes, it was over a week.